
6 Post – 183 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Mean leftist who believes in magic genders

Bike lanes are car infrastructure. We cyclists are perfectly within our rights to cycle in the middle of the lane at a speed comfortable for us. And it's safer for us to do that than hug the shoulder and risk getting clipped by an impatient driver. A bike lane gets us out of your way so you can drive the speed limit. It's for your benefit.

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A risk averse culture would take the climate crisis seriously. We live in a YOLO culture.


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If we didn't need a brown stripe to represent people of colour, then there wouldn't be any racism in the queer community. The fact that some queer people are racist is why the rest of us decided to fly a flag with a more explicit message.

Also the black stripe is for victims of the AIDS crisis

I've seen that story before, and it doesn't answer my question. I don't think this is an issue teachers can solve by malicious compliance doing the right thing. This is an issue that parents need to solve. Because the bill allows parents to sue (and therefore establish legal precedent), not teachers. If a teacher uses genderless language, as you say, they'll get fired. But if a parent sues a school for having the words he and she, and wins, it is now an incontrovertible part of the law that he and she are forbidden in Florida schools. This means teachers can no longer be punished for following the law, it means they have to follow the law, and this will have a much bigger impact on headlines due to its wider and firmer scope.

Why hasn't a parent done this?

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There are enough dogs in the world. Adopt.

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Been doing some googling. Most stars are dwarf stars, and the habitable band of a red dwarf is so close the tidal forces are way stronger. It might turn out that most habitable planets are tidally locked.

There's a book called The City In The Middle Of The Night that takes place on a tidally locked planet. It has politics, science fiction, and lesbians.

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Side note:

If marriage is between a man and a woman as Republicans claim, then Mrs is not only a gender identity but also a sexual identity, and is doubly prohibited.

(Arguments that Mrs entails allosexual identity are equally predicated on Republican misconception, in this case lack of understanding of the sex/romance distinction)

Time to sue libraries for stocking Bibles

I don't think it would be evil to ban gendered pronouns in Florida schools. I think it would provoke a great deal of careful thought in these schools and broaden students' horizons. And I also think the Republicans would immediately undo it to "save the kids" by repealing the Don't Say Gay bill inside of a month. So ultimately no harm done, and quite likely some good for the students. But on a broader level, it would do a lot of good by repealing the bill and making Republican policies look hostile to Republican voter interests, delegitimising the party's image in Florida and swinging the state left.

There's absolutely no reason to hate on a cyclist when you wouldn't hate on a car polluter, because unlike car polluters, we aren't murderers.

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Introducing yourself as a Mr means informing students you identify as a man.

Also the words man and woman are banned according to law.

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"Unga bunga me invent new process for food. It called cooking. Make less parasites in meat. Very good."

"Cooking bad, garg. We no want processed food."

The gay spock problem is when you have two characters interacting who have the same pronouns, and it gets confusing. For example,

He brushed his hair aside and spoke gently into his ear, "you are my one true love, my light and laughter, my reason to live."

Who's the one speaking? Kirk or Spock?

Likewise, if Alice and Barbara or Adam and Bob are your two example people, you'll run into the gay spock problem.

Israel means to assert that to be Jewish is to be genocidal.

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White people don't need to be represented in a flag, because white people are already represented everywhere.

FFS this is some all lives matter bullshit.

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🅱️inance 🫰🤌👌

Those don't look as weird because they're connected. They look like a single building, which is okay to have a consistent style

I keep saying we gotta fight these laws through the power of malicious compliance.

Get a job as a clerk with the department of marriages. Say "I'm an atheist, and I don't believe in marriage as in my mind it has a religious character." Sue the state for 10 years salary for firing you.

It's the same as those Florida laws. Sue your kids' school for referring to your child with a gendered pronoun. Sue the library for stocking the Bible. Establish precedent that these laws go both ways. It's the same stuff the Satanic Temple has been doing for years.

Look, the crystal maze is absolutely essential to run Woodchips without a waterslide. You can complain all you want, but unless you want to run back to Microsoft for your woodchips deployment, this is the way. I'm not saying Gumbies is perfect, here, just that it's the only viable unix implementation. If you want come up with your own sandcubing solution for Flurble, be my guest.

That's because capitalism is an extreme right wing idea

It also kinda makes you feel like shit, but in a really good way.

Jameson is lawful neutral

In all seriousness the reason Warframe moved to the Fediverse is that it's a leftist game. The core gameplay loop is slaughtering capitalists, monarchists, and imperialists using an array of sci-fi and ninja weapons. The player character in Warframe is someone who's been burned by the control of an empire, and now manages their own tech. It's the same situation as with the Star Trek community moving here because Star Trek is woke. /pos

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An expert system can't learn or increase the complexity of its decision making in real time. A human can. The fact that healthcare is a science doesn't mean the science has already discovered every fact in existence. In fact, that's the opposite of what science means. Automated systems will always fail to account for nuance while they are driven by profit seeking and cost cutting.

For example, I'm nonbinary and intersex. Patient intake forms often ask if I'm male or female. I check neither box, as I'm neither. If I tell a human nurse or receptionist this, they'll usually understand. They might even draw in a third box.

An expert system screening for different types of cancer might only look for breast cancer if the patient is female, and only look for prostate cancer if the patient is male. But I have the possibility of developing either. A human doctor can understand this and adapt to the situation easily. But an expert system will only check both possibilities if its designers were intersex-accepting.


You shouldn't need to catch the train to get to the grocery store. There should be one walking distance from your house. American city planners don't allow grocery stores to be built in residential zones because they're bad at their jobs.

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So you're saying the genre of media created by Jewish people circa WWII, in which the paragons of virtue in each major property are an illegal immigrant, and a golem who punches Nazis, is reactionary?

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Fun fact: the problem this is a solution to is known as the gay spock problem

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Elden Ring isn't that popular. You should be looking at AAA mass market masterpieces like !warframe@dormi.zone

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AI. In the real world, AI is any computer process that can make decisions as if it were smart. Expert systems, genetic algorithms, hell even fuzzy logic. A smart lightbulb is artificially smart. Artificially intelligent.

In movies and bad tech blogs, AI means a sapient machine and that's why LLMs aren't actually AI.

Programmers aren't overpaid. Doctors are underpaid.

When you get to The New War you'll meet an awesome Grineer character who gives us a similar look into Grineer leftism

I'm glad the game about putting down a Jewish rebellion for equal rights was bad.

Why isn't this widely accepted as severe mental illness?! This is hoarding disorder.

Doctors don't diagnose people with "evil". That's what priests and philosophers are for. Doctors diagnose people with illnesses and injuries. Things that negatively impact the patient.

Before it was toxic positivity. The veneer has broken down now that people aren't trying their best to bring over reddit refugees, and the ugly underneath is visible.

Xbox OS is clearly winning with the 360

If you get banned from one instance with any level of drama, the admins will gossip about you to their friends who admin other instances. Then you're banned from two to three instances, and the next time you get into any kind of debate or disagreement, "ah, I see you were banned by three different instances, you must be a troublemaker." Before long the situation is, "I see that a dozen instances all completely independently decided to ban you. You must be a piece of shit." ONE person can get you kicked off most of the fediverse because of the level of trust and respect for authority there is here.

Anyway, ACAB.