
28 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

This is going to be an effective way to tank the Google/Yelp review score of your restaurant. And pay toilets are also stupid in Europe, I say that as a European.

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Yeah, exactly. Commercial social media sites pay workers in low-wage countries to moderate content. Plenty of stories out there about the toll it takes on them, but it's easy enough for the commercial sites to just keep finding more cheap labor. Fedi is mostly volunteers so it's quite different, and much more visible.

I enjoy these review threads. Very convenient to get an impression of a just-released game. Thanks for sharing.

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Net neutrality has been debated for decades and, as the EFF apparently still has to remind people, the entire thing conceptually goes out the window once it becomes acceptable for ISPs to start blocking content on their own volition, even if you happen to completely agree with the block. After some time building blocklists of generally understood to be nasty sites, ISPs with large entertainment interests will block piracy sites. Internet archive? Blocked. Blog which writes something nasty about them? Block. Anarchist Fedi community? Etc. That's what the EFF is warning about.

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Well hopefully you can't harm your computer with userland programs. Windows is perhaps a bit messy at this, generally, but Unix-like systems have pretty good protections against non-superusers interfering with either the system itself, or other users on the system.

Having drivers run in the kernel and applications run in userland also means unintentional application errors generally won't crash your entire system. Which is pretty important..

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Romania offers as much as €11,500 to people buying an electric vehicle.

Imagine if up to €11,500 per person could go to funding public transportation.

I like cars. They're useful, and EVs are probably the future. But directly subsidizing EVs seems somewhat wasteful. Makes as much sense to me as a tax break for buying a new iPhone.

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As a massive Dark Souls fan, AC6 is not even a very good Souls game. No deep lore and story, no beautiful scenery, no exploration at all. Even the bosses aren't as good, because DS bosses can be tackled in various ways (melee, ranged, magic, many cheese strats) while AC6 bosses are designed to only let very specific builds succeed, which is incredibly boring. I honestly don't understand the hype.

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This is what society should be. Enabling those of us without advantages to attain what they're capable of.

The EFF is working on all that. And have been for decades. They are allies.

They're making a stand on blocking because they have a bigger perspective on the issues. Which I thought was quite well articulated in their article.

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My US-made e-Bike is also "dumb". A regular key to unlock it, a simple onboard trip computer, no apps, no bluetooth, a user replaceable battery... I can see the appeal of a "Tesla-like" e-Bike with a fancy app but reading about these companies going bankrupt makes me glad I got a simple bike.

It helps with compile time. I don't know why exactly rust macros are slow, and precompiling them helps. Unfortunately, it means distributing a binary along your build process which I personally think is not worth the few seconds of build time speedup.

Btw I do think it is a technically clever solution to improving build times. I'm convinced serde's author is trying to improve the project and this does address one of the common complaints. Clever solutions are not always the right ones though.

Not just a great fight, but also the boss with the best lore.

Extremely powerful giant warrior learns gravity magic so he can keep riding his best skinny horse friend. Aww.

  • Java developer wanted
  • Minimum 6 years of experience writing Large Language Generative AI Models
  • Pay range $12-$18/hour

Pretty good! I just made an account here. I've been on Lemmy/Fedi/etc for a while but finally found my way to the hive.

Now I'm sipping coffee to get ready for the workday. Hope y'all have a good week.

This article is quite restrained while more mainstream media writes about a "potential fifth force of nature". E.g. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-66407099

At least it seems we may find out relatively soon which is the right answer.

It will be done wirelessly. They're just legally required to call this a "recall" because automotive legislation was written before OTA updates were a thing.

Great comment. However let's not forget the history of many exotic materials which were made practical to manufacture after their useful properties were found. Consider many types of semiconductors, blue LEDs, carbon fiber, etc. All once super expensive but now commonplace. This makes me at least somewhat optimistic that if a material is useful enough (and a superconductor would be revolutionary) fabrication will be solved. Hopefully.

I'd wait. I feel like consoles must be getting close to a hardware refresh now.

Same here. Lifelong tinnitus in one ear without measurable hearing loss. Presumably due to a severe ear infection.

Settlers 2 (and the faithful remake Settlers 2: 10th Anniversary) is pretty old but is still one of my favorite economy building games

There's no contradiction there. You are required specifically optimize your build for the difficult boss fights -and- play with Sekiro-like skill. The game is clearly designed like this. And while I've never played any of the previous AC games I agree with OP that this feels Souls-like, with stamina, poise and everything.

The combat is fine perhaps. The main reason I don't like AC6 is because there's nothing interesting in it except the boss fights. It's the blandest FromSoft game I've ever played. Elden Ring kept me enthralled for a 100 hours until I got all achievements, trying to explore everything. An afternoon of AC6 I started to wonder why I was still playing, when after each mission or boss there's just going to be more of the same.

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I have had a Model 3 for about 4 years now and I think it has generally been a very well-made car.

"Military intelligence Two words combined that can't make sense"

If done covertly without care for animal welfare it probably is, or I think it should be. Animal drug testing is already ethically dubious with oversight..

Maybe more of a World News article than Politics?

I'm a bit of a finance geek. While most finance-related content on the internet is iffy, this video is great advice for most people and expertly explained 👏

Huh. AI writing about AI industry news. AI-ception.

It is my, unsubstantiated, guess that these kinds of standards are kept deliberately complicated and weak to allow the "three letter agencies" to exploit them. I would expect the government itself when needed uses the most secure or even an improved version of the spec which does not have these obvious vulnerabilities.

I'd never heard of this mission. A nuclear-powered drone flying around Titan? That's so retro-sci-fi I can't even

The Talos Principle 2

It's beautiful, and often really engaging both in gameplay and in story/setting, but I'm already feeling a bit of puzzle fatigue after ~20% through the game. I'll see how far I'll continue.

Install the Mono package using the package manager. Then you should be able to copy your application to the NAS and run it in a terminal.

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This one? https://beehaw.org/post/6803845

I saw it on your profile and it shows up just fine for me.

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Yeah, security is in layers and userland isn't automatically "safe", if that's what you're pointing out. So I did mention non-superusers. Separating the kernel from userland applications is also critically important to (try to) prevent non-superusers from accessing APIs and devices which only superusers (or those in particular groups) are able to reach.

Yeah the cloaked enemies mission was also the highlight of chapter 1 for me. The far more interesting visual design of the area, the unique enemies and the mission design*. It was cool. But still disappointed that the ol' invisible enemies stage was the highlight of an entire chapter :P. I expected a lot more from FromSoft.

::: spoiler spoiler Behind you! :::