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What would be really hilarious is, I think that would allow her to serve two more 4 year terms after her 2025-2029 term ends because she would not have run as President the first time.

That's incorrect. The 22nd amendment states: "no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once". So unless Biden would wait for at least two years before stepping down, Harris could only be elected for one more term.

Don't forget first party Linux support and Proton to add Linux/Mac support to many windows exclusive games.

The difference is, that you could just continue using XP until Win7 was released or continue using Win7 until Win10 was released. Win10 will reach end of life next year and then the only supported Windows will be Windows 11. Vista or Win8 were never as forced as Win11 is now.

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Good old Bobby Tables


If it was staged, the only feasible way would be that he wasn't shot at all and all we saw was fake blood. Regardless, I don't think it was actually staged

The Factorio Devs made this Blogpost some time ago about how to go forward with development. It basically boiled down to developing a big (paid) expansion pack. I would be totally fine with Stardew Valley doing the same. However, going for free updates was discarded for Factorio because they have a "smaller but more dedicated audience [compared to Terraria and Minecraft]". I don't think that applies to Stardew Valley so free updates might be the way to go.

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That's just factually incorrect. Laurel Hubbard qualified for and competed at the Tokyo Olympics.

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The last times May 4 was on a Thursday were 2006, 2017 and 2023. The Core 2 wasn't released until July of 2006 so I'd guess the correct year is 2017, but even then the hardware was already pretty dated. For reference, in 2017 the first generation Ryzen prozessors and Intel Kaby Lake (7th generation Core i) were around.

Plot twist: the products were placed by competing brands because they knew the product placement would backfire

No, not at all. There was also Quinn who won a Gold medal at the same Olympics. And Laurel Hubbard won silver at the World Championships and gold twice at the Commonwealth Games but was 43 years old by the time of the Tokyo Olympics.

Additionally, you have to consider that the current rules regarding trans athletes are only in place since 2015. Before it was required to undergo sexual reassignment surgery and have your gender legally changed. And even after the changes, many trans athletes couldn't compete at the Olympics because the governing bodies of their sport are more restrictive. So even if trans athletes have a "big advantage", there are plenty ways to explain their lack of presence at the Olympics.

To be fair that's mostly a case of "even a broken clock is right twice a day". Psychology was still in its infancy back then and they had so few ideas how to actually help people that insulin shock therapy and lobotomy seemed like good ideas. When looking at it with modern knowledge it's easy to say they already knew when pointing at the bits of decent ideas back then. In reality that's cherry picking between the heaps of wrong and outright dangerous ideas prevalent at the time.

Minecraft was just the example they used in the post but I agree. Minecraft is no indie game studio anymore atleast since Microsoft took over. But at least the free update policy hasn't changed since the takeover