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Joined 12 months ago

Only if using JSON merge patch, and that's the only time it's acceptable. But JSON patch should be preferred over JSON merge patch anyway.

Servers should accept both null and undefined for normal request bodies, and clients should treat both as the same in responses. API designers should not give each bespoke semantics.

Confused what you mean. OpenAPI has nothing to do with JS.

There are a number of blue cities in the Midwest. What's the lowest temp you want? I live in Lincoln, Nebraska and it's pretty great: nice weather most of the year, low cost of living, blue city, tons of parks. Only downside is dealing with red state bullshit from the state government.

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Omaha is a lot less left-leaning in my experience. It's very purple. Lincoln is solidly blue.

I just recently purchased a house in Lincoln. Just quickly looking on Zillow for Omaha and home prices look to be very similar to what I was seeing here in Lincoln. Property taxes in Omaha are also a fair bit higher than Lincoln.

There's other stuff too, like lower crime rate in Lincoln, better/more parks, LPS being generally a lot better than OPS, etc.

I guess it ultimately depends on what you're after. If you want something more big city, then Omaha obviously has Lincoln beat. But for a more relaxed pace of life and for raising a family, Lincoln is where it's at.

From what I recall, particularly the younger generations that exclusively use mobile devices (though of course this is not limited to them) actually have terrible tech literacy across the board, primarily related to spending all of their time in apps that basically spoon-feed functionality in a closed ecosystem. In particular, these groups are particularly vulnerable to very basic scams and phishing attacks.

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Glad you got fired. Vaccines should always be mandatory save for legitimate, doctor-validated medical exemptions.

Anti-vaxxers are fucking stupid and should either be educated properly or, if they still refuse to do their civic duty after being de-programmed of misinformation, punished. You are only allowed to participate in society if you take the necessary steps that you are morally and ethically obligated to do in order to protect it from preventable, transmissible disease. We had eradicated polio until stupid motherfuckers like yourself decided that it would be a good idea to forgo the standard polio vaccine schedule that we've had for decades. Now, we saw the first case in 30 years in 2022 because someone selfishly thought that their personal beliefs were more important than the health and livelihood of everyone else.

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In case you're not familiar, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grok.

It's somewhat common slang in hacker culture, which of course Elon is shitting all over as usual. It's especially ironic since the meaning of the word roughly means "deep or profound understanding", which their AI has anything but.

Thank God. Adobe needs to stay the hell away from Figma.

For an adult? Nah. You can certainly kindly let them know that this isn't really gonna work and explain why (and let them know you appreciate the effort), but the rest of it is way overkill and could easily be seen as patronizing, imo. They're an adult, not a 13 year old.

Also, I interpreted the OP as finding it humorously absurd (which it is) rather than being frustrated or anything.

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So tired of this rhetoric. AI isn't replacing any software engineering jobs, nor could it. It's a joke, quite frankly.

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Yep. Postgres is fantastic and there's no justification to use proprietary bullshit like that.

It's got nothing to do with capitalism. It's fundamentally a matter of people using it for things it's not actually good at, because ultimately it's just statistics. The words generated are based on a probability distribution derived from its (huge) training dataset. It has no understanding or knowledge. It's mimicry.

It's why it's incredibly stupid to try using it for the things people are trying to use it for, like as a source of information. It's a model of language, yet people act like it has actual insight or understanding.

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Not only is this really gross, it's also straight up wrong. It's missing a from clause, and it makes no sense for a where clause to be nested under the select. The select list selects columns from rows that have already been filtered by the where clause. Same for the limit.

Also just gonna go ahead and assume the JSX parser will happily allow SQL injection attacks...

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Trans woman*. You're misgendering her. And it's no different than any other woman going into the changing room. Not sure why you'd think otherwise.

Associating trans people with pedophiles is a very tired refrain that has no basis in reality. It's just bigotry, pure and simple.

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ITT: people who have no idea how rebasing works.

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No, because raw-dogging JavaScript isn't something grown-up software shops do.

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You do not understand how these things actually work. I mean, fair enough, most people don't. But it's a bit foolhardy to propose changes to how something works without understanding how it works now.

There is no "database". That's a fundamental misunderstanding of the technology. It is entirely impossible to query a model to determine if something is "present" or not (the question doesn't even make sense in that context).

A model is, to greatly simplify things, a function (like in math) that will compute a response based on the input given. What this computation does is entirely opaque (including to the creators). It's what we we call a "black box". In order to create said function, we start from a completely random mapping of inputs to outputs (we'll call them weights from now on) as well as training data, iteratively feed training data to this function and measure how close its output is to what we expect, adjusting the weights (which are just numbers) based on how close it is. This is a gross simplification of the complexity involved (and doesn't even touch on the structure of the model's network itself), but it should give you a good idea.

It's applied statistics: we're effectively creating a probability distribution over natural language itself, where we predict the next word based on how frequently we've seen words in a particular arrangement. This is old technology (dates back to the 90s) that has hit the mainstream due to increases in computing power (training models is very computationally expensive) and massive increases in the size of dataset used in training.

Source: senior software engineer with a computer science degree and multiple graduate-level courses on natural language processing and deep learning

Btw, I have serious issues with both capitalism itself and machine learning as it is applied by corporations, so don't take what I'm saying to mean that I'm in any way an apologist for them. But it's important to direct our criticisms of the system as precisely as possible.

Never do certifications for software engineering. The only certifications worth a damn are security certs and networking certs. If I saw a programming-related certification on a resume, I would completely ignore it since the only thing it tells me is that you paid some money to get a cert.

While I'm not a fan of Java, it's most certainly not a dying language and you will be able to easily find employment into perpetuity. If I had to pick, I'd personally choose Java over .NET purely to avoid being trapped in Microsoft-land, especially with all of the bullshit they've been up to lately.

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It's a shit job that shouldn't exist. It's all security theater and always has been.

You can open local html documents in your browser. They don't need to be downloaded from the internet. This can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as for CLI tools that produce HTML to visualize data.

I used to work for a company that made software built on VMware. The biggest customer was using hundreds of thousands of VMs. Pretty sure they're working on moving off VMware now because of all this bullshit.

But yeah, it's gonna take a long time to move off.

You can abhor trump will simultaneously thinking that there's genocide happening that Biden is supporting. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

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I'm in the US. Never used Whatsapp in my life, and don't know anyone that does. I just text people. It would be weird if someone tried to get me to use WhatsApp and tbh I'd probably just say no.

At work we use Slack and Google Meet.

Has been all along.

Haskell. It's a fantastic language for writing your usual run of the mill DB-backed web APIs (and a bunch of other stuff like compilers, data processing, CLIs, even scripting) and can do a lot of things that other languages simply can't (obviously not in terms of computation, but in terms of what's possible with the type system).

I've been writing it professionally for a while and am very happy with it. Would be nice if the job market for it was a bit broader. You can definitely get jobs doing it, you just don't have quite as broad of a pool to choose from.

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The software is pretty overrated. Especially safari, which is a legitimately terrible browser and has been for a long time.

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It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. I remember losing hundreds of hours of progress on games due to memory card corruption. Or game cartridges/CDs no longer working, requiring you to buy a new copy. Or consoles getting straight-up bricked.

Hell, a ton of people have memories of blowing into N64/SNES cartridges to get them to work since they had notoriously unreliable connectors. But even though it was something that didn't work great, everybody has fond memories of doing it since there wasn't this amalgamation of voices from every direction telling you to be upset about it and clamoring for retribution. If something was broken, you got frustrated about it, complained to your friends, and then moved on with your life since there wasn't anything else you could do.

Gross. Yeah, no. You should definitely be asking for consent if nothing explicit has been said. I've done it many times and it was always appreciated (including by my now wife on our second date when I asked her if I could kiss her), but more importantly, it was the right thing to do. If for some reason there's a person that is put off by asking, that's kind of a red flag to be honest. Good communication in relationships and sex is essential and the foundation of any healthy relationship.

There are many ways of asking, too. It doesn't have to be some stitled "Would you like to have sex with me right now?" Also just generally communicating a lot before and during sex acts as consent and helps to build trust.

A lot of women have had truly awful experiences with men. Good communication and obtaining consent is not only treating women with the kindness and respect they deserve, but it also makes you stand out among the many men with poor social skills that make unwanted advances all the time.

Haskell being so high really doesn't make any sense. Experience level maybe?

It's one of the tersest languages out there.

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If a company requires you to always be available, that's a huge red flag, honestly.

It's perfectly stable. Linux just generally attracts people who like to tinker and tweak things, in particular because it's much easier to do and gives you a lot of power and flexibility in making the machine your own.

My laptop running Arch Linux has remained problem-free for the last 6 years or so since I installed it.

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Generally agree with your points, even though I"m honestly not sure what a union would look like like in practice.

But I just wanted to say that this job is definitely harder than plumbing. I usually do my own plumbing and it's not really that bad. It's not my favorite thing to do and can sometimes be a pain in the ass, but it's way less taxing imo.

Teaching kids is hard as fuck though and good teachers are priceless. Honestly quality caregiving of any sort is massively underrated.

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Homeschooling doesn't automatically mean child abuse. I was homeschooled and knew a lot of homeschooled kids, and none of us were ever abused.

A child abuser will abuse children and good people don't. It's as simple as that.

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I tend to prefer similar movies as you and I loved the movie. It is a VERY fantastical, intelligent, existential, and heady movie. It's one of the most expert navigations of complex social dynamics I've ever seen and has an absolute shitload of cinema references and easter eggs to boot.

Don't let the surface fool you. The franchise is just a vehicle for Greta's ideas to reach a mass audience.

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I mean, it still doesn't change the fact that no one actually wants this shit.

I'm in the US with an Android and have never actually encountered this, only heard about kids bitching about it. Adults definitely don't give a shit. It's very childish behavior.

https://www.shellcheck.net/ is probably one of the most well-known.

https://simplex.chat/ is written entirely in Haskell.

https://pandoc.org/ is another big one.

https://serokell.io/blog/best-haskell-open-source-projects has a (non-exhaustive) list of a bunch more.

I am an actual (senior) software engineer, with a background in ML to boot.

I would start to worry if we were anywhere close to even dreaming of how AGI might actually work, but we're not. It's purely in the realm of science fiction. Until you meet the bar of AGI, there's absolutely no risk of software engineering jobs being replaced.

Go or Chess are games with a fixed and simple ruleset and are very suited to what computers are really good at. Software engineering is the art of making the ambiguous and ill-defined into something entirely unambiguous and precisely defined, and that is something we are so far from achieving in computers it's not even funny. ML is ultimately just applied statistics. It's not magic, and it's far from anything we would consider "intelligence".

I do think we need legislation targeting ML, but not because of "omg our jobs". Rather we need legislation to combat huge tech companies vacuuming any and all data on the general public and using that data to manipulate and control the public.

Also, LOL at "how much code development is straight up redundant". If you think development amounts to just writing a bunch of boilerplate as though we were some kind of assembly line putting together the same thing over and over again, you're sorely mistaken.

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Yes, but speed limits change. There's no way of reliably knowing what the current speed limit is without wireless communication.

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That's fine, but fox news isn't a source.