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Joined 1 years ago

here we go again

Weird, users can't access the site, so ad revenue goes down?? Nobody can blame Elon, that's literally impossible to predict. Maybe if he bans users from tweeting more than once a day it will get better?

This is great. This is how it always should have been.

Organization of any kind needs a Twitter page or subreddit? No, they need their own official, self-controlled Mastodon instance anyone can see and listen to and interact with, even without accounts on that specific instance. They need their own kbin or Lemmy instance to make and administer their community on and have control over, everyone can still participate even without signing up for accounts on that specific instance.

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everybody on Earth will know

hahaha holy shit, he believes. he really believes his own shit. he really views "X" as being of planetary importance. he's actually living in his daydream, where Mars (by his hand) and Earth are networked (by him) and his "X" has somehow supplanted the Internet and spans between planets. his principal operating perspective is a delusion. wow. like, all the time.

do I have a case against either my institution, the professor who threw it out or OpenAI?

This all seems like such recent technology, I can not imagine this question being very answerable except via the long way: a courtroom. I suspect it would take someone trying in order to set precedent.

Cops are well aware standing in front of a car gives them a free pass killing someone

This "technique" has been demonstrated enough that frankly, I think that any rational person would conclude that in any situation where a cop walks in front of your car, you're better off just gunning it before the cop has a chance to extrajudicially execute you first. If they walk in front of your car, it's clear they're just itching to murder you. The threat has been made, you should fear for your life. It's you or them.

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this is a wake-up call to this industry and any other industry enjoying a glut of "free" (as in beer) proprietary tools owned entirely by private (or worse: public!) organizations.

this will always be the result. every single time. if you think you and your industry are immune to getting bait & switched, you are very wrong.

chaining your livelihood to a for-profit organization is begging to eventually be extorted in this manner. greed is inevitable.

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If things cannot be done purely through touch / the mouse, it is too hard for most people.

100%. Even as a power-user (understatement) who overwhelmingly prefers keyboard input to control things when I'm "gettin' stuff done", I will sometimes miss the general consideration level of Windows' input handling when it comes to mouse and especially touch. Mouse is pretty damn good these days on Linux, but touch...

Touch is abysmal. A ton of modern laptops have touchscreens, or are actually 2-in-1s that fold into tablets, etc, and the support is just barely there, if at all. I'm not talking about driver support - this is often fairly acceptable. My laptop's touch and pen interface worked right out of the box... technically. But KDE Plasma 5 with Wayland- an allegedly very modern desktop stack- is not pleasant when I fold into tablet mode.

The sole (seriously, I've looked) Wayland on-screen-keyboard, Maliit, is just terrible. No settings of any kind (there is a settings button! it is not wired to anything, it does nothing), no language options, no layout options (the default layout is abysmal and lacks any 'functional' keys like arrows, pgup/dn, home/end, delete, F keys, tab, etc), and most egregiously, it resists being manually summoned which is terrible because it does not summon itself at appropriate times. Firefox is invisible to it. KRunner is invisible to it. The application search bar is invisible to it. It will happily pop up when I tap into Konsole, but it's totally useless as it is completely devoid of vital keys. Touch on Wayland is absolutely pointless.

Of course, there is a diverse ecosystem of virtual keyboards and such on Xorg! However, Xorg performance across all applications is typically abysmal (below 1FPS) if the screen is rotated at all. This is evidently a well known issue that I doubt will ever be fixed.

In the spirit of Open Source Software, and knowing that simply complaining loudly has little benefit for anyone, I have at several times channeled my frustration towards developing a reasonable Wayland virtual keyboard, but it's a daunting project fraught with serious problems and I have little free-time, so it's barely left its infancy in my dev folder, and in the meanwhile I reluctantly just flip my keyboard back around on the couch with a sigh, briefly envious of my friend's extremely-touch-capable Windows 2-in-1.

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Wow, I should think it should be some kind of regulatory concern that Reddit is artifically inflating traffic counts as they're approaching an IPO, no? For a company whose revenue comes from advertising and user impressions, lying about user traffic is lying about profitability.

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bless you Scotty Kilmer, the angry ranting boomer car dad we all need

the thumbnail edits of his videos out there are my favorite thing

All this talk of defederation and blocklists makes me generally uneasy. I understand how it's easy to fall into. Nobody wants political extremists and criminals and bad actors and stuff on their instance, so it makes sense you might want to ban trollfactory dot xyz, nazihq dot us, and/or uncompromisingmarxist dot boats, or whatever.

But I think the stupidest shit I saw on reddit were the subreddits that would ban you for even posting on an ideologically competing subreddit, with no consideration for the message you'd written. This is worse than that because it's the opposite, and includes even reading the content.

Imagine if when you went to post on /r/RestaurantOwners, and its AutoMod had the power to then immediately ban you from even looking at /r/antiwork and /r/WorkReform. Imagine posting to /r/conservative to correct someone's error only to get permanently banned from viewing any "leftist" subs ever again. This is the vibe I get from this and as much as I want to avoid creating nodules of extremism and hatred, I want less to have people grabbing my head, taping my mouth, and averting my eyes from things they don't like when they don't even know what my thinking is.

I feel like widespread trigger happy banlists are the death of small instances, too. Maybe one small instance doesn't catch some newly registered asshole for a day or two but it's too late. The 16-hour a day lifestyle moderator on a massive instance who has gangstalking delusions over nebulous "trolls" has already blacklisted all 150 of your users permanently and listed your domain for defederation as officially owned by the Nazi party in a massive register shared by the top 100 largest instances. The number of times I've heard this story with small Mastodon instances is more than I care for.

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i'm here with popcorn for the big subs that get their mod team stripped and new mods lazily installed by reddit that are absolute power tripping maniacs who chart the whole subreddit into an extremist political course. it's happened before with mod 'takeovers', it will happen again.

This better have clawback provisions in it or the broadband companies are just gonna pocket it and give everyone the middle finger.

again. they've already done this once. they're going to just take the money and raise their rates and do nothing. again.

Cool! Just to clarify, are you handing the kbin.social instance itself off to someone else, or only the server hosting/maintenance aspects of it?

I suspect also I speak for many when I say you've done a stellar job so far of responding to an unpredictable explosive increase in users. Thank you!

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I have complicated feelings on the idea of instances doing this defederation. I'm new to all this, so maybe this is natural. I mean, I've been peripherally aware of the fediverse for a few years. It was hard to miss after Twitter, but even before then I was keeping an eye on Matrix and PeerTube especially. But, never dipped my toe in until now.

On the one hand, I really resent the idea that my instance owner could simply be hiding part of the world from me over their personal opinions. Not just that, but silencing my voice in some corners, too. I know I could register accounts elsewhere but I don't want more accounts, and how am I supposed to be knowing what I'm missing if it's invisible to me already? I thought this is what federation was supposed to do: let me participate in anything from anywhere.

But as I've been watching some of this reddit stuff unfold, I guess it makes a lot of sense. Our current modern internet culture is inherently very insular. For any given person, there are bright beacons of strong attraction to those who think and feel like you do, and there are also dark areas of repulsion from communities whose ideals represent something that oppose yours. Online, like attracts like, and most people seem to really enjoy that. I think that most people are actually into social media for the entertainment value, and we all usually like to watch what we can relate with.

So for most users, this kind of thing probably really does improve their corners of the fediverse. It doesn't have to be the end for people who want the freedom to read and write to any corner of any niche community or ideology. My wariness for being informationally controlled (fostered by recent commercial social media blowups) manifests in the fediverse as wanting my own instance, I think. There are a fair number of very small instances it seems like, and I'm assuming it's because of people like me who felt the same pressure.

This puts me at ease, I think. I still have a way to remain independent, I just need to take responsibility for it. I'll learn a bit more about how it all works, and maybe help improve it along the way to make it easier for others to achieve, too. I wonder if this isn't a good thing for internet culture, really - encouraging the establishment of these new kinds of little lagrangian independence points people can be drawn to, between the extremes of the rest of the internet's social attractors and repulsors, which we can leave for the people who really want that.

A misplaced comma doesn't trump 240 years of legal precedent, no matter how much Alioto might wish it did.

Fortunately true.

Unfortunately, in the larger court of public opinion, it can very effectively be used as basis to rile up and outrage the domestic terrorists loyal to the corrupted judiciary, so there will most likely be some trepidation about clarifying this.

And it would never have gotten completely out of control, if people didn’t use ad-block.

"I wouldn't get so carried away beating you if you didn't make me so much angrier by trying to run when I smack you."

We should never have tried to fund the web with ads in the first place.

I agree. But here we are. And until it's illegal to do so (and, honestly, afterwards too), when a website I'm viewing politely asks me to download toxic ad content filled with psychological manipulation and malware, my computer will politely whisper "no." I might revisit this policy in the future if the entire advertising industry takes a huge step back to tone down their abusive shit, but in the meanwhile, I have no problem blocking malignant content from my presence. No means no.

A business plan that requires psychological abuse and exploitation of your customers is not an ethical, sustainable, or valid plan and the people who push it are not worthy of my consideration.

I use Arch for all my computers, including my "critical" systems. I only do full upgrades when I know I have the time to troubleshoot something broken, but rarely need to do so.

More than this, I actually use Arch as the OS for thousands of computers for my work that end up in customer hands, who expect stability. I'm not sure at what point it stops being Arch, though - I pin the package repositories to internal mirrors with fixed package distributions from specific dates to control the software that goes to them, so it's not really rolling release anymore I guess - I control the releases and when updates go out.

Arch is what you make of it. My Arch project desktop pc is constantly shifting and breaking and needing attention as I continually improve it and play with things. My Arch laptop that runs my life and work and is the most important computer I own is a paragon of stability and perfect functioning.

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I've been working through my first playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 - it's fairly enjoyable, I'm glad I ignored it outright until well after big patches rolled out. There's something very satisfying about blowing up enemies through a camera.

I've also picked up Dwarf Fortress (Steam) for the first time. It has a lot of depth but has been fun to learn and try and figure out. I just flooded a section of my fortress by digging into an underground river.

My chill-out puzzle game has been Can of Wormholes and it's pretty fun! It's weird for sure... but definitely fun.

Imagine if the straw started life as a solid cylinder and you had to bore out the inside to turn it into a straw

This would mean a straw has a hole, yes. It would be like a donut indeed - donuts are first whole, then have the hole punched out of them. This meets a dictionary definition of a hole (a perforation). A subtractive process has removed an area, leaving a hole.

But straws aren't manufactured this way, their solid bits are additively formed around the empty area. I personally don't think this meets the definition.

Your topological argument is strong though - both a donut and straw share the same topological feature, but when we use these math abstractions, things can be a bit weird. For instance, a hollow torus (imagine a creme-filled donut that has not yet had its shell penetrated to fill it) has two holes. One might not expect this since it looks like it still only obviously has one, but the "inner torus" consisting of negative space (that represents the hollow) is itself a valid topological hole as well.

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easier to pick what doesn't align for me. everything that isn't ER/LP or ER/LR is social media, in my opinion, including the meme.

I love this guy, one of my few favorite YouTube channels and subscriptions. Anything he fixates on is suddenly interesting.

well yes, if they don't figure out a way to produce another generation of lead-poisoned brain-addled self-destructive malignant narcissists, the republican party will never survive!

I used to run a PCI-passthrough/VFIO Windows virtual machine for gaming, but I haven't started it up or used Windows on my own machines in almost a year now.

I got a Steam Deck and it proved to me that Linux gaming was ready. My main beefy desktop now just runs Linux and uses Proton to do it all, and I'm extremely happy with it. I deleted my Windows VM's partition recently. It's run everything I want to play just fine! I play a fair mix of stuff... Indie and AAA, new and old, single-player and multi-player.

Every problem I've had so far is related to my own system or choices, not Steam, Proton, or the game. (eg, had a bad stick of RAM, did an incomplete upgrade, etc.)


Thank you - I was already aware of this, actually, but I choose to leave it disabled because when this is set, touchscreen drag-scrolling of webpages breaks and it selects text as though it were a mouse click-drag instead. As it turns out, I barely use Maliit anyway because of its other deficiencies, but I definitely touch-scroll my browser a lot, even in laptop mode. A generally disappointing dilemma!

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Yup. If I see an ad for a thing, it means they spent more money trying to trick me into buying the thing than just making the thing better in the first place. An ad for a thing means the thing is shit!

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lmao. taking bets on how long it is until spez has reddit legal try futily to sue departing and banned mods for some weird mixture of illegal striking and knowingly causing damages by loss of revenue.

that sounds great. abstractivus, the machine overlord.

Using touch on Windows has definitely set my expectations much higher than the reality on Linux right now, so this is a good call! You won't know what you're missing, so it's not going to bug you. I kind of wish I could return to this blissful ignorance. I have another 2-in-1 with Windows 11 on it in the house and anytime I look at it to keep it patched up and fix issues for its user, it reminds me very effectively of how far behind my 2-in-1 is with touchscreen interactions :(

COSMIC is now on my radar, thank you. It looks very intriguing.

all the more fuel for the people voting for these people to claim persecution over

the more they intentionally shoot themselves in the foot, the more they present their bleeding foot as justification for playing "no more mr. nice guy"

I've been in a position similarly unenviable to yours. It's exciting but stressful. Even if it all feels incredibly high-priority, don't burn out; it's a marathon not a sprint!

I've been picking through issues and working on fixes locally to try and get you bundled-up PRs that use the systems and conventions you've already established, instead of just taping discontinuous new on top of everything. However, despite being a grumpy old PHP and JS veteran, I'm somehow a relative newbie to Symfony and Stimulus, so I hope I'm not doing more harm than good lol.

I think /kbin has a big future.

Holy shit.

Bookmark Router
Origin Lock
Table to CSV
Auto Updating Bookmarks

These are all immediately going into my browser. Rad.

Side note, I did not know about CyberChef, but it is now also on my radar. Very rad.

None. Colloquially, we use "hole" in all kinds of weird ways. As others have pointed out, topologically a straw is no different to a torus (donut) that clearly has one "hole"... but I'd like to focus instead on the linguistic definition of "hole", not the colloquial or mathematic definitions.

A hole can either mean:

  1. a perforation ("a hole in my shirt", "a bullet hole", etc) - which is, specifically, "a hole or pattern made by or as if by piercing or boring"
  2. a gap ("a hole in your reasoning", "a hole in my heart", etc)
  3. a hollowed out or burrowed place ("a hole in the road", "a fox hole", etc)

i think we're not talking about 2. It seems to require some larger uniform structure or set of items in which an item is missing. 1 and 3 seem really similar to me: both seem to require some active removal of matter to qualify. All of these definitions point towards a subtractive process, where something of a larger whole (heh) is removed or absent.

Most straws, I'll venture a guess, are not manufactured solid and then bored out.. so I don't think it applies here. So I don't think a straw matches a fitting definition of "hole". A straw is created additively by assembling the "shell" by some means, not subtractively. Donuts, by comparison, had holes punched in them. A subtractive operation. Rubber bands have not had holes punched in them... they're additive. Not holes.

Similarly (because I see a lot of talk about buttholes and mouths here too), your esophagus and digestive tract (and veins and all kinds of other things) were formed in a similar additive manner, not by forming a mass of meat and boring through the passage, and thus would similarly not qualify as "holes" (in my opinion).

Insurance adjustor? Cybersecurity blue team?

What an asshole. His IPO is gonna be terrible, and he'll only be remembered as a transitive verb every time someone gets a big head and spezzes their company to death.

peer-programming with an overly confident CS grad
I love this, and agree. I've always said that for all tasks, it's like you're working with an ADHD eager-to-please intern.

Yeah... this was my first thought when I read it. Very unfortunate and ambiguous phrasing.

I have been tempted by GNOME several times, but I disagree with some of their design choices and find them a bit frustrating. I feel that it's fairly strongly-opinionated software. The benefits, of course, are obvious: internal consistency that leads to a higher quality experience. But, only if you buy-in to some overarching design philosophy. That's one of the reasons I left Windows! I also have a suite of Kwin scripts that make my life a lot easier, so it's pretty hard to leave Plasma at this point.

Still, that keyboard has tempted me a lot nonetheless...

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Wow, can't say I've heard of that movie and I'm well over twice 15 these days lol. That scene sold me though, that was phenomenal.

Nope 😂 though, despite their decision obviously having nothing to do with me, I did find it to be somewhat flattering and a bit reassuring that the fine Valve engineers seemed to make similar decisions to me.