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Joined 12 months ago

I didn't think you could give two candidates the same ranking?

That'll be a new premium business feature where if you pay enough it'll ignore users requests to take the mask off.

I just want to point out that this announcement comes after Nothing phone company announced they partnered with a company that will bridge the two protocols so apple was about to lose their ability to force android images and videos to look like a potato so iPhone users wouldn't want to leave the apple ecosystem.

This just exactly like when apple decided they were going to be champions of privacy by improving the security on their phones, which coincidentally happened right after a company called cellebrite started selling a product that would allow police to bypass passcodes and fingerprints to access a users data which previously could only be unlocked by the police department paying a fee for each time to unlock a phone.

They will always default to being shitty like any other company treating their users like the enemy until they can't and then they spin it in their favor.

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Because they spent $80 million dollars to make it untraceable so it wouldn't get shot down.

I'm waiting for Gen Z to realize that they've grown up interconnected and have the ability to coordinate like no one ever could before and when they realize that I expect them to flip the monopoly board.

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Most internet usage is mobile and people use whatever's preinstalled on their phone because it just works is my guess.

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FlyingSquid is the only one I recognize and I feel like he's lemmys GallowBoob from reddit.

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Seditious conspiracy comes with a max 20 years sentence (for one charge). Most people that day were caught up in the events as they unfolded without thinking through their actions and understanding what they were doing, to various degrees. They didn't wake up that day to start a coup but they did follow along with it, thus they were guilty but given leniency and their sentences were greatly reduced to reflect that. Those people got their 1-3 years for partaking.

Unlike those individuals this guy didn't just wake up knowing a coup would happen that day, he actually organized it. Through his direction actions and that of his co-conspirators the events of January 6th unfolded thanks to his efforts. Him and his co-conspirators who organized and created this coup are indirectly responsible for the violence that followed that day. So his sentencing wasn't lenient because of his leadership role coupled with the violence that occured he was given a stronger sentence.

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Wasn't the next line that this agreement they all signed was just something they made up and don't actually follow and no one enforces?

If Californians can destroy a car blocking traffic New Jersey wants this privilege too.

Hopefully he disappeared because someone thinks he might make for a good replacement of someone in the future, but more likely they finally tortured him to death and destroyed his body so he can't become a martyr.

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We had a bad lightning storm happen in the area where I was working every day and it damaged the cellular tower so you couldn't get service anymore in that area. After a week of waiting for them to repair it I called to see what was going on and they told me they weren't going to repair it as that area was going to be upgraded to the latest cellular technology at the time, but it wasn't expected to be done for another four months. They offered me a single $25 credit if I'd keep paying them $80 a month to provide nothing. I don't think my phone would have even supported their new network even if they did make their changes in a reasonable time. My favorite part was when I got transferred to cancellations department they asked if there was anything they could do, "Yes provide cellular service." "Sorry, we can't do that." šŸ˜‚

Isn't the issue that they are currently hiding and obfuscating their income? Increasing the percentage is a great idea and all but 1% or 8% of zero is still zero.

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That's because you assume it means financial reward but the real reward is the privilege to serve the company, what a bonus!

You make it sound like our lawmakers are wise and would make an informed decision and not just write an exception for companies that lobby for exemption.

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Imagine if Americans knew what ranked choice voting was and how it would benefit them.

If you aren't aware and half a minute and a half to spare:

Plenty of unoccupied land, but not unowned.

Games getting their release dates pushed back should be applauded not criticized.

Especially when it seems most were artificially inflated.

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No, the government gets a couple million in fines and Amazon raises their prices to compensate for the next quarter but never lowers the cost so they'll make even more the quarter after.

Right in the feels that I used to have.

I certainly was, it's like you [redacted] didn't want us to [redacted] but instead [redacted] you were saying about [redacted]. Get it?

They have never experienced poverty so they think it's fine because if they were in that situation they would pull themselves up by their bootstraps or whatever delusional shit they come up with. To them it's non-issue and everyone in poverty must be lazy.

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Not just mall cops, it's just people in general in any position of power. When I was young I used to host game servers for a community I created and liked to have a decent amount of people to administrate them and keep the games fun for everyone. There were people playing for months and always seemed reasonable and level headed and I'd see if they would be interested and most jumped at the chance to be more involved in the community. Every once in awhile though those reasonable and level headed individuals once they got some measure of authority went absolutely crazy and there's no indication of who it would be. People can be the exact opposite too, they clown around taking nothing seriously always trying to push boundaries, but then you give them some responsibility and suddenly they are the most responsible person you've ever met, they just needed a chance to show it.

I like how this is considered politics and not crime.

Most cars have a mobile antenna that connects to a cellular network to send/receive data, they can access it whenever they want but they want you to pay their overhead so they offer the phone app with the remote control options as incentive to cover their costs of collecting your data and as an added bonus to their profit.

Edit: It should be noted that the phone app also allows for even more information collection that they can sell for yet greater profit.

That's a rather rude thing to say about people whilst they make an effort to help their communities.

Why would they go there when they can get delivery?

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How much the bribe is for, people would be very upset if they knew how cheap they got sold out for.

That's the idea, you're so busy dealing with the water coming into the boat you can't fix the leak.

They always rebrand features for marketing, you aren't in a video chat you're FaceTimingā„¢. You aren't talking with AI you're talking with Apple Intelligenceā„¢.

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We only have free access now because it's still in development and they're using our interactions to train from, but when they are on more solid ground I fully expect enshittification.

If he doesn't get elected he can't pardon himself, so that just means he's going to double down on the crazy this time.

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All of these are asking if someone is guilty when the actual question is are we allowed to bring you to court to determine if you are guilty. A president should not have immunity and if a president feels they need to take extreme actions they should justify them before a court and accept the consequences of their actions. If someone does not want to be in that position to make such a call and pay such a price they have no business taking that role.

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I think it's about marketing, if they don't spread their bigotry it'll die out. That's why conservatives are in constant fear of education and letting their kids go off to colleges where they can learn about alternative paths than hate and fear.

John McAfee?

More than likely it's a bot farm hired by a public relations firm. Bot farms create bots every day and then assign them tasks to repost popular content and then reply using popular comments under different bots all so they can build up credibility and look like a real user. So then when they are put to a task you can have a single user welding the influence of hundreds or thousands to control the narrative.

Reddit is famously saturated in those bots and this place is likely no different but on a smaller scale made even easier by the instance system.

Four dots for an ellipsis? What a monster!

I don't think we're up to the Russian vacation yet, not until we get closer to sentencing.

Remember back when you could solve issues without it needing to be an election year? Me either.

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