
0 Post – 28 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What a class act. He's really showing ol Stevey boi what an adult looks like. I wasn't an Apollo user (RiF, instead) but he makes me want to donate to support.

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Not completely normal. I deleted my account that was old enough to sign up for most websites on its own. I'm not the only one.

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I deleted my 13 year old account today. Good riddance. Fuck u/spez.

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Of course no one said anything. That would be rude. But not tipping your server is very much an asshole move, foreign or not. Those service industry workers rely on the tips because their wages are basically nothing. I agree that they should be paid a fair wage but that's just not how it works here in the US.

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The federal minimum wage for tipped workers is $2.13/hr. Basically nothing. It wouldn't cover your gas cost to go to work in most cases.

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I've been thinking the same thing but couldn't figure out how to talk about it without talking about that other place. Pretty tired of hearing about the other place, tbh

Yeah, I did the same. Edited all comments to "Fuck u/spez" and then deleted.

I deleted my account and my app yesterday. RIP RIF.

Dear lord what a dumbass. You and everyone else carries around the spy device by choice, all day every day. I'm using it to type this comment. You're using it to read this comment. The thing has multiple cameras and microphones and is 100% listening to and watching everything we say or do. It's your phone, if that's not obvious by now.

I switched over a few months ago. It works great! Not having to worry about the bill is very nice.

It boggles the mind that the people being most judgemental about gaming are the self same people who sit for hours every night watching garbage shows on Netflix, and they see 0 comparison between that and gaming for hours.

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I deleted mine after that disastrous AMA that the head spaz put on. What a shit show.

I just never set mine up so when you call me and I predicably don't answer, it just says "This user has a mailbox that has not been set up yet. Please try your call again later." What I'd rather it say is "Hang up and text me like a normal person. If you can't text me, I don't want to hear from you anyway."

I honestly miss the "narwhal bacons at midnight" era. Things were simpler then.

I'm not a beginner and I got lost at the end of the section on C. Might give this python course a try and look at CS50 again on the other side of it.

r/gamedev, r/unity2d(3d), r/godot, r/gameDevClassifieds, r/playmygame, r/justgamedevthings, r/gamedesign

Tons more. I had an entire multireddit of game development subs. RIP.

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My vote was for Godot but this one is a very close second. I even have it installed on my mobile Firefox instance.

Kind of in the same boat as you. Self taught when it comes to coding and I've dabbled in Rust a little. It's way over my head, or was last time I messed with it. Strongest with C# (thanks Unity) for reference. Not saying not to do it but just giving a heads up from someone you might relate to.

I bought a Reliant Kore game package a few years ago. I didn't have enough PC horsepower to run it at the time so it just sat. Just before 3.18 came out, I got some upgrades and could actually run the game.

I had quite a bit of fun with it before 3.18 came out. Since then, it's been too buggy to enjoy much gameplay unfortunately. So I'm back to waiting for more updates (and maybe more upgrades on the PC) before I jump back into it.

I did upgrade my Reliant Kore to a cutty black. So I'm looking forward to getting more use out of that ship in the near future.

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I've gotten to fly it a little, hauling scrap for a Vulture pilot. It definitely seems like it'll be a blast. Here's hoping they can get things a little more stable in 3.20.

I have this with big Minecraft modpacks. Sometimes I just get overwhelmed with all the stuff to do, and I get none of it done. I wonder if it's related to ADHD or autism. I've not been diagnosed with either because I avoid doctors like the plague but when you check literally every box for a disease... Welp.

I'm using Liftoff as of this morning when Jerboa started crashing every few minutes. So far, so good.

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Posting before reading because activity. Godot Engine, hands down. I used Unity for years and years and now that Godot 4.x is out, I'll probably never use Unity again. Unless it's for a job or something like that. All personal projects tho... I could probably make a game in Godot while waiting for Unity to start up.

Okay, I can reply to myself but no one else in this thread. Awesome user experience Lemmy.

We door dash for extra money. If not for tips, it wouldn't be worth it. They do offer an hourly rate if you choose to take it vs being paid per order but I'm not sure how that all works, we always take the per order pay.

I still haven't figured out how to get other instances to show up in my feed? The instructions I've found say to search for it, as you have listed them in your comment but when I hit search, it never finds them.

RIP Johnny B. Goodenough. What a legend.

I've been stuck on All The Mods 8 (Minecraft "kitchen sink" modpack) for the last week or two. Kinda just caveman-ing my way through all the quests. Playing with Minecolonies and setting up an RFTools Builder in the mining dimension so I don't have to manually mine most resources any more. I keep meaning to get back into ComputerCraft, maybe that's my objective for this evening.

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