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Can we define Musk as a traitor now? He is actively interfering in a conflict in an active combat zone the USA has already picked sides in and sided with the enemy.

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They view the players as nothing more than entertainment and don’t view them as human.

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Honestly, why allow them to mine on the grid at all until it is upgraded? It’s just a big wasteful use of energy that uses public resources but doesn’t benefit the public at all. It just prints money for the guys doing it.

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Wow, that site sounds like a straight up scam. I would watch my credit card for unauthorized transactions after that.

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So true. Over and over again in the article it says that people can’t afford children and universities. It keeps saying the cost of living is up and then says there is no single cause people won’t have children.

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That’s pathetic. The town elected him as mayor. Let him do his job!

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Also, $31 million could go towards better infrastructure that could allow this in the future.

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My local ISP lists one fee: the cost of service. I pay it. When I had Comcast at another residence I had all sorts of charges beyond the price of service. I don’t get why they can’t just be honest about the price to begin with.

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Never used the 720p plan because I have 4k TVs but I’m surprised at the number of people signing up for the ad supported plan. For me, the whole point of paying for streaming was so that I could support the film makers without dealing with ads.

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The problem is protests like these hurt working class families. Folks just trying to get by. In my area, you can’t exist without a car. If you want to protest do something that affects the decision makers. People like me have no power.

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Planned parenthood I understand due to how it is demonized, but how is a children’s hospital not a valid charity?

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Part of the reason we have issues with the police force and their policing is that they aren’t treated like professionals and held to professional standards. We need to pay them like the professionals too, even if that means we hire less.

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Think of how many crimes regular citizens have gone to prison for that were done due to “bad judgement”, but Trump is different somehow?

More hungry kids! I bet that will own the libs who dare to send money to help them!

Top surgery, while permanent happens in cis women too and can be changed using implants easily. Plenty of cis females have small breasts. MTF Bottom surgery is a hell of a lot more invasive and complex. It involves the removal of the testicles, the removal the penis, and new structures created using penile tissue and skin graphs. A person would need to be in bed for at least a week to 10 days, getting up only to use the bathroom. They will also need the privacy to dilate every day. Dilation involves inserting a medical dilator into the vagina to keep it from closing. The process can be painful and messy.

If for some reason they are misdiagnosed and want this reversed, undoing that is a complex, multistage procedure, with follow-up procedures.

With that said, 15 seems like it’s a bit young to expect responsible after surgery care. It’s a highly advanced procedure that is probably right to be set for 18.


Steaming is still more cost effective than cable. And most importantly, I don’t suffer through ads. I don’t pay equipment leases and fees. I watch everything on my own schedule. Cable cost me anywhere from $150 to $200 a month for my household for basic. With streaming I am paying about $45-55 a month. I only watch a limited amount of any TV anyway. I pay for YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, and 1 random. That’s it. Sometimes, that random is Peacock or Paramount or HBO Max, or Apple or whatever.

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I have played both. I prefer No Mans Sky. It’s just a better game by far.

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I think it’s important to point it out. The other rapist is exalted when he should be getting shut down too.

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The Quest 2 sells fine. The Quest Pro is for an audience that doesn’t exist at $1500. Also, Apple’s VR headset might as well not exist due to how expensive it is.

Washing your hands after handing raw shellfish Avoid contaminating cooked shellfish with raw shellfish and its juices Washing wounds and cuts thoroughly if they have been exposed to seawater, raw seafood or its juices

I think I am done with shellfish for a while. All of the water in the Florida region has been very warm this year so if that bacteria is in it…

Yes. I went to a Burger King and ordered a burger. I sat there waiting for 15 minutes while the tray sat on the counter with my receipt with order number, fries, a cup, but no burger. Finally, I asked the blonde lady taking orders where is the burger so I can go to my seat.

Her response: “you ate it.” I was confused. I told her no burger was filled for the order and the tray had been there the whole time.

“No, you ate it.” Now, I wasn’t fat or even chubby, so it wasn’t some kind of fat phobic thing. I am a different skin color than her, though. I was confused what her problem with me was, but she kept insisting I ate the burger and wanted a free one. I was dressed business casual, with a white shirt and dark pants, so I doubt it was my clothing that made her think I wanted free food. I even showed her some cash and told her that if I wanted another burger I can buy one.

I finally asked to speak to the manager. He listened to my complaint. Made me fresh food and told her to shut up and get out of the way, pointing to the door while she protested out loud the whole time, throwing a fit.

I seriously don’t know what was wrong with her or why she was so insistent that I wanted free food. It was weird.

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On my machine it doesn’t even take up the whole window. The left column is pushed out to the right, giving less space for actual content. Do they have UX engineers? This is very bad, especially when you can go to the old site and get a ton more info on one page instantly.

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So Taliban doesn’t like beautiful women? How is this Islamic?

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I knew about them, but I guess my skin color makes me sensitive to any news of the existence of groups like these.

They haven’t done a great job of marketing it. $100-120 a month isn’t bad and it beats the pants off of all the other satellite internet services.

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Honestly, most web articles are only worth reading in reader mode. It seems like that is the only setting that respects your phone’s brightness settings (dark or light) and font size.

Yeah. Here:


Of all those claims, these stuck out:

  • a 16 year old in 2006 when he was 30 and gave her instructions to hide from parents. Underage is rape.

  • In 2012 he is accused of raping a woman who was treated in a Rape Treatment Center afterwards.

  • In 2020, there was another 16 year old and evidently his manager believed him at first and then issued a statement saying he was misled and terminated business with him.

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Oh, slave owners got reparations though. Don’t forget that.

You look like a woman to me. I was a bit surprised at how hard you are on yourself. We only have so much control over how we look. I am a CIS male and I wish I looked different too. I think we should change what we can to make the best version of ourselves and then make peace with it.

it will not make changes that it characterises as “a serious and direct threat to data security and information privacy” for users around the globe

That’s the thing right there. If Apple makes a back door for the UK, they would have difficulties keeping only UK citizens affected. Communications are global. Even if they restricted the back door to conversations involving UK residents, every private group chat that resident user enters becomes snoopable just by that user being there and the history could be made available from before the user entered. It would be like a privacy virus with UK residents as the spreaders.

Thousands of people have been killed over the past three years in Ecuador as the country has transformed into a major drug trafficking hub and cartel-aided local gangs battle for control of the streets, prisons and drug routes. Crime and violence have dominated the discussions around Sunday’s election.

That is sad things have gotten that out of hand. I feel like we need a healthier South America. I wonder what could be done to fix this?

In an interview with The Associated Press, González said she revamped her security detail following Villavicencio’s killing but continued to refuse to wear a bulletproof vest, arguing that she is a Christian woman.

Even crusader knights wore armor. What a strange statement.

Trump lost in civil court for what the judge called rape, and still has a rabid fan base.

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We need to remove faith based organizations from as much of the public services as possible. As far as I am concerned, a faith based solution is the same as not having a solution at all of this is how they plan to run things.

You don’t believe in the death panels staffing FEMA camps thing… do you?

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I live in rural Michigan where we get several feet of snow each year. I drive a 10 year old used Jeep that was bought in cash with money we saved up so we could have a car that would handle the weather, our family, and the long distances we have to travel to work or shop.

Exactly, he can fantasize about whatever he wants. As for insecurity, bravery is feeling fear but acting despite it. Obama did that a hell of a lot better than Trump.

The article’s whole argument sounds like one of the weakest and most common corporate speak nonsense arguments that come up whenever there is a monopoly. It’s almost an admission of being a monopoly.

That said, the “browsers providing Google search by default money” is probably the economic reason why we still have a Firefox web browser (the only real, fully functioning alternative to the webkit/blink browsers like Chrome). For a long time, it was a significant source of their income.

Also, the alternatives to Google search need to step up their game. As a tech worker, Bing sucks for results. Yahoo does too since it gets results from Bing. DuckDuckGo isn’t bad. Anyone know better alternatives?

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The point is she would not have had this success as a black LGBTQ country artist in the last few decades. She found success in the past as a rock artist (who we all knew was folk) but notably not on the country charts:

Original Fast Car charts: US Billboard Hot 100 6 US Adult Contemporary (Billboard) 7 US Mainstream Rock (Billboard) 19 US Cash Box Top 100[29] 4