
2 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Don't pay this! You just reinforce their predatory practices. How renewals at much higher prices are allowed - no clue!

Something similar happened to a company I know - it expired and was immediately bought by domain squatters, when they found them they were told that it couldn't be sold back because the squatter had paid $XXXX for and had big plans (I assume it was BS, just a premise to get paid - no site was ever put on the domain)

Solution: they bought the .org version and bought the .com back a year later.


Its not the 'eat the rich' that I was hoping for.... Might be the one we deserve.

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Thanks - I had not thought of this. I'll give it a go... [edit: no dice :(] It works in chromium, so there is a solution... its just tiring to remember which browser to use for which site.

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Also, please feel free to answer if you aren't based in the UK, I assume this isn't a UK only problem, but I'm based here.

I don't know if the UK is worse than anywhere else (?)

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certain cancers in areas surrounding the plant did rise

just a note to add that if you start checking the population for something routinely like thyroid cancer... the rate that you find it goes up. This is why the detected cancer rate increasing is not considered a cause for alarm.

This is not tangental - I am heartened, my hope is that this would become normal. Despite my moan, it isn't that bad and I'm sure I would have had different IT headaches on windows - security comes to mind.

I still use proprietary android software on my phone, but I try not to do anything secure on my phone (this is also getting harder as banks are insisting that I convert to apps)

Thanks for your uninformed opinion/question thing. I'll assume that you are asking in good faith and simply don't know... much about the UK.

He isn't the root cause, but he chose to insert himself by encouraging violence when he hasn't a fucking clue what he's talking about either...

It works on chromium, not firefox. I guess I should be more flexible. It is likely that the bug is in the bank's site, so I wasn't sure about putting in a bug report. The website pauses on the 'loading' animated icon, when you try to navigate away, it tells you 'Your session has expired'. It hasn't been fixed by changing the user-agent (assuming I got it right). I don't know if the bank would give them a dummy account for testing, but I'll file a report anyway.

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I'm not worried about privacy, it's a business not a person. If the government want to look through my business' data, they just need to arrange an audit. I like good security, but am a small target.

It's about free as in freedom.

My worry is that if linux is allowed to become just a hackintosh of steamdeck, rather than an actual operating system. It will go the way of hackintosh.

[edit: apostrophe, edit2: added last paragraph]

This sounds smart

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Which is?

It’s usually straight white american males too.

Can I ask why you wanted to add the last sentence? You might be right, statistically, but the tone sort of implies that you judge the group rather than the behavior. (apologies if that was the joke).

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I feel like I should. (edit:accent)

As it ever was?

edit: it does feel different now - but it has never been easy.

This is good. It doesn't have to be punk - I don't even know what people listen to now...

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I hate to break it to you but Billy Talent formed in 1993! ;)

Its not a problem for me - I'm old :)

I'll give it a try - any suggestions?

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Thanks! Childish Gambino - is a great example!

I didn't know some of these, so I'll check them out, but they aren't exactly new - the rest are from the ninties, right?

There is an intrinsic micro-mort rate for working on a roof. If you take this number and the number of hours that are spent working at height fitting solar panels (I got this from industry data a few years ago) its then fairly easy to put the annual deaths from fitting solar panels far above that of nuclear. These deaths are a 'tragic accident', rather than systemic so...

[edit: I can't find a value for professionals anymore. This link mentions 1micromort per person on a ladder at home] [edit: clarity]

yes it is. I have tried messing with user agent now. Chromium works on linux, not firefox. :(

Thanks for your response - I think that we agree. My point was just that your post was about being decent, then you randomly dunk on a group.

It's not that your personal experience isn't representative - I think that there is a contingent of privileged people who feel left out by progress towards a level playing field. That sort-of makes sense, right? There are also strong echo chambers pushing those people towards radicalization. I suppose I'm asking you to feel empathy for these, very privileged, victims of a society that doesn't know how to engage with them. Egalitarianism has to bring everyone along - I don't know if that can be done.

I'll check in.

This is great! :D

edit: Anyone know about hip-hop? Would be great to know where to start on that

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I have a GCSE in German, what would you suggest?

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Guilty as charged. Good stuff - I'll look out for these - my new years resolution is to see some live music.

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These are good. Thanks

Is this the most recent suggestion on here?

@frazorth you've got going down rabbit holes ... I wonder what I else I can do to scare a tory

Thanks for these - really interesting stuff that I couldn't have just happened upon!

There! In the spine of the dictionary the words are worthless. They are a mere weight pressing against my thoughtlessness.

This is interesting, and meets my needs. I tried Gnucash, but the double entry bookkeeping was a bit to advanced for my small-business'/smooth-brain needs (amortising my stock of utility bills seemed a bit excessive! - though I am sure I was doing it wrong)

I thought hard about whether to put it on ask lemmy, but didn't want to look stupid. The only advice I could find was this:

!nostupidquestions is a community dedicated to being helpful and answering each others’ questions on various topics.

thanks - I'm checking some of the live dates.

I have been trying to remember this one.

I haven't heard of these guys - Thanks!

I guess this what I'm afraid of, but things must have felt pretty scary during the first cold war - Imagine raising children while governments were openly[edit] testing fusion weapons!

I think that music is part of giving people inspiration and hope. Does tiktok just filter out the protest to keep us scrolling?

Listening now! Thanks

Holy shit! Thanks - that video is outrageous! These are great