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Joined 10 months ago

It’s 2024, debates aren’t relevant anymore IMO. You can easily, assuming you’re not an idiot that believes facebook memes, find info on both candidates and actually check facts.

Why does the right consistently go out of their way to be actual pieces of shit?

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This was actually a storyline in Silicon Valley lol

June 25, 2020 16:06:06 | The number of ChinaVirus cases goes up, because of GREAT TESTING, while the number of deaths (mortality rate), goes way down. The Fake News doesn't like telling you that! Retweets: 56716 Favorites: 236822 |

Blockbuster tournaments from the 90s don’t count

Yes, please send those weapons back to NK lol

Garth Algar?

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It will pair perfectly with my Trump NFT

But midday Thursday, Friske's campaign published a statement on his Facebook page responding to the arrest that suggested a firearm was involved.

"As many of us know, Rep Friske is always exercising his 2nd Amendment right," the Friske campaign said in a statement. "... We ask everyone for prayers and to stay tuned from updates directly from this campaign or Representative Friske himself. Thank you for the outpouring of concern and unwavering support we have received this morning. Clearly, Rep. Friske is over the target in this race."

From the limited information available so far, I have come to the conclusion that this entire incident, whatever occurred, was due to Friske’s concern over his weiner size. A gun is literally the smoking gun!

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I don’t think my dogs even know why they bark half the time. Good luck AI

2 incredible leaders that care so much for their citizens.

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I saw the before and after pics of Alex Jones after using supplements. They totally work, yup.

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Not surprised it was run by artificial intelligence considering Russia doesn’t have natural intelligence.

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Real talk? Vape carts are garbage. Overpriced and weak, just smoke bud or rip a dab. The only times I use carts are when i have to sneakily bring it somewhere.

Health wise, the smoke from wild fires probably caused more damage to my lungs than a year of weed.

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And there’s plenty more where that came from, Putler. Or, you know, Russia can fuck off back to their territory and the attacks would cease.

I know, I’m shitposting. There’s amazingly intelligent people in all countries, race, gender etc.


Oh no, not my hats, luggage and shoes!

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Has anyone written the back story that led to this PAC? Pretty sure this dude was a grifting liar during the Mueller investigation lol

Edit: I didn’t read the entire article but here’s an older one from the Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/28/trump-tweets-hoax-louise-mensch-claude-taylor

The one guy from the show passed away recently, fuck cancer.

Bill D'Agostino is the Media Editor for NewsBusters and Senior Research Analyst for the Media Research Center's News Analysis division. His work has been featured on Fox News, The Daily Wire, The Mark Levin Show, and many other conservative outlets.

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‘Totally and completely exonerated’

Ha ha ha. Almost as funny as your FACE.

“The basic idea is that the West has declined irrevocably, beginning with what Srinivisan calls the birth of the centralized state that disempowered wealthy industrialists with antitrust laws, securities regulation, central banking, and adversarial journalism. Now, the thinking goes, we’re on the backswing with wealthy individuals reclaiming their power over supposedly corrupt public institutions, and we have the internet and its currency—Bitcoin—to lead us out of the darkness.“

Glad those disempowered wealthy industrialists are reclaiming their power!

To add to this, the dude spent a lifetime getting punched in the head.

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders said on social media: "I have been briefed on the tragic shooting in Fordyce, and I'm in constant contact with State Police at the scene. I am thankful to law enforcement and first responders for their quick and heroic action to save lives. My prayers are with the victims and all those impacted by this."

No thoughts only prayers

Mocha Joe is listed. That’s real? I prefer Latte Larry

Still waiting on that list. Thanks

I’m interested in the list you use to verify a company is good. Please share thanks

You’re preaching to the choir!

But why are you posting links to oligarch controlled western propaganda media?

You don’t need a license but you have to cut your fingers off first.

Good one, quite original

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Yeah, these other replies are unrealistic, they just like to look all high and mighty online.

Ah yes, because you’ve verified that the companies you frequently use don’t prioritize profits as their number 1 motivation lol

Glad to see you doing fine in the real world.
