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Joined 1 years ago

The only thing you have to fear.

The praise he received after 9/11 was how I first heard his name. Shining example of "You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

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First the Streisand effect led to her home. Now it leads to her entire discography. Poor Barbara Streisand.

I am honestly surprised it's not already an epidemic of mass robberies over mass shootings. As the divide between rich and poor widens, more and more people are bound to become outraged as they're backed into a corner. I don't condone this, I just see it as one of of the natural consequences of our predicament.

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Reddit isn't going to die overnight. It will probably not die at all (at least not as a result of this latest stupidity). And that shouldn't be anyone's goal here, anyways. The goal should be to fracture the monopoly. Let the dregs stay on Reddit. And that's not me calling every redditor at the moment a dreg. I mean allow it to devolve into that, just like how Twitter is devolving into nothing but twits.

Trust me, reddit remaining alive is good for the fediverse. Let it become an echo chamber that helps contain the kind of person no one needs over here. This is going to be a slow process. The fact that this site is already functional is a really good sign that the process is going to work. Don't rush it, just sit back and let it happen.

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“We thought we were being set up,” Meyer said about the confidential information.

Holy crap. If that theory is correct, the "anonymous tip" was to give the newspaper a reason to pull up everything they could find on Newell, and then make this digging look like identity theft. They may have even committed actual identity theft as part of this plan, hoping to pin the crime on the journalists at the paper. If Newell is not playing a role in this, they could have been trying to destroy two careers with one stone and winded up pitting these parties against each other.

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"We are not in the business of giving that away for free."

This has the vibe of a dog with a bone noticing its reflection in a lake.

There are reports of them already restoring deleted content, too. They have zero respect for their users' autonomy.

Edit: Someone started a thread about it here

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Those people you're referring to already have cash they're sitting on. Once you have enough in the bank that your interest is generating income, you're set for life and can continue amassing all the things at the expense of the poor. It's like a game of Monopoly towards the very end. It's the top few players who own everything, and they're bankrupting the unlucky thimbles who land on Boardwalk.

If you didn't get into the housing market already, I'm sorry but it's not looking good for you if you're not rich. Something drastic needs to happen to put an end to this corrupt system.

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Haaning told Danish radio:

The work is that I have taken their money. It’s not theft. It is breach of contract, and breach of contract is part of the work. I encourage other people who have working conditions as miserable as mine to do the same. If they’re sitting in some shitty job and not getting paid, and are actually being asked to pay money to go to work, then grab what you can and beat it.

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Hmm, this makes me think of the tradition on certain parts of the internet where people publicly announce the name and crime of this convicted rapist. They'll explain where he's currently living, the name he's trying to go by, and bars he was seen at. This activity seems to stem from the outrage at the excessive leniency he was shown by the judge, although could also be protecting other potential victims.

I wonder if this kind of vigilante doxxing would fall under the scope of such a law, especially when his name is already in so many publications.

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Not that weird if we're talking about the quality of life of a 98 year old woman. "Healthy" at that age might look like spending a great deal of time in your favorite chair watching your favorite shows on the television. After almost a century on this planet, you get a little tired.

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True, but with how secretive North Korea is, it's difficult to get accurate cultural news directly from the source.

This just in, Apple sues the estate of 2000+ year old man for his depiction of an apple in Genesis, the popular and riveting first book in the collaborative effort written 2 millennia ago: The Bible.

I reached out to Apple's PR representative, I'll let you know if they get back to me.

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They absolutely continued and never stopped. I have a shadowbanned account right now for the crime of signing up under a VPN. This happened last month, it was shadowbanned from the moment of creation. I can post all I want with it, but when someone else tries to look for my posts or profile, it does not exist.

They’re asking the court to get rid of that discriminatory denial so that they will not be barred from fostering or adopting children in the future, in Massachusetts or elsewhere.

Stop discriminating against our discrimination! Thanks for the good laugh, Michael and Catherine Burke.

Was the check engine light virtue signalling again?

I humbly protest as someone finding out for someone else's fuck around.

This is such an important distinction. Current AI is incapable of wanting to cause any of that harm, yet it's already happening. The danger won't be skynet, it will be and always has been human greed and ignorance.

I agree there were so many screw-ups in the response, especially in the early days. China insisting upon secrecy until it spread across the globe, the WHO's confusing statements on the efficacy of masks in order to preserve supplies for the front lines, the ridiculous pro-masker vs anti-masker mentality, the Trump fiasco where he suggested doctors use lemon fresh Lysol or whatever the hell he was on about to disinfect people's lungs as if he has a goddamed clue, the alt-right losing their minds over a dangerous vaccine with Bill Gates computer chips in it, etc.

But remember CFCs and the hole in the ozone layer? Scientists were like "Hey, guys. There's a hole here. We need to stop using this crap or we dead." And everyone banded together and stopped using CFCs, and the hole in the ozone layer closed happily ever after. Sometimes we can actually do it right. I don't know, maybe it'll take a crisis like losing Florida to the ocean for Americans to collectively give a shit again and start doing things right. Or maybe we'll all die before we get a chance to see that happen.

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Don't give France any ideas.

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a good and charitable man

Was he though? I don't know anything about him, nor do I have strong feelings about his letter because I know there's a chance he was threatened by the most dangerous and litigious cult on the planet to write it.

I'm sure if he's truly good and charitable as you say, that he will be free to continue those habits without bringing unnecessary controversy to an anti-sex abuse organization of all things. His letter directly opposes what such an organization stands for.

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Everyone is so busy insulting the tenant doing the upgrades when it's the landlord who behaved badly. If all we do is collectively blame victims when they get taken advantage of, society will crumble. This woman wasn't stupid, she just didn't have her guard up in preparation for the massive asshole who had power over her. There's a difference.

When you are trusting, you're called stupid. When you trust no one, you're called unreasonably cynical. They're two sides of the same victim blaming coin. Start blaming the actual problem: predators.

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Pretty sure you could substitute "autism" with any topic at all and the point would be accurate.

Again I don't condone this and don't necessarily believe this was the reasoning behind what happened, but no it's not wiser to steal food over luxury goods if your intent is to feed your starving family for the foreseeable future. With one handful you can leave with $10k from that store. This is why they were dragging the purses that were basically fused to the display racks. A single purse might be $3k. So a thousand times the price of a loaf of bread. If you already made the decision that you're stealing to support your family, are you going to want to do it every other day, or are you going to want to grab one purse that feeds your family for a month?

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May the disdain never fade until monopolies are destroyed.

He needs to put Catherine back in charge. St. Petersburg is going to revolt and join Estonia.

It's so ironic because we even have an inferno planet next door with a runaway greenhouse effect that everyone can use as an example. With an average surface temperature of 464 degrees, Venus got through to me as a small child. But knowing the type of ignorant person we're talking about, Venus would just be held as further "proof" that Earth's climate change isn't caused by human activity.

I didn't get both of your messages.

-Michael Scott

It's not surprising. Other sites have been this way for ages, and they all seem to be in a struggle with one another to out-shit their beds.

To a certain extent I'm with you, obviously since I'm here. But at the same time, I think everyone needs to settle down a bit. Think about what a mass exodus would have actually done. Kbin/lemmy were overwhelmed with just this trickle, there's no way most of these hosts would have been able to stay afloat had several million came knocking. Not to mention Reddit admins would have collectively shit their pants. We don't need them to hyperfocus on this project, let them focus on burning their own house down.

Zuckerberg is already trying to sink his android hooks into the fediverse. That would be a disaster. It's a fine line of building this place up without letting it get ahead of itself. Reddit will take years to fade away. The fediverse needs that time to grow up properly so it doesn't implode.

In other words, chill my dude. Everything is fine.

Breaking News: Malaysian officials ban fabulous cake.

Anyone found baking or possessing kek lapis Sarawak may be caned and could receive a 3-20 year prison sentence, depending on how much of it they ate. Officials believe these intricately detailed and colorful cakes--which date back over 50 years--are part of a time-traveling gay agenda. More at 6.

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The 14 year old ate the chip at school, there's no mention of who gave the chip to him. It's a school administration problem, but hardly a parenting issue unless the mother bought the chip for her son and sent it to school with him. The mother came to pick the boy up right away when he complained of pain, rushed him to the hospital when he lost consciousness, and she is now speaking out to warn others about the dangers of this stupid challenge.

I didn't pass it off as anything else, not sure what your point is. The comment section is to discuss thoughts and ideas on the article. It's a theory regarding why an entire police force could have come after a newspaper with what appear to be illegal and extreme tactics that resulted in the traumatization and death of its co-owner. Good thing this is being investigated so we can find out if something so immoral was behind their actions.

And I'm just pointing out how ridiculous their homophobic laws are. There's a disturbingly small step between banning gay watches and banning gay cake.

You'd think the best way to do that would be to pose as the brain damaged 16 year old rather than go find one and help ruin his life.

Apple's PR representative stated:

If all apples are fruit, and all fruit are of a tree, then surely all fruit of a tree are apples. The world needs to understand that every fruit is our intellectual property now. We've earned that place with our iconic innovation. We're currently in talks with Fruit of the Loom, and our team is confident that they will rebrand as 'Of the Loom'. It's a fresh, modern take for their products that will be mutually beneficial to both parties.

I reached out to Fruit of the Loom's PR representative, nothing yet.

Subs are fluctuating, but you're exaggerating to describe it as "bleeding". They're at 164 million and were even outperforming Netflix at the end of 2022.

As CEO, Iger is awarded approximately $27 million in annual target compensation.

Now that's a crazy demand! Did you know he replaced their last CEO who left in 2022 with an exit package worth $23.4 million? Even when they're gone, Disney's CEOs are raking in Disney cash. Maybe if Iger made 1 million max in annual target compensation, his writers could afford a roof over their heads?

When you have all that money and fame to insulate you, self-preservation is no longer a concern.

"My heart and my best intentions tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not."
