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Joined 1 years ago

Dang, you're Moneyball'ing your kid?

Sounds awesome!

Not opensource, but i love juicessh. I keep coming back to it all the time.

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I don't even care about other features. The tiling home screen of the OS was really nice to use and when used properly by the apps could result in a "live" OS unlike the iconographic interfaces of iOS and Android. The homescreen was also old-age friendly and really a pleasure to use.

The OS ram like really smooth on 512mb RAM, unlike their counterpart android phones which were struggling back then with 2-3GB RAM.

The lumias themselves had a ton of useful features like tap to wake etc, which didn't consume much battery and in general the Nokia cameras were top notch for the time.

Basically, the OS got killed because of a chicken and egg problem with the apps, and the OS being from Microsoft, got a death knell because of the reputation. Also for some fucking reason, Microsoft decided that the already low userbase WP7s were to be depreciated rather than provide an upgrade path fo WP8 and WP10.

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This has the same energy as my spouse yelling at me because jellyfin went down

If you're on windows, Everything by Void tools is the best at indexing and searching.

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Not necessarily, generally the defaults for most of the tools tend to be sane, but when you have a swiss army knife with dozens of attachments, you'd still need a manual to figure what is what.

Note that many tools use ffmpeg under the hood so users are generally never exposed to the various options. But sometime if they need to, cheatsheets like these are really useful.

Absolutely. My wife flew to her parent place with our toddler and I dont have any idea on what to watch.

All I'm watching is nursery rhymes since they're catchy as all hell.

Unable to read the paywalled article, but ROCm is like Nvidia's CUDA for their GOUs. These used to be supported on and off for consumer GPUs, but get aupported mostly only for datacenter ones. Linux used to be supported, but they are bringing ROCm to windows as well.

Probably AMD is planning to improve support for consumer GPUs, since their GPUs are competitive to Nvidia's at a lower price point, given that local LLMs, Image generation and other AIs are in a kind of a booming trend.

Currently, Nvidia has CUDA which is more or less the industry standard, so AMD with their ROCm and Intel with their OpenVino etc are trying to chip away at the monopoly.

Windows laptops generally get trashy battery life, and if this going to tank it further, I'd just run Linux full-time on my family laptop and call it a day.

The only reason we had windows was my wife's comfortability and sometimes zoom glitches out on linux.

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Oh absolutely. I wear socks with sandals because my soles sweat and make my sandals sticky.

But yeah, wear proper attire for the work you do!

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Its really good in North America given that it is from Cornell. Gets probably a bird or two wrong out of hundreds

When I'm in India, its a kinda of a swing and a miss, but they're constantly improving it.

I don't think they use an indexable compression as well, right? That essentially kills stuff for me.

The easiest way to host is not TB/PB sized archives but indices and slices for those.

It easier for a lot of us to download a few gigs and share that, rather than download TB/PB sized archives.

Boost gives me so much joy to use.

My dad and my wife begin telling their anecdote and it finally involves me in having a mental and emotional breakdown trying to figure put their point.

I used to fight them initially into telling the point in the few seconds to no avail. These days, I just tune in enough to listen every 10th word.

Thank you for an interesting discussion! In particular I like the fact that you listed out a lot of sustainable practices!

You can import a whole bunch of stuff, but it's upto each state to decide if they'll allow you to use it on road.

Its the only way we can watch TV in our house.

Im just afraid that they might remove thr ability to install custom apks altogether.

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Just don't get xiaomi if you're in the US. I used to have one when I moved from India last year and majority of the bands were unsupported, so I was stuck on 2G-3G speeds.

Funny story, we are moving out of our apartment to another in the same city, because that is close to $300 cheaper.

We had an issue in the bathroom and the maintenence guy comes and we make small talk. I find that he lives in another apartment complex, the property managers live in another apartment complex, because the ones I live in is expensive and the housing in our city is expensive that none of us can afford to buy one.

For teens probably might be a dealbreaker.

For adults, mate webjust want to skip the small talk on slack or whatever app your corporate uses.

Dpending on what you need, there are plugins which can detect intros, change UIs etc

I've started forwarding the calls to Google voice or if i accidentally pick the call, i use bixby's auto answer.

Either eay the call drops in a hot second.

I fell in love with the webapp first and now I like the android native app!

Can confirm this works ony S22+

Love posts like this, because I can plug a tool that I revently found!

Its called ParaFly and i use it a lot on HPCs. Doesn't really have a multi-node support, but it also offers logging and resuming of jobs.

So your point 3 is essentially this: ParaFly -c commands.txt -CPU N where N is the number of jobs you want to run in parallel

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Idk where Lodge cast irons stand on the priciness scale, but we got of them last year and i fucking love those.

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I was there and I saw what you did, Saw it my own two eyes

Thats the case in all the crime novels. The woman gets decribed in so much detail that its practically an erotica and the guy is described as having a Y chromosome.

No one cares how the female looks, my dear authors, just move on ahead with the story!

Iirc, the business line (ThinkPads) were not affected by these, but who knows.

But yes, my oldest laptop is a ThinkPad and I love it very dearly!

Prequel in spirit or are the events tied in?

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Thats basically the plan eventually. Or just download the playlists that our toddler watches, since tv comes under his purview.

Holy fuck. I thought as a new driver I was the one who wasn't listening to the instructions properly, but it really is bad.

Does it also sometime mess up turns ans force a longer route?

Not sure if this would be useful, but my university uses ThinLinc. We can use the desktop and other stuff in the browser.

I use gonic with sonixd on my laptops, but probably might move to supersonic from sonixd.

On my phone, Tempo is really awesome!

Not really an open-source approach, but I found that irium Webcam is generally a lot better if you're just wanting to use your phone as one.

For some reason scrcpy just doesn't work well for me.

ThinkPad T450s (my old laptop)

OS: Arch Linux DE: Plasma

Services: Arr stack for gluetun, sonarr, radar and jackets Jellyfin for videos Gonic for audio

All 3 of them are run using docker compose

Absolutely, my toddler had MRSA within a few days after he was born and its most likely due to some contamination or something to the effect.

Hospitals are a severe breeding grounds for resistant bacterial strains via sewage.

Not to mention poor guy has to fight inflation as well, so will have to get gifts from Temu, and be spammed wily-nily all through the remainder of his life.

Do debrid services even seed back?

From what ive been reading it seems that they just don't.

Live in a college town and it sounds about right.

With the campus vacant, bus frequencies have dropped a lot.