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Joined 12 months ago

Legal precedent is important and he’s gonna rot regardless (not an endorsement of our prisons, he’ll likely have friends in there)

What about people who need money to not only survive but to continue making art? What separates art from, say, coding, as a form of labor that is not worth compensation? Is an artist’s work not worthy of adequate compensation?

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As far as I can tell, the lawsuit is still ongoing? This is the most recent court document I could find, but it’s more than a year old: https://www.vermontjudiciary.org/sites/default/files/documents/bombard%20v%20riggen%20mello%2021-cv-176%2011-2-22.pdf

Very interested to see how much the taxpayers have to pay for another cop abusing his power

Am I an idiot, or does the article literally not once mention LA? I see SF, San Jose, Oakland, but no southern California….

You shouldn’t be so rude when you’re just dead wrong

They don’t want to protect us bro. That’s why everyone hates the LAPD. Imagine being the victim of a crime and being laughed out of the station. Or getting robbed, and waiting 45 minutes for someone who literally doesn’t give a shit to show up.

Also, as someone pointed out, the only thing they do about gangs is form their own.

Damn I’ve never seen someone live tweet brain damage

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Having sympathy for Vietnam vets is the same thing, except culturally acceptable for Americans. You can root for Russia to lose and also mourn the lives lost in a war that civilians were forced to participate in.

Dumb mods!


If you just read the wiki article you linked as well, there is circumstantial evidence you’re just ignoring.

nah leave it was a fun read

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That article is a ride. All sweet stuff until

The twins prospered and moved to Surry County, where they came to own more than one thousand acres of land and twenty-eight enslaved people.


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Lots of beliefs are offensive. For example, Sandy Hook deniers.

Where fourth party?

Randy is such a piece of shit it’s wild

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Or he knows that he’ll likely get primaried if he changes his stance? Money runs politics in more ways than one

Just don’t eat out if you don’t want to tip. Tipping culture is fucked but servers are just as victimized as customers.

I thought you were exaggerating, but nope. That thread is really hard to read. I guess if you’re the type to run executables off a discord server you’re not the brightest bulb though lol

What don’t you like about Ideology, out of curiosity? I can understand Royalty / Biotech, but I love Ideology

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God, aren’t those Jims just beautiful

You’re not even wrong on 3/4 but explain to me how going vegan is a stand against discrimination? I stop eating eggs and systemic racism is defeated??

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Wow, this is super cool - saving this for when I finally spruce up my old desktop for a home server. You’re a talented person mate

Fuck, man. DBZ was a huge part of my childhood. Toriyama is a legend.

That’s fucking awesome. Stoked for you!

Motherfucker did this in 2020. Yeah, it’s cool, but as a former president said, fool me once, can’t fool me again

So another normal autotldr comment eh?

wild take, feels very brain worm inspired

Different bottles have different rants - I think the PTSD/shrooms one is the almond soap. Peppermint is the All-One nonsense one

We had peppermint in our bathroom for years so imagine my surprise when I read a different bottle and it not only wasn’t batshit but kinda fuckin rad

Very exciting. Bummed we have to wait till the end of the year for this

Yep. Bombing down the PCH sure ruins my nights. The canyons suuuure aren’t fun to blow through either. I’d much rather live somewhere ugly and flat with no culture

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Right now I’m checking out Bill Callahan’s YTILAER because of you @ren - but if anyone wants a recommendation, I’ve been completely obsessed with John Grant’s album Queen Of Denmark. Phenomenal stuff - check out the title track or Sigourney Weaver.

That’s a super interesting perspective on this stuff. Sorry you’re going through that internet brother - I hope you can communicate to your dad that he’s loved the way he is. Definitely seems to be true


There’s another version of Spiders? I was a fanatic for the first book in high school, I had no idea

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Never ask a Biden supporter why Buttigieg is Secretary of Transportation

This is my opinion about every game that came after Dark Souls 1, although I think the drawbacks are a lot more visible in 2&3 in Elden Ring - as you pointed out about the open world. Finding the shortcuts in the first one (like Darkroot Garden connecting the Parish to the Burg) is a feeling that’s never been replicated for me in the later games.

Why does everybody forget the rape allegations that he didn’t stand trial for?

Anybody who doesn’t like the rape apologist supports Trump 😭😭😭

Everyone seems to hate Clarence Thomas but doesn’t seem to remember Biden grilling Anita Hill.

It’s almost like the guy above you is complaining that we had many better options during the 2020 primary, but people like you voted for a dogshit candidate that is literally losing in the polls to an overt fascist.

So when democracy is gone, I personally will blame people who saw how much a threat Trump was and thought fucking Joe Biden was the best choice.

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Yeah, that’s a bit of a reach - not like immigrants aren’t brutally exploited on vegetable farms either or anything

Banger album

Well, if you ever do, let me know 😉