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As a developer, I don’t see the issue?

They clearly didn’t cover username validation or at least to the extent of matching words, the devs fixed the problem within 40 minutes of the report (pretty great timing imo), and they have since implemented actions to avoid further issues.

What’s the fucking problem?? It’s still new as fuck, these things happen.

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I am quite familiar. America is not innocent.

How does America being a war mongering monster have anything to do with Russia missile striking innocent civilians in a nation they promised to protect. A sovereign nation being ground into meat, but none of that is barbaric because the US and CIA loved the fuck out of proxy wars and coups?

Take your whataboutism somewhere else.

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You started this thread by saying it’s not barbarism and then started talking about America’s sins.

That has nothing to do with the topic at hand, they both are true, but you are specifically using whataboutism to shift from Russian barbarism. Why? Why is terrorism and missile striking not barbaric? Why is that unimportant and that instead you feel we must look towards America?

Why are you so quick to shift the topic from current Russian aggression against an innocent nation (the topic of the post) to the past of the West?

Since you need the help:

Whataboutism is a type of logical fallacy that occurs when a person attempts to divert the focus away from the current issue by making a counter-accusation

Yes I know I can block you but I have no problem continuing this discussion. :)


Russia bombs civvies

you: b-b-but what about

From the article:

a missile strike on a historic cathedral – one that was consecrated by the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, no less, killing one and hospitalizing fourteen

Sounds barbaric to me, as is all other terrorism

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What better way is there to enjoy your last years than ruining the fucking planet for everyone that comes after you

Democracy is hanging by a thread and this is essentially a diamond tipped blade heading straight for it

You are describing every modern conservative ever

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I don’t disagree but stolen is a bit of a stretch

Yes same here, Cruz too.

These guys are essentially attempting to employ the Charlie strategy. Play both sides so you’ll always come out on top! When the winds shifted, so too did the sails of the likes of Christie, Cruz and the rest of the pathetic American conservative/fascist wing.

He is speaking truth because he feels the shift in the winds again, they have been flip flopping like this since at least 2016. All it takes is for Trump to call your wife ugly I guess lmao

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Fucking lame.

You can say the same exact thing by just calling it modern conservatism. THIS is part of how they conserve wealth

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You need to pass the safety test, not pay for it. It will only make you a better and more confident driver

Money won’t be there in the moment when those developed instincts are required

Ah yes, spez. I got permabanned the day 3p died for harrasment, clicked the link and it was a comment I had made a week prior insulting spez.

He really leans into the man baby version of Elon

Absolutely disgusting, completely disconnected from not only the nation but reality itself.

just another traitor standing in the way of progress

Just like RBG, too interested in personal power and ego, what else is new I guess

Edit: and naps, who doesn’t love a little power nap

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Anything Twitter can do so can mastodon. Resistance movements can move forward without x with little issue. Twitter isn’t and never was special it was simply there at the right time. It’s not anymore and that’s okay because we are not helpless without some shit social media site.

Power to the people not corps.

I agree with you but technically speaking Earth from Star Trek went through very similar growing pains before finding their utopia.


“It’s not that they don’t care. It’s that they’ve given up.” This was how Commanding Officer Benjamin Sisko, played by Avery Brooks, described early 21st-century Americans in an episode from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. When it aired in 1995, “Past Tense” spoke to contemporary concerns about homelessness by telling a story set in 2024—the near future for viewers, but the distant past for characters. In the two-part episode, Sisko and two of his companions from the U.S.S. Defiant find themselves stranded in San Francisco, where they’re reminded that the federal government had once set up a series of so-called “Sanctuary Districts” in a nationwide effort to seal off homeless Americans from the general population. Stuck in 2024, Sisko, who is black—along with his North African crewmate Dr. Julian Bashir and the fair-skinned operations officer Jadzia Dax—must contend with unfamiliar racism, classism, violence, and Americans’ apparent apathy toward human suffering.

No, they do not stand corrected because what they wrote was correct, not corrected by someone else

You stand corrected when you make a statement and someone says no, it’s xyz. You stand corrected, acknowledging your mistake

If you are a tech related person I like hachyderm.io

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They’ve been talking about raising the age to vote for some time now for this exact reason

Don’t forget his fucking tax returns too

It is interesting to me especially since as a kid I was fascinated with things like ancient aliens lol. I knew it was bullshit of course but it was fun and engaging.

A part of me wishes it were true, another part tells me it’s a distraction (the only names that I see supporting it are people like Rubio and other fascist conservatives), and the last part of me hopes it’s all bull shit because I agree with Mr. Hawking:

“If you look at history, contact between humans and less intelligent organisms have often been disastrous from their point of view, and encounters between civilizations with advanced versus primitive technologies have gone badly for the less advanced,” Hawking said at the time, noting that any superior forms of life “may not see us as any more valuable than we see bacteria.”

But now where will these fascists find their LGBT porn?

The developers don’t deserve to be paid? Because that’s the crux of it, no sell no profit, no profit no workers. Bye bye studio and any future art because we all are trapped in this capitalist nightmare. Do their families not deserve to be supported for their work?

I’m struggling to understand the motivation of your comment. You seem upset that a studio that worked for many years paying many developers project managers artists etc to create this game is selling the result of their hard work and investments? Where do you think they got the funds to build their latest game? Perhaps from the previous games, content, merch they have produced and sold?

How exactly is a studio to function if they simply hand out their hard work for free? How exactly are they to hire quality people if they are unable to make a profit from their primary product, the games that the developers and artists pour their heart and souls into?

I mean, shit, yeah all information, art, everything should be able to exist without tying it to finance but that’s not the world we live in and it’s not the world these developers work in.

So… what’s your point??

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In 2014 a standard premium plan was $10 for one person, a family plan (6 people) would cost you $15.

Historically not bad to have a single dollar increase over nearly 10 years.

Apple Music is one dollar above, 10.99 for one persion, 15.99 family, so it's a fairly consistent pricing model for the big players anyway.

Apple Music is the one streaming service I pay for and it's because it fits in better with my tech ecosystem than alternatives.

A real damn shame the rest of streaming services can't agree on fair and consistent pricing.

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you do realize in this regard google/Apple are two sides of the same coin right?

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I love a good redemption arc and their future is looking bright with potential!

What will a Reddit mod do when they can no longer mod?

What an absolute moron

They were stopped and their time and money wasted. Cops got what they wanted. I have no doubt they’ll continue as such

I would argue responding within the hour without warning indeed does show they care about the issue at hand.

Building a SaaS is a lot of work and the finer details like username validation can skip thru the cracks, especially when it comes to startups.

You are making out username validation to encompass the entirety of community safety and that’s quite a stretch as well. This wasn’t malicious and they showed they cared by reacting asap and providing a post Morten with steps forward to avoid in the fututeZ

They CLEARLY care. They are just rushing out the door because of Twitter Facebook threads fediverse, etc. competition is only getting more fierce. That isn’t an excuse but an explanation of how these finer details can get missed, especially when they already accomplished them when they did Twitter.

You are taking a small technical hiccup as evidence of their culture as a whole, which is extremely unfair but okay.

For the record I never cared about Twitter and I certainly don’t care about blue sky or whatever it is. There is further nuance whether you choose to see it or not

recently saw an article quoting a trumper, along the lines of "i don't care what he says, he's got my vote".

that's the average conservative for you. He's their guy, they either don't fucking care or just don't fucking know. Lot of the facts are just discarded because mainstream media/fake news/libs/wokeism, whatever. They never even consider the content, the judgement is made before a single word is read or heard.

And the cost is simply your privacy and security

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A little late for that bud

Beehaw is utilizing lemmy whereas bluesky is not utilizing an existing framework.

Additionally, blue sky is still in active dev, early beta.

How is 40 minutes within the report too slow? It was 40 minutes in a beta product. They said they were too slow because that was the PR post lmao

there are many other factors such as timelines they are dealing with. I have had projects where the timings were tough (competition, sometimes just contract/SOW delivery date changes, etc) and UX was specifically disengaged or delayed.

Now is the ideal time to strike, fediverse and IG threads/lemmy/mastodon/etc are all still in flux when it comes to community favorites. They are all motivated to get out to market first.

The thought behind this approach is to get the foot in the door functionality wise and revamp UX overtime based on user feedback once established in addition to internal evolution of UI. It’s not like they said “yeah fuck it let’s let ‘em name themselves anything”, and more likely prioritized issues in the backlog and being a startup, have more flexibility to leave UX for later or losing the finer details of community safety to different phases or whatever. They want to move fast so this isn’t to say it’s “not important”

I submit that this whole situation was a failure of management as you said but not the disaster people are trying to make it out to be. These things happen when the dev team is forced to move quickly, it says nothing about the company’s values or what it really cares about. They clearly care, it’s just that they see getting to market as the penultimate hurdle that all others are secondary to. I don’t advocate for this approach as I prefer the show not tell approach but I understand the thought process.

Bluesky is not even released yet, it’s still in early beta. Yes that validation should have been there for signups, but I don’t agree that this signifies anything. How can anyone speak to their priorities and what is or isn’t essential to them when the product is still in active development with no release date in sight. Their sign up is a waitlist and the hosting provider (first question they ask) has options for dev and staging servers.

It’s not all bad, you’re right. It’s just that this

To use Beeper, you must give the app permission to send and receive messages through other chat networks using your account credentials. By definition, this may be less secure than using other chat apps alone, especially encrypted chat apps like Signal.

Makes me lose interest. I understand the motivation behind it, yes they encrypt e2e but it’s still sacrificing security (or maybe I should say increasing risk)

Self hosting is a good alternative option!

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As a developer myself, I just find it funny as fuck that people just spout off about shit like this. clearly do not understand what they are talking about.

Imagine the support nightmare alone if the dev team is dismissed on release. For example, Baldur’s gate just released 1000+ bugfix patch 20-some days after release, good luck doing that with a brand new team.

Especially today with things like day1/week1 patches which have become the usual almost, cutting the dev team loose on release would just be wild from any informed perspective

Wow all that and they don’t even show said font? Looked all thru that 50 min video

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For VPN, I use mullvad which is quite reasonable in pricing and is quite good with speeds and such as well as privacy concerns.

Back when I used OS X for torrents I used an app called Transmission. Not sure if it still exists or if there are better alternatives these days. (Edit: transmission app's website)

I can’t help when it comes to courses tho, you just need to find a torrent site like torrentleech or ipt or whatever that has the content you’re looking for.

I say learn about torrents first, don’t bother talking about what you want to torrent. Once you have a working understanding then go in search of the niche content you’re talking about here.

Feel free to ask me any torrent related questions

By design the needs of the elite outweigh the people

Ask Alan Turing

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In America only corpos matter, laws are for the poors

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