
10 Post – 77 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

dunno about legality, but it's not cool, and none of these embargoes succeeded at causing a regime change anywhere as far as I know

try ordering by new, the active ordering will show old threads if people are still commenting on them

and that's a good thing, on reddit you kind of can't keep a conversation as the threads die too fast

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android has anti-features too, not ppintless

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American Patriotism feels weird, we kind of have the reverse sentiment in Brazil (that everything here is worse).

On a side note, when I was a kid if I saw a movie character talking about how awesome America is I thought we south-americans were included on it, kind of awkward to learn it wasn't

I guess it wasn't about the price for you then

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I asked stable diffusion for a photo-realistic version of this image. This isn't what I had in mind

I don't think it was ever born to have died. I think they grossly overestimated how much this tech would improve

xcom 2

I'd like a single atheist state where Palestine and Israeli have equal rights but religion is strictly outlawed. But I wouldn't kill people to achieve that, so I think my endgame isn't gonna happen

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are browsers and libs good enough to do front end without a build step yet?

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ISP mitm sounds infuriating

you need to at least be able to explain what is wrong. a "this is bad" criticism is just frustrating

Whenever I tested something that sounds great yet it is slow to get adoption I end learning a reason why it it's not growing. It's good to learn what the reason is before you spend a lot of time on it

I'm doing some scraping on the playstore, there is few stuff that has no ads nor in app purchases

I posted a few here on https://lemmy.fbmac.net/c/free_android_games

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No, I didn't anticipate significant backslash. The criticism of Wikipedia is valid, but I'm comparing it to the raw stream of BS I get on social media, not to an idealistic vision of what wikipedia should be

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When I want to read something relatively well verified and unbiased I reach for Wikipedia. They are doing a better job than any other source I found on the internet so far on keeping things clear of BS

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About the third point, the performance of your JavaScript code can be worse if it's broken down into several small files rather than a single, bundled file. When a browser encounters a script tag linking to an external JavaScript file, it makes an HTTP request to fetch that file. This process occurs for each separate file. Each HTTP request involves time for network latency, server processing, and data transfer.

I'm usually preferring typescript too, but this point got me curious. I'm guessing it wasn't an honest point, almost everywhere I look people are still using a build step, and I didn't notice any move in a different direction

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That's a good point. I dunno how I would be able know what is legit.

On a possible ADHD_resources it's still better than googling directly, the other users can comment when something bad happens

Do you want to create and/or mod it?

I'm afraid if private schools were removed the really wealthy would just send their kids to study in another country like they already do, and the middle class would lose this option, and we get worse as a whole

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nuke it until there is no one left and the radiation turn it into a de facto natural reserve like Chernobyl

the work will be done for people with slightly different job titles? there is a lot of different titles that are mostly the same

consciousness is just an illusion. the only hard problem is people trying to make reality fit into their beliefs instead of the other way around

fraud charges for anyone claiming it to be non fiction and censorship similar to what porn gets for religious media

closest I can think of are Alladin and the lion king

As a Brazillian, I think it would probably be good if we were at NATO, but we're not.

Now you mention it, maybe people with a better interview/offer rate are also doing a better job on not wasting time with positions they aren't a great fit? I get interested when they ask me about things I used only a little before, so I end doing a lof of these

I suspect that some interviews are just to say they interviewed X people before they chose someone

this could probably run all lemmy instances in a little corner of its ram

There is a bot posting ai generated stuff on my server, but this is my normal account, to post normal human things

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I never feel sure what I want to use, and I get tempted to stop what I'm doing to do something in another stack, because I am most interested in the tech than my own toy project

Thanks, I found this book and a lot of papers about it on this site: http://algorithmicbotany.org/

Maybe opt-in ads? It could be opt-in for both the instance and the end user

I'm not demanding it to be opt-in, just taking the assumption that you don't want to just put ads there, and that there would be a backslash if you just put them there

Or some kind of "lemmy gold"

I guess the Arab countries that oppose them are doing something, but Israel have some powerful friends

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once on a vacation I was sleeping on bunkbed and hit my head on the upper one every day when I woke up

isn't it too good to be true? where is the catch?

there must be a small number of players that torrented it then bought it after they played and things like that

we can stop assuming people are dumb and accept that as you said people don't care nearly enough to stop using it

when you type poVoq@slrpnk.net I already know what instance you're from

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we can put dragon ball zero facts there 😜