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Joined 1 years ago
! 2023-10-06 https://www.youtube.com

Oh no, anyway.

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It gets rid of the nag screen so you can just watch the video. For uBlock Origin, it's a bit crude, may affect other bits of interface, I also use the Enhancer for YouTube plug-in for Firefox which is really useful.

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Ok, I'm not an American but I work for and own shares in an American company, so I have an interest. As an outsider it looks obvious that the right wing GOP do not command majority support, if it wasn't for the archaic electoral system, billionaire backing, obscene gerrymandering and outright cheating, denying votes to people who would never vote for them and making it borderline impossible to vote, the GOP would be largely an irrelevance. It's "base" are growing old and dying off, and younger people despise them, their only hope of gaining new younger voters seems to be crippling the education system so they are too stupid to realise they are having the wool pulled over their eyes so they vote for party that hurts the people they have been taught to hate rather than they ones doing actual harm to them.

Against this background, the GOP faces a bleak future, it either modernises, helping those who vote for them rather than just those who pay them, or it goes full authoritarian, while they still have enough voters to get them in power, guaranteeing them the power to rule without majority support. It seems like they chose the latter.

It's truly frightening, the thought of TFG , a soon to be bankrupt felon rotting in jail, a traitor who launched a coup to overthrow democracy is the front runner for the GOP nomination.

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While I abhor the whole concept of tipping, the thing that really grinds my gears is that we are expected to pay a percentage of the bill for service. If I order a basic cheese pizza or a 16 ounce tomahawk steak with a big chunk of foie gras and all the trimmings the server does not have to do much extra work for the latter. But if I have to tip $5 on a $20 pizza, why the fuck do I have to tip $100 for almost the same amount of service for the steak? Sure it weighs more and you might need to make an extra trip to serve the trimmings, but WTF, the server is not providing any more value by serving an expensive dish.

If I order an expensive bottle of wine it takes no extra effort to serve, why should I pay a shit ton more service charge?

USA, get your shit together, this is so not right. Land of the free? My arse.

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Ublock Origin is free.

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Oh wow, I hate it so much. Look down at the screen, aim for a button or piece of UI, look back at the road because you have traveled about 100m without checking what in front of you, or coming at you from the side, keep your finger on the same trajectory towards the desired UI then BUMP, you hit a slight depression in the road and FUUUUUUUUUUUKKKKKK you just switched off your favourite podcast and switched on the FM radio you never use so it's never tuned and it in so it goes BRRRRSHHHSHHSTTTSHHEEEEXXXHS. Then it takes about 4 or 5 steps to get back your podcast, each of which can turn out to be exactly the same as the one which switched on the FM radio.

Touch screen in cars. Whomever it was that signed off on that development, may you suffer a long and painful death.

Grifter baiting his teenage incel followers

I have a GeForce GTX 970 from 2015 that's still doing sterling service every day in my recently refreshed HTPC, delivering 4K movies and the occasional game to my 65in Sony OLED TV. My best tech buy ever.

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65 l/100km... Holy shit, a Bugatti Veyron running at top speed over 400km/h is consuming 122 l/100km.

That's insane

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His followers will love it, most run gas guzzling trucks and hate electric cars and their owners with a passion.

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I was part of the Digg exodus to Reddit, and now I'm here.

Resting in my account

Contrast the reaction of the UK to people with direct access to a security minister and foreign affairs committee chair arrested for allegations of having spied for the CCP, bailed until trial next month, with the reaction of the CCP in Hong Kong to individuals like Jimmy Lai, a newspaper owner, held without trial for years for "collusion with foreign powers". There are thousands of political prisoners in Hong Kong, held without trial.

The UK wanted to introduce full democracy in Hong Kong prior to the handover to China in 1997. China's response was to threaten to send in the tanks.

Hong Kong has zero democracy today, the majority of the Legco seats are unelected, and those that are elected, Beijing nominated all the candidates.

Mine was removed by Corporate IT, along with a bunch of other open source stuff that made my life bearable.

Also I spent 5 months with our cyber security guys to try and provide a simple file replication server for my team working in a remote office with shit internet connectivity. I gave up, the spooks put up a solid defense, push all the onerous IT security compliance checking onto my desk instead of taking control.

Not as bad as my previous company though, outsourced IT support to ATOS was a nightmare.

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Bypass most paywalls, also deny them the clicks. archive.today have a plug-in for Firefox, other paywall bypass tools are available.

If the infrastructure doesn't support EVs for a journey, that's an EV problem.

ShareX, it's on the MS app store. Open source free software, clip screenshots and even videos as gif or MP4.

The available extensions are limited, but tampermonkey gives you access to lots of custom extension opportunities, I use it to make Twitter bearable.

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I lived in Singapore without a car, there is no need to own a car. I used public transport and ride sharing without ever feeling that having a car would have improved my experience. In Hong Kong it was the same, and I lived in the Northern Territories, however in Sydney we had a car even though public transport was great, because its a big fucking country. Now in Penang, Malaysia there is no usable public transport, so a car is absolutely essential.

I used to frequent searchlores.org and fravia.com back in the day, they were a treasure trove of specialised web search and data mining techniques.

UNSW maintain a mirror of the old websites, last updated 14 years ago, worth a look if you have some time on your hands.


Lock them away. Because the legal system can and does make mistakes.

Being murdered by the state for a crime you didn't commit is not the sign of a grown up society.

Sandboxie-plus for the win! Saved my sanity several times.

Rubber dinghy rapids bro

Deleted the app from my phone the day Elmo took control. Still use it via Firefox with Tampermonkey and Control Panel for Twitter, I only see stuff from those I follow, and anyone with a paid subscription is blocked. Tolerable like this.

Lock them up, as I said

After mine was disabled, I found that if I run videos of old meetings or training onscreen, it keeps the system alive...

Works nicely when I'm WFH.

Under previous non-technical CEOs Intel lost it's focus on innovation leadership and became a commodity supplier, losing ground to AMD and NVIDIA. Pat Gelsinger is different, he's an engineer, he led the 486 program, he is committed to regaining technical leadership and compete with TSMC as a foundry player. The Intel 4 node is now in mass production, Intel 3, 20A and 18A will follow in the next 2 years. New foundry capacity is being added in every factory, and new sites are being developed, 10's of billions of investment, None-core business units are being divested. 15th generation processors with be AI native, the plan is that in the same way as Centrino kick started WiFi, AI support on the desktop will be a game changer.

Are these things that dying companies do?

Taobao has the same stuff but even cheaper.

Or they could be innocent.

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Tampermonkey expands the functionality you can use to take control, I use the twitter control panel to transform the mobile experience of X. No need for the app with all the forced Elmo bollocks.

It is just a shit load of if then else statements. If the inputs don't have a corresponding if then it just defaults to doing nothing.

Are you using Prowlarr? It allows you to use both Usenet and Torrent sources transparently with the Arrs. Works really well for me and you get good performance stats of each source.

You can travel in a car, Uber, Grab and taxis allow you that convenience if you really need to go by car. It's not about rich and poor. Having lived in SG and in HK, the public transport systems are really good, but I never felt the need for a car, indeed in HK the cost of parking alone is way higher than to use public transport. I have friends that live in the smaller villages that cannot survive without a car, but all they use it for is to drive to a convenient public transport hub.

I'm a petrol head, I love cars and now I'm living somewhere that has almost no public transport, so I now have a car again and I enjoy the freedom and fun that I love about car ownership. But it doesn't change my opinion about using public transport where it is the better option.

Control Panel for Twitter users:

What's a "For you Feed?"

If it's good enough for John Lennon...

I use Pi-Hole + uBlock origin, there is nothing FB can do to make me read this shit.

I keep an account there to catch up with relatives in other countries, nothing else gets on my feed.

TFG's Truth Social is using Mastodon code.

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Tuta was the name of Borat's daughter who was lusted over by Rudi Four Seasons Landscaping.