
2 Post – 55 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Maybe it is time that we start to write our favourite youtubers to start developing alternative means of distributing their videos. Patreon and so on.

I feel there will be a lot less people watching YouTube in the future and as a whole many youtubers will see their revenue drop significantly. Watching YouTube as a whole will become less and less bearable. I watch videos without ads on my pc, but on mobile i use the app and endure the videos (for now) as the app is just nicer to use compared to the browser.

But if I have to see ads all the time (also these unskippable 20s ads) I think I'll simply stop using YouTube all together. about 90% ofy YouTube use isn't neccessary at all. I'll just watch it, because I'm too lazy to do anything else.

I could be should read a book instead. Maybe others will do that too in the future?

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it is possible now to copy your data to another account on another instance.

in the future lemmy might even support something like having your account automatically backed up to another instance. Similar to a backup email address at your main email address.

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Today people who self-identify as conservative are basically all assholes with a deep hatret towards dignity, humanity, society and nature. They're proud to be assholes, they're vice-signalling.

But the actual word - "conservative" - it has lost all meaning. What are they "conserving"? They're against environmentalism. I'd like to "conserve" nature so that future generations may still live on it. Am I now conservative? They want to burn everything down even the things they claim to uphold. They yell about freedom of speech and ban books at the same time. They shit on rules and all long-standing conventions, norms and just basic human tactfulness. What things are they "conserving"? The word has lost all meaning and means just bigoted loud asshole today.

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Well actually "Knete" is even more specificly the kind of clay that aardman uses instead of a general term describing "clay" - it is typically this colorful material that children are given. The term comes from the verb "kneten" which means pushing and forming something - like dough (kneading - very similar word). One makes a dough by kneten-ing it. So the verb is used in many situations where something is forcefully manipulated like that, but the thing is almost only the children's toy, less frequently the professionally used material for animation films - PLUS "money". Colloquially having had a massage we sometimes say "ich bin richtig durchgeknetet worden" - I was being kneaded through and through". "Clay" in German would be more accurately described by "Ton". So the headline is even better than you described. ( But "Ton" means a bunch of completely different things) Sorry for being nit-picky.

now you can run a 4000x6000 screen on your 1200x1600 monitor 😉

but seriously thank you. if that existed this might still exist in wayland...

How does that work? Is threads using a protocol compatible to lemmy? (And I fully agree with the preemptive blocking of any facebook stuff).

Edit: thanks for all the detailled answers.

So Facebook tries the old EEE - Embrace Extend Extinguish. 1.A big company is Embracing an open source standard ("we're friendly, see?) They get a lot of users that way - even the open source savvy types. 2.they start Extending that standard "to make it even better" - but not talking about these changes with the rest of the community first. They cannot react quickly enough and become incompatible with the new version of this standard. 3.Extinguish. When all the users are effectively using the big companies platform with something that isn't the original standard anymore they change it so much that it isn't compatible at all anymore or replace it completely.

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what does "rootfull" mean?

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wat? you cannot buy the phone and then choose the provider yourself?

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It's been a while since i used fedora but last i remember dnf was awe fully slow compared to pacman. In fact so slow that i was wondering if there was some kind of bug somewhere. Glad this is being addressed. Fedora is imho the best distribution to get someone to use Linux for the first time. It works so well.

i've seen "💩" a while ago. That was pretty funny - just a little inconvenient at times I guess.

If you want to have some fun again, maybe program a little with artsy-fartsy shaders.

Make a little blog that showcases them and write a little animation everyday - or twice a week.

I've seen also "shadplay" which lets you easily write and run shaders using rust. There was also this other tool where people could live-code shaders, but I forgot the name

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I'd like to add that Paris is one of the tightest cities there is in Europe. there's just so little space already. with thousands of badly parked scooters cluttering up sidewalks people got fed up very quickly. the vote was pretty one sided IIRC.

I think Loki was nice. Au least it was nice to look at. For Star Wars I recommend "Andor" which is maybe the best Star Wars ever made (of one removes the nostalgia-factor from the original trilogy). But seeing the rest on Disney+ Andor seems like an incredibly unlikely fluke. The one thing that luckily sneaked by the Disney content police. The one thing that wasn't dumbed down by endless focus-grouping and insertions of memberberry-characters and -items.

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In this case it's a giant housing shortage though. The city (and large surrounding area) is Freiburg in the south. Rents are so expensive and available flats are so rare that companies don't find workers who could actually live there. Also: the comparably good loans don't mean much when it's only channeled into a greedy landlord's pockets.

Edit: oh no i was wrong it's Nuremberg - their public transport organization is also "VAG". But Freiburg has a huge labor shortage due to unaffordable housing and housing shortage.

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on the contrary! it's a very old buzzword!

AI should be called machine learning. much better. If i had my way it would be called "fancy curve fitting" henceforth.

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Oh, i have a brilliant one:

A few years ago i spent a lot of time converting .flac-files into .ogg-files in order to put on my oldschool iPod. As I did a lot of repetitive typing - entering $dir / for file in flac ; do convert etc / mkdir -p $somewhere/$artist/$album / mv $somewhere/.ogg->$new_dir/ and so on - I thought: "hm lets just write a loop over loops for all the artists here and then all the albums and at the same time create the nested directories somewhere else... hm actually in the home directory.... and later love everything on the iPod at once."

so i was in my music folder with the artists-folders i wanted to convert. i did something wrong

So i did my complicated script directly in the shell. I made something wrong and instead of creating a folder "~/artist/album" I created 3 folders in my current working directory: "~", "artist" and "album". hmph dammit gotta try again... but first : i have to clean up these useless folders in the current dir. so i type of course this: "$ rm -r ~ artist album " after about 5 seconds of wondering why it took so long i realized my error. o_O I stopped the running command, but it was (of course) too late and i bricked my current installation. All the half-deleted config files made or impossible to start normally and extremely tedious to repair it by hand, so i reinstalled.

What is "dynamic caching"? The article mentions that iris new, but nothing more.

kinda. but compared to e. g. Twitter its much more splinteted. Twitter is more like one giant city. also your seeing mostly what Twitter decides. mastodon shows you what you subscribed to. things are less viral.

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It has less to to with people having MBAs and much more to do with companies having shareholders. Once you're a publicly traded company there are overwhelmingly strong external forces that compell companies to increase revenue. Even if the business model is perfectly solid and it doesn't make sense to expect rising profits the shareholders only care about growth rates. On the stock market a companies value is only dependent on its growth.

Take Netflix for example. They've had so many users some years ago when they were basically the only streaming service that one might have said they reached market saturation. That would've been a money making machine that people could be content with. But since the market always needs growth it isn't enough and netflix is always trying to "innovate" or squeezie more monthly payments from the existing customer base.

cory doctorow has coined the great word "enshittification" to describe this process. And its driven by the need to grow further even though its to the detriment of the service or the customers. In the end it's the people with the MBAs doing it. But if they're not doing it the shareholders replace them with those that do.

Try out sync. The filters you can customize are amazing.

if you have a wheelchair you get dedicated parking spaces anyway. what's your problem? what are you talking about?

I've read a comparison of several newer file formats (avif, heic, webp) with jpeg-xl. The conclusion was that jpeg-xl was on par in terms of compression, sometimes better and very fast. also it can re-compress jpgs directly.

here's an article describing it https://cloudinary.com/blog/the-case-for-jpeg-xl

The Federation would provide a great tool of figuring out the best way to build trust. A reputable server will only let people join if they are in some way reputable. Servers that let scammers flourish will become defederated. If course servers have to be comparable in size. If there's one server with 90% of users it doesn't work that well.

That would be possible of course, and I like it. But in my mind this would be reserved for special functions only as it can quickly become gimmicky. (Think these early 2000s rotating cube-workspaces and so on :-) )

A usecase could be that a lock-screen would be further away and locking out would move towards it. Or even turning the view in a different direction?

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Why don't we buy it?

Could this be a kickstarter?


—> JFK

a Chromecast is one of those inputs. And it has been a nice product. The reason people are mad is that they Google changed the product after they bought it significantly.

and yes. Today the only reasonable good TV is a computer monitor connected to a device I have control over.

Could be. But I would want to have the option. As a middle-ground the second axis (e.g. up/down) could be reserved to special functions only.

  • I could imagine the typical search-field that pops up to quickly search for an application could instead be further up and activating it would simply move the screen up and focus the search field at once.
  • a status-bar that only appears when needed could just exist slightly over the current screen (it would move sideways with the screen) and viewing it would move the screen slightly up.

i guess they report outside of twitter that there is no "report" function on Twitter itself.

"machines mimicking living things" does not mean exclusively AI. Many scientific fields are trying to mimic living things.

AI is a very hazy concept imho as it's difficult to even define when a system is intelligent - or when a human is.

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I'm all for it, but with plants of this size - or rather such an mount of relatively dense photovoltaic surfaces - i am thinking about the heat that these panels are generating. i am guessing it would be similar to such an area out of asphalt. if these panels were cooled the heat could also be used to warm massive heat storage tanks.

Also "Yeah what are people's minds really?". The fact that we cannot really categorize our own minds doesn't really mean that we're forever superior to any categorized AI model. The mere fact that right now that bleeding edge is called an LLM doesn't mean that it cannot fuck with us - especially if it is an even more powerful one in the future.

"Wir wollen keine Parallelgesellschaft"

IIRC most successful VCs invest very early and get out often early-ish too. The real enshittification that dangers the actual position of the company often happen much later. At that point the company is traded publicly and there's a large anonymous body of shareholders - they only care about profits. VCs are actually a little smarter and care about longer time frames as in that early stage often much larger (relative) growth rates are possible.

At a late stage (think Google, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit etc today) growth is much more difficult. How could Google grow today? They've saturated the search market years ago. So the only way of making more money is by sucking more money out of their existing user base. And they absolutely need to do it, as there's huge pressure on the managerial class to do it, because the shareholders demand it. If the managerial class doesn't do this (because often some older idealistic people know it would compromise the quality of the product), or they aren't capable of doing it - they will get replaced by people who are more willing or capable - even if it's detrimental for the company when viewed longer-term. VCs i would argue care all about profits, "but". (they are smart enough to see the big picture. They are also small enough or "few enough" that they can communicate among themselves in order to agree on a more wise plan. That's why they often get out once most of the possible (easy) growth has been achieved. They either know that now growth is much more difficult, or that the company's value is much more stagnant - ow might decrease even. They can get out and invest their money in other more promising endeavours.

The shareholders of large publicly traded companies are not that coordinated as they cannot really agree on anything other than just "growth". More sophisticated strategies would have to be negotiated (and communicated) among thousands. The only unifying bond among shareholders is that they want profits. Think about it: many shareholders often don't even know what companies they own as they are often part of other investment packages. Maybe you're retirement plan has invested in stocks of 50 different companies, or 10 different fonds that have invested in others still. That is a form of dilution (?). It's very difficult to communicate any strategy more sophisticated than "profits". (a side effect is also that many people have invested indirectly or wothout knowing in endeavours that make their life more shitty/expensive when they retire - without knowing it.) There isn't enough nuance in the wants of the masses as to want any more sophisticated strategy than simply "growth". That's why only short term growth can be thought.

Of course sometimes also large companies can grow 2.5x or something like that. But it's rare and takes more time. The exception makes the rule here. Early stage growth that VCs bank on is much more explosive i think. More like 10x or 100x.

EDIT: sorry i typed this on mobile and it shows.

I worked as a projectionist in 2009 when the cinema got its first digital projector in order to be able to show Avatar in 3D. At the start of the movie no one actually knew if it would work. Due to the movie being encrypted - with every cinema in Germany waiting eagerly for the password - No cinema was able to play the movie. But everywhere cinemas were packed with people. Because of fuckups somewhere in this incredibly stupid system the movie was delayed about half an hour (IIRC) nationwide. With no-one knowing if it would eventually work - especially nice for the people working at the cinema having to deal with angry audience members.

At the same time the 2D 35mm film-version we also had started without any problems (it was massive and pretty dicey to carry it around).

yeah very nice. I imagine it a little like that only more "cluttered" :-) I like it a little more chaotic with more variety of screen sizes and rations. Thanks!

It's amazing! It's funny, has a great cast, is visually stunning AND unique. it's just that some people think movies have to be only about plot.

I happen to own an orange telephone like the one in the movie, an old "Telefon der deutschen Post".

SUVs are not super rare in the EU (unfortunately). They are pretty common in cities and cause a lot of accidents.

One could ask in return "why do you use a mouse". The answer is probably "I've always done it this way" and not "after trying out different methods it's the one that i prefer".