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Marocco for the Decolonization Committee! Luxemburg for the United Nations Population Fund!

Well people with connections to the goverment need a way to launder money.

Any revolutions co authors motives as a cat meme.

Most people involved with the sbu's sabotage and terrorism inside Russia where not Ukrainian.

I do, and I agree. But also there is much more significant impacts to our enviorment. (Buildings, Planes and Cars for example). And If we stop producing offspring because of "moral" reasons, people without such reasons will create offspring and spread theyr world view to the next generation. And the next generation will still have the issues but now with less people that are able / intrested in solving the enviormental issue. ( Idocracy scenario).

I guess its up to you if you think that your world view is not worth spreading.

Which rules?

Additionaly u are giving them more visibility, as uncommented statements are creticless, people rather read those.

Zuber eats argument can be criticized without using Ad Hominems.

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True, but also friends and family are usually either same age or older. ( as in the other response) I assume parents would prefer to have grandchildren, so they would not apprecheate your anti children sentiment spread by you to they're children.

True, adoption is also a good thing generally. But to help the genetical pool be diverse and healthy some children of your own wouldnt be bad.

Well dont stop, continue. Only in dialogue can we defeat our differences.

Otherwise you seperate and isolate people, and strengthen they're belives.

There are people that you can show all the facts and logic and proof and they are not going to believe. Those people I refer to as stupid. ( I dont call em that. No need to be rude). Dont be such a person yourself.

Hence, always try to engage in dialogue and be flexible enough in your worldviews. But also know some people are not and there is nothing you can do.

But other people reading this will see you be right.

Nazbol? What does this dead movement have to do with anything?

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That implies someone had given birth to them. ( No everone has niblings.)

And who said that they're parents would allow you to teach em your world view? ( Especially as those parents did create children and you didn't. Hence I presume they would also like to have grandchildren. And you would discourage that.)

Nice that the SBU chief told in an interview on the 27th how the planning and execution of those murders was done. So there is your link.

Tho I do not share the views of the blogger. Innocent people that where not involved in any hostilities did get harmed.

Additionaly deliberate killing of noncombatants based on they're race, views or political motivations, etc. using military funds is a warcrime.

Now imagne we would use this logic on taxation.

Just because you don't have something, doesn't mean the goverment shouldn't be able to regulate it. And if a goverment in a democracy is the direct result of people's votes. Why shoudnt people be able to vote on it.

Typically this term refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.


Please go inform yourself before participating in any discussion.

Nice attempt at disinformation: Troll harder, fuckwit, Russia had legitimate reasons to invade. Dosn't make it right tho.

Aint solving a conflict diplomaticly by adressing only one side. And to solve the conflict by force in favor of Ukraine is already impossible without provoking nuclear war.

So either, there will be diplomatic solution, or you and I go to fight for our overlords.

No, but you can clearly see the facial structure, clothing, shoes and other factors that any agency would use for.identification.

Killing civilians by planting bombs in statues is not asymetric warfare.

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Nice ad hominem.

Please read the scentence again. There is a "EVEN IF" and not a "THAT".

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But thats, exactly what I ment?

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Well either keep those that are. Or kill more people to have em moved. Wich you like more?

“...Elon Musk, to his credit, promised not to supress or block this interview once we post it on his platform X.“ (3:51 ; “We're in Moscow to Interview Vladimir Putin“)

You and which army? Have compared just the numbers of not total military personal but actual combat infantry vs support troops. Look man if ww3 comes around everyone who can talk and walk will be drafted. Additionaly how will be Russia glasses? By outdated Minuteman? Ive read how agitators in russia were talking of a 3 day war with Ukraine. Now look yourself. 100.000 have died regardless of "side" and we are still at the borders of 2022 with all fancy NATO equipment. War aint piece of cake. And the people on the top aint gonna fight. Its us who they send.

Go watch all quiet on the western front.

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Where? In a Ukranian Embassy? There is none on occupied territory.


And Ukraine sad countless times that anyone taking these is a traitor. Even if its enforced.

Nice. Establish some traitor purges next. But nice try Stalin, go kil some people you disagree with somewhere else.

I know my opintion may be very controversial. But I think abortions are decisions where life quality of the mother is weighted against the life of the possible child. Hence I am contra abortions exempt from this would be medically necessary abortions where not mothers life quality but life itself is concerned. ( as in my philosophy life should outweigh life quality ) But when you forbid abortions and you force births. Now you have alot of mothers and children with shitty life quality, that you have enforced. There should be soemthing to give life quality back. And that should be the norm. You force people to take a hit on life quality, give em something in return.

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Then they don't have any left. Because Ukraine aint giving them the Ukrainian.

If you have read the thread or the articles you would know that that could mean either prison, death or being forced out.

Whataboutism or whataboutery (as in "what about…?") is a pejorative for the strategy of responding to an accusation with a counter-accusation instead of a defense of the original accusation.

What I did not do. I told you the claim of genocide does not apply as the amount of civilian casualties is lower that other similar scaled modern wars. Who did I accuse in my counter accusation?

Bruh. There is video footage of it. You can go the parts of the internet where such footage is shared and check for yourself.

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As per the other articles, you know collaborators are picked just because.

And you think from the hundreds of thousand of collaborators they will punish them mildly and selectivity?

Yea but also per Ukrainian law you are not allowed to hold two citizensships. Hence you either dont have one or are a Russian for the Ukrainian goverment.

Ukraines plans with Russian citizens if they win the war.


OK. just look at real word examples of the US Afganistan withdrawal. How many civilans do you think got killed? How many deliberately? Rewatch the videos, there is enough videos of people fleeing from the approching army, ( wich noted, is supported by the majority of afganistan ) And dying in they're attemnt. If you want that what happens in Kabul. You apperently don't want what is good for.the civilans.

True, I dont want a nuclear war.

Dont worry if there is going to be ww3 you will be able to tell it the Russians yourself.

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Yes. Now they got the passports.

Now read what happens when they got it. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-crimea-9da550b396f42cc267a4808bf99d5e6d

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Countless civilian is wrong as I have shown. Compared to other modern wars its pritty tame. In Gaza already the same amout of civilians got killed that im Ukraine over the 3-4 years.

civilians that support the illegal and brutal invasion might suffer some consequences?

Like who? Doctors that help the dying? So before Russia was there they had to help the local village people. After Russia came they had to tell em take a hike?

I don't know how you can argue, in good faith that doctors, policemen, teachers, townhall workers, etc. Who just continued workig in they're communities should be punshed.

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Here is a map 200 yrs later.

Dont worry if there is going to be ww3 you will be able to tell it the Russians yourself.

So no Crimea for Ukraine.

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