
10 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

Small towns are rough man. People will run as both the dem and republican candidate in my town and you can't vote in town meetings if you aren't a property owner

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Regardless of what you think about abortion laws people just gotta come to terms with the fact that your phone and computer are not reliable partners in crime

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I mean yeah it should but you gotta follow the old saying "don't write when you can speak, don't speak when you can nod, don't nod if you can wink" or whatever. You have an expectation of privacy when sending physical mail for example, but it's still a bad idea to put a crime in writing if you don't have to. Even if it can't legally be used as evidence it can be read. We've seen that with 'parallel construction' from law enforcement

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Probably not what you want to hear but I've been absolutely bombarded with the right wing perspective my entire life and I'm pretty glad to have a place that doesn't try to both sides everything. Where do I get my news? Twitter mostly I come here if I want to see something discussed further

I wash my belts

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When i forget to take them off my pants mostly. I don't wear like nice leather belts though I just throw them in and let them clank around

You can just change careers whenever. No one cares. When I was younger it seemed so set in stone like you learn a trade you're a plumber for life. Go to college your major is what you're doing for life. It's not true I knew a philosophy major that was working as an elevator engineer. Do HVAC for 20 years then do something else. It's fine

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Shit just works. I'm not dicking around looking for drivers and stuff. The way I use a computer I'm not really getting a benefit from linux

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Used to be a handyman now I'm a machinist

One time I wrote a desperate email to my English teacher. Let me do some extra credit anything to not take the class again. He corrected all my spelling and grammar mistakes, attached a picture of my attendance record, and told me to go fuck myself

The findings, presented at a public meeting Wednesday, allege systemic violations of state law and that the misreporting skewed racial profiling data making it appear troopers ticketed more white drivers and fewer minority motorists than they really did

The report found there was a “high likelihood” at least 25,966 tickets were falsified between 2014 and 2021. Another 32,587 records over those years showed significant inaccuracies and auditors believe many of those are likely to be false as well.

The findings showed significant numbers of false and inaccurate tickets were submitted by up to nearly one quarter of the 1,301 troopers who wrote tickets for the state’s largest law enforcement agency during those years.

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I've always just used car specific forums for car stuff. Though I gotta say the newer my cars get the shittier the forums are. Like damn man you put a K&N filter in it? That's some CrAzY mods bro

Can always start a flame war about oil that'll get some clicks

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Bud Spotify won't recommend me music newer than 2014 I know I'm out of touch

Freecad. It's a little rough to use compared to professional cad products I've used but it can really do a lot. In a lot of ways it feels less constrained than some of the stuff I've used too

It took me way too long to realize when someone asks how my weekend was it's because they want to talk about their weekend

Something involving a local protest here's the post announcing what happened https://kolektiva.social/@admin/110637031574056150

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Hi, I am a guy in early thirties with a wife and two kids and whenever I go on youtube it always suggests conservative things like guys dunking on women

Yeah it really wants me to watch Tim pool. Its like cmon guys I'm too old for that guys tastes. Tiktok will atleast take the hint

Idk its pretty easy I'm usually tired and bored as shit

If you're just worried about rust I'd say do it yourself it's not that hard

I vape. I hate it, but its probably better than cigs

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Learned about it when they banned chapo. The chapo fork wasn't a good fit for me. Mostly hang out on twitter and use this to post articles or look for longer discussion

Not even I think they were just pretending to ticket white people

Pretty sure my phone already does this you just have to pay google a fraction of a penny to see it

Older I get the more the communists make sense. Always been left but I always leaned towards the anarchist stuff when I was younger. It'd be weird if your politics didn't change at least a little over time, regardless of your leanings, it's a process of trial and error

Bro they recalled the fucking frames on Toyota Tacomas at one point lmao. I guess the motors were pretty reliable on my t100s but idk really nothing special compared to any other motor that's getting regular maintenance.

1/4 of the force was doing it! Insane

Man that'd be useful I'm actually struggling to find a really niche electrical connector roght now

I've seen it 3 ways. Like you described, with foil over the grate, or in a pouch like you'd do vegetables. My dad always did the latter I just do it on the grill

Was talking to my friend about this the other day in the context of trade school but I think it applies here: you can change careers whenever you want. When we were younger it felt like such a big decision to pick a trade or in this case a major because it seemed like you were locking in for life, but you can just like... go do something else. No one cares. Someone wanted to hire me as an engineer the other day and I struggled to graduate high-school. Education is kind of a shotgun approach. You get a really broad understanding of a lot of thing because your actual job will probably only use a fraction of it and they're trying to prepare you to not be completely lost wherever you end up.

Also old teachers are really lazy and the test is probabaly pretty similar, if not identical, to the one they gave last year. Good to know people a little older or save things for your younger siblings.

Eh I wasted a lot of time in my 20s could've been more aggressive about a career/family compared to other people... but I'm not other people. Think I needed that time to figure my own head out

Yeah the 'happened to have a bunch of unencrypted data laying around' bit seems odd. Would make sense if they got picked up for something else and that was the bargain. Fucked if I know though

Fuck em. We all think it's stupid as fuck when you "likes this post"

Pretty much where I'm at now. Meat is really just a dinner thing and not every night. Got there mostly out of laziness and being broke

My buddy and I used to go hunting before school so we'd end up with guns in the truck if we were running late. Generally made an effort to hide them and keep everything locked at least

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There used to be a mobile game that would have you go around and complete tasks to fill out the map (still might be idk). That's pretty much what google did with ingress

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Gotta be like gator right?

When I did Facilities stuff they'd have me go around and dunk all the storm drains too

I like doing stuff in the yard but if we're calling that chores, idk get high go fishing, maybe float on an inner tube with some beers

I knew a lot of chefs that liked them

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