
2 Post – 27 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

fae/fem <3

tankies arent radical left. they are authoritarians ffs

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it may seem that way, but no. pro-freedom actually means keeping people away who wanna take our freedom. i.e. authoritarians like tankies

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hm i wonder if theres any capitalist countries with a history of committing genocide..

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i wonder what would happen tho...

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based. also hiii moss :3

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fuckin hell im not saying genocide them, theres literally a fucking lemmy instance just for them. they can go there, tankies not welcome here.

oh dear here we go. off the top of my head, there is of course, canada, usa (native americans), israel (palestinians), nazi germany (jewish people, PoC, queer people, communists, and a whole bunch of others)(it mightve called itself socialist but was still very much capitalist), china (uyghur people) (also might call itself communist but they literally have billionaires and a fucking stock market, cmon)

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just because they do good things too doesnt make them perfect

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but don't buy from western propaganda

i.e. are critical of russia, but stand by even the most autoritarian, anti-democratic, militaristic, imperialistic regimes - just because they call themselves “socialist” or “communist”, except for russias invasion of ukraine

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fine by me. fuck the US

i disagree. if you welcome one, they will all come and bring their friends, and then u have a tankie community ;)

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Simply having a stock market doesn't mean the markets are free to function as they please.

are u saying that government intervention in the "free market" = communism?

as a reminder, communism is a stateless, classless, and moneyless society.

also, state intervention in the market does not make a country no longer capitalist, they all have that.

but comparing usa to nazi germany or current day china is delusional

i was just giving u a list of genocidal capitalist countries, i wasnt comparing them with each other.

many countries are built on genocide thanks to colonialism. canada is one of them, and it has not changed its course

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already have. maybe u should get urself another book to read for once.

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the US state department dogma must be a much better read😌


How will you perform a non-authoritarian revolution? How will you quash racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.? By being polite?

the main idea is dual power structures. spreading awareness, and people will do whats necessary, mobilize, organize, all that fun stuff. if u can teach people about the struggles of marginalized groups, they will be able to recognize it in their own lives and stand up against it.

Or are you going to vote us towards communism🤩

and there wont be a need for political parties to enforce "compliance", people are naturally empathetic. well not all people, but the vast majority.

And I have plenty more books, but go on🤗

try "Are you an anarchist? the answer might surprise you" by David Graeber, if ur ever looking for something else.

or "Anarchy works" by Peter Gelderloos for a more comprehensive description of these ideas.

i was just quoting the other commenter. but dont forget about china, nazi germany, north korea, etc.

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a community not welcoming assholes =/= a state killing everyone who's in their way. one is authoritarian, the other is not.

im good! glad u got made a mod here as well!

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lol oki. i decided to stop arguing with the tankies here. i dont wanna legitimize it as a valid position to discuss about.

dont waste too much time on these fuckers, look after urself too :3

thank u for ur service :3

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x3 small deeds still matter

I'm not implying that china is communist. AFAIK I did not state that in my comments.

yea i figured. just wanted to make sure 👍

government intervention in free markets is antithetical to capitalism.

all the countries i mentioned have/had corporate taxes

still disqualifies the country from being capitalist.

oof so by that definition, are there any capitalist countries right now? has it ever been tried and succeeded so far? if any intervention in the free market makes a country no longer capitalist, i mean.

yea i know. genocide is never a good thing. no matter who does it. whats ur point?

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i fully agree and im sorry if it came across differently.

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youre absolutely goddamn right!

me when i found out theres a 196 on lemmy

those were soo fucking scary fr. yet i always wanted one

oh youre scared? you should be >:3