
7 Post – 230 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is my old account. Now primarily at @federalreverse@feddit.org (note the .org!)

Not an expert but: tldr don't.

Battery calibration is supposed to help the battery's firmware figure out how low the battery can go. It also tends to hurt your battery, so you should avoid performing these calibrations and keep the charge between 20% and 80% as much as you can.

It seems what you're trying to do is improve battery estimation by the OS on a new machine. And in that case, Is just trey trip love* I'd just try to live with possible insecurity of not knowing whether the machine has 15 or 25 minutes left.

  • Thanks, auto-correct!

It ships a file called snark.py which is apparently used to name colors. Examples:

(0, 85, 85, 'liquid Nyquil'),

(85, 170, 170, 'smurf blood'),

(255, 170, 170, '"nude" tights that only match Becky's skin'),

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They may just be other people's various devices. Maybe IoT devices or devices not fully set up. If you're living near a store/above a store, those might be Bluetooth beacons that track people through the store.

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And here I am avoiding even special characters because I worry about having to enter them on a French keyboard at some point.

Do be aware that a single emoji is often composed of multiple Unicode characters (e.g. base emoji + gender modifier + skin tone modifier). Entering that on the command line is going to be fun.

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.db is usually short for "database". I'd suspect this file is part of an anti-virus tool or similar. Where did you find the file? Edit: phishingurl indicates that it's part of some URL checking functionality of a browser. Not sure which browser puts that straight into .local/share though. Might be a KDE thing.

Edit 2: Qkall's answer says it's KMail.

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I really don't see the what the fuss is in this thread. The source does make it seem a bit nefarious, but even so, it appears the changes in VLC amount to adding support for a streaming format and adding a channel listing of some sort.

FAST is simply a streaming format. Whether to run ads is an individual decision of each channel.

If I can have a streaming client that can play certain streams versus one that can't, I'll obviously pick the former. (Unless they employ a DRM scheme which does weird things to my devices but it doesn't appear that's part of the discussion here.)

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Depending on where you live, this may be the start of your plastic-free/no-waste journey. (You'd obviously need a place where you can shop plastic-free somewhere near you )


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  • if you want to upgrade the OS, you have to pay once again,

That used to be the case for Mac OS, but it hasn't been true for a number of years.

but this doesn't work if your hardware model stops being supported. Why pay for something with a limited life expectancy?

That's an issue with all IT products and a lot are worse than Apple products.

Also, if you're talking solely about Macs, then be aware that Mac-specific Linux projects exist to keep older machines running for longer.

  • you cannot get rid of bloatware, only hide it

That's also true on other OSes, like Android and Windows 11.

  • software is made specifically to be only compatible within their ecosystem. If you want to build up on existing software and hardware, you either stay in their system and keep paying them or start anew with a freer alternative.

The idea is that in the best case, everything works out of the box. You often don't get that with less-integrated solutions.

  • I find it ridiculous they use fancy names to name even their support staff instead of just calling it support staff. Why make things complicated?

That is presumably to try to market Apple as an upscale brand. But does it actually bother you as a customer?

  • I don't understand why they use pentalobe screws instead or regular ones (with a line or a cross section)

Apple wants you to pay for repairs, I think we can safely say that. They're not unique there either, though maybe more persistent on that front than most other manufacturers.

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Either the EU manages to step in and largely fill the gap, or Ukraine will have to give in. Russia can then ingest Ukraine, continue to seed political distrust in Western countries and then potentially start another war in Europe a few years later.

Alternatively, the NATO/EU/US may decide to become directly involved in the war in Ukraine to avoid a further destabilization of Europe. In that case, Russia can be beat, although I'd expect Russians to be more motivated to go into war.

I'm not sure whether the way the war against Ukraine plays out has too much influence on whether China decides that it needs to start a war against Taiwan though.

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It likely won't work (well), because lots of podcasts actually use Megaphone and similar services that add interest-based ads into your download. I.e. ads can be of variable length or there may even be no ads, because the podcast targets the US but you're downloading from Pakistan.

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LTT have videos showcasing their warehouse of old stuff, explaining how they have to expand it and explaining that some things they use for later comparisons. But sure, all the tech they store is not used much.

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They completely redesigned the face of Sonic and rerendered all the 3D scenes after getting social media feedback. Comparison:

Sonic 2x

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It's not such a binary thing. For example, you can obtain some, hodl for a bit, and later return them for a profit. It's basically like the stock market, except people refer to the money you get as a "ransom" rather than a "profit" for some reason. What many people outside the industry don't know is that it doesn't officially become a crime until police get involved. So just insist on "No police!" in your sales calls. /s

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Washing and reusing is much more environmentally friendly than recycling. It may be more expensive because of the current societal/legal environment but given the right incentives, it doesn't have to be.

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For the love of Cthulhu, no more questions about leggings, please. At least stop posting individual questions about every detail and create the ultimate single post with all the questions.

Afaiu it, he added a second package with (quote) "all the crap" later, after the storm.

And no, it wasn't just the favicons feature that was removed (which like ... is that really such a big privacy issue that you need to remove it from the binary?). Support for Yubikey was removed as well — which is not a privacy issue. The reasoning mentioned by the Debian maintainer is that all of these features might turn out to be security issues in the long run. Thus, in his view, a password manager application must do nothing but provide access to the database within the app.

I find it an interesting example of diverging upstream, maintainer, and user interests in any case.

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Capitalist economies are not sustainable. That's kind of their point: Line goes up, even though resources are finite (which economists conveniently ignore). Hence, they can't be sustained ad infinitum. We're all borrowing/stealing from somewhere, including from nature. (And the harder we believe in capitalism, the faster humanity will crash because resources are getting used up.)

Ultimately, money is a means to an end anyway: Making sure society functions well enough that everyone has food and shelter. Other than that, it's just imaginary figures.

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Yeah ... My cursory knowledge about Purism says that's a very risky investment.

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GTK is a UI toolkit, i.e. a piece of software that draws uniform-looking buttons and scrollbars and the like.

GTK used to stand for "GIMP toolkit" but GTK and GIMP development are now entirely separate, so much so, in fact, that 13 years after the release of GTK 3 and 3 years after the release of GTK 4, GIMP still hasn't upgraded to either.

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Planets are (or maybe, used to be?) a good way to learn about people involved in projects, e.g.:

  • planet.mozilla.org
  • planet.gnome.org
  • planet.kde.org

I guess you get the gist.

Planets are a periodically updated collection of blogs on a topic that were very popular in the 2000s and early 2010s.

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Ctrl-Shift-C works in many GUI emulators.

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i can imagine this would speed up distrohopping by 10x

I am confusion. It seems like this wouldn't help much with distro-hopping at all. At least not the way I learned to reinstall OSes, i.e. keep /home and make sure to back up important config files you edited.

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Could be worse, I guess. I live in a "secular" democracy that essentially collects members fees for the Catholic and Lutheran churches (and only those two!) via the federal income tax.

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Originates from Lunduke. Yikes.

I'll take a pro shaman over that ass clown.

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I don't think they stayed:

Sarah Gilbert is a postdoctoral associate at Cornell University and research director of Cornell's Citizens and Technology Lab; she studies content moderation, online communities, and research ethics. She's also a moderator for r/askhistorians, a subreddit known for complex modding systems (r/askhistorians is not one of the subreddits with moderators removed by Reddit).


I guess you unethically sourced this comment from your lower back.

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I don't know, you may need to ask someone at Facebook.

However, most people who want this kind of feature hope to use it to violate the privacy of others, I think. Which is imo a good reason against such a feature. Another reason against it is that a significant portion of people are not logged in, so the data would be wrong anyway.

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Always read the user name before responding. :/

Is your company mandating Push Authentication or are you entering 6-digit codes?

If it's the former, MS Authenticator is the only option.

If it's the latter, you can use any TOTP app you like, e.g. Aegis.

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I feel like I've avoided subscriptions for the most part, except for basics like rent, energy, telephony, a travel card. The software I use is mostly open-source (some of which I voluntary support on a monthly basis). I don't need paid streaming because public TV streaming is good enough for shows/movies and YouTube with ad-block is good enough for music. I don't game.

People from other countries also usually don't expose their entire set of teeth when smiling...

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There is even toilet paper with ads on it. Does that count as "ads in our anuses"?

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In a sense, I guess op is right though — I recently read that ~70% of people in a study were brushing ineffectively, no matter how long they were told to brush. Their brushing only improved after being told to make sure to brush every every "sector" of their teeth.

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Built-in translations feature is awesome, I was already using the add-on version of the feature for a while.

Yes, these are off-by-default features.

Don't bother with steps that are each different — making steps the wrong height/length is enough. If you ever walked up/down stairs that felt really weird it's probably because the builder ignored the international standards on that topic and built steps that are a couple centimeters off.

Wikipedia is probably a reasonably good starting point to learn. Just start at your own country's page, read the Politics section and click through to the pages for the national parliament, the government, the regions, etc.

News, as the name implies, often has a relatively short half life. Thus it's not a good starting point for learning. Ground News I only know from Youtube ads and I guess using that is better than, say, starting a Fox News diet. Actually, in general, keep away from (American) TV news and find more in-depth coverage elsewhere that includes a bit more context and nuance.

Also be aware that a lot of what looks like news at first may actually be opinion content and thus does not have to be entirely true.

I guess we use "Making gold from straw" (German).

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Nature religions were right and we're all part of a single bigger organism of which every part can feel and communicate with every other part.