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it does feel ambiguous though as even what you outlined misses a 4th case. if null means delete, how do I update it to set the field to null?

I assume they meant check the wattage of the car charger output. some powerbanks have displays now and can show you it's input or output.

.. All phones also have displays and should show you the same thing but don't.

Yes. and why it's wildly complicated on Windows machines where you have an audio output device for headphones and for headset, and once something starts using the mic the output device itself changes.

So joining team chat in a game will either make audio sound horrible or break it entirely if you had specified the output device instead of using default device.

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it's not about using all 100 IP addresses for every atom

it's about having large enough ranges to allocate them in ways that make sense instead of arbitrarily allocating them by availability

There's a lot of things that make the Bluetooth experience better.. it's just almost all focused on mobile phones, maybe apple laptops if you stay in their walled gardens, but definitely not stock windows.

I say stock because if you do use windows and want to use Bluetooth you can improve things with a third party driver https://www.bluetoothgoodies.com/a2dp/ it's still not great but at least you can use better codecs than default

The commerce should be regulated imo- there's a lot of bad things people will do for profit when not properly regulated.

That doesn't prevent you from growing your own or consuming your buds bud, that's just personal use and does not need to abide by the same regulations

the content being scraped is from users, they do not control what bots are added to servers.

It's much more like the Cambridge Analytics scandal in that users posted content that was shared with friends but not explicitly shared publicly, but those friends then granted a third party access to all of the data.

a lot of their aio competition also sources parts from them also

the only slightly justifiable use of slotted is something like the face plate on a light switch or power outlet, where it doesn't have to be particularly tight and it's nice you can remove it in a pinch with a fingernail or dime.

.. but really if someone came and replaced all of mine with torx I can't say id complain, so its not like they're good in that use case.. just less awful

the question then becomes how much weight are you adding/energy are you consuming by having to carry the weight. I honestly don't know and considering how heavy batteries are it is likely not that significant, but if you are only getting a few % charge a day then anything eating into that is going to hurt.

I still see some merit in a more utility style vehicle where you do expect to take it out camping, but for a daily commuter I think most people would prefer the sunroof to the trickle charging.

Also as an apartment dweller.. I just wish they'd make normal wall outlets more available. Not everyone needs a proper fast charger but only having a few inconveniently located ones to fight for also sucks. But if more spots could just plug in and slow charge that would be a huge improvement

the biggest downside imo is it can be hard to leave because you'll feel more connected to everyone involved. but they won't necessarily be able to pay you much more than you start at even if you do stay. and you'll be spending that time on more or less the same tech stack which can limit your growth and make it harder when finding a new job later.

id say it's fine especially as an early job but strongly consider a new job after 2-4 years

for earbuds it's useful as many modern phones can share their battery to wirelessly charge another device, so you can top up your earbuds off of your phone while you're out somewhere and not need to lug around a charger and cable.

For wirelessly charging phones, I agree the pad style chargers defeat a lot of the point, but I am a fan of the dock-style wireless chargers. I have one at my desk and can just glance at my phone to see notifications, and I have to set my phone somewhere anyways, so this lets me top up my phone without really thinking about it.

the other reply covered the actual ranges and why it's important, but in case it's not obvious:

You should never put hot food in the fridge. Particularly food with a lot of thermal mass like a bowl of soup or thick lasagna. While that would cool the food quicker than just leaving it out, the heat you're adding is going to heat up the other items in your fridge and risk their safety. And since it will all eventually cool back down it will not be obvious what food was at unsafe temps or how long.

yeah if anything the problem is everything is a TSR program now. the generous explanation is because they want to offer the best experience possible and implement everything themselves.

.. but the real explanation is they want more telemetry data, not just when you are using the app. not just when you've recently used it. but no you launched it once we must indefinitely run in the background and install services to launch on startup

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it sounds like the unlikely outcome of two reasonable policies.

  1. you might not get back the device you send in - say it's a simple broken screen and they're willing to cover it. its easier to just send you an already refurbished identical model and then toss your phone into the queue to be fixed later.

  2. unauthorized parts may violate your warranty and whatever you send in isn't going to get repaired.

They should still just return it. but if you know it's not covered you shouldn't really send it in and it makes sense to cover their ass policy wise even if they do make an effort to just return them.

I generally prefer rogue likes these days for the variety, but I do think meta progression can also make it feel like wasting your time in a different way. The game becomes gated by wasting enough time to unlock the rest, and doing so can feel more like an inevitability than an accomplishment.

it's not a valid comparison really. this is an alternative to an emulator than a ROM.

If you used this to compile a native version of space invaders that ran incorrectly it would be no worse than if you used an emulator to run space invaders that ran incorrectly. in either case you treat it as a bug in the emulator/recompiler and fix it and re run the process.

Nobody is suggesting deleting their roms and keeping only the current copy of a recompiled game. I don't think that would even work.. as far as I know you still need the original ROM to load inside of the recompiled executable for the non-code assets.

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if there was actual choice involved you might have a point but it doesn't really matter what changes when you don't have the ability to decline.

but for the record I believe this update removed your right to legal recourse and forces you through binding arbitration, so yes, this one does have something worth being pissed about.

You could just show it as a percentage of max its trying to draw be default and show actual watts under a developer toggle

I think the argument of increased cheating has some merit, but less so in hugely popular games like fortnite. Because no anticheat is actually perfect and people who want to cheat will just use whatever method works. In a popular game like fortnite the demand is high enough that someone will find a way to cheat regardless of Linux support

I think starlink is more than that as even more things rely on a (good) Internet connection ingeneral than rely on satellites, and traditional connectivity methods leave many people underserved even in countries like America let alone the world.

It definitely has its problems, if nothing else that it's privately owned and anyone who wanted to compete would then massively amplify those problems.

It depends on the package really. Sometimes you're better off without the fixes that occurred in the last 2 years if it means avoiding the new bugs in the last 2 years.

IMO the more you try to stick to the latest releases, the more important it is to continue to stay updated. but every upgrade is a chance for new bugs or just breaking changes, so for new users starting with a stable distro is a good choice.

.. except for browsers, where you both need the newest features but REALLY need the newest fixes.