Femsoup [She/Her]

@Femsoup [She/Her]@lemmy.blahaj.zone
6 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I was so confused when the lyrics didnt rhyme

Avoid the reflection, it's telling us lies
It shows expectations, the scratches of time
You feel its tenacioussness, "keep your disguise"
When maybe it's time that's been rushing the tides

A song and a place change so much in your life
The times which we sing each a bridge to our minds
While manipulation is leading to crimes
To live out your live you must first stay alive
And it hurts to stay behind
To leave who you really are inside
When and how should be the questions, never if or why

So claim your stake
You seek to fit the norm
it has so many different shapes
if you try you can belong
search for those that make you strong
they gather in forts
Against the odds
You'll get to know the feeling
It's you, no piece of cloth
Learn the tricks most never learn
What others are given you have to earn
But the greatest gift you can recieve
Is loving yourself, and all of your tears
In eyes and through dresses
With or without
your mask and your mirror

Don't be discouraged, you will endure hardships,
if you ever get lost, use your map to find harbours

Avoid the reflection, ignore its exaggerated lines
Be yourself, regardless. Take your time

English is my second language but I learned that "it" was the pronoun used for inanimate objects and animals whose name/sex you don't know yet.

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I saw a really interesting video essay on this topic once. The difference is in the way that gender is percieved in collectivist societies rather than the individualist societies that western societies tend to be.

In an individualist society transgender people are percieved as rebels that are in conflict with their AGAB, while in collectivist societies changing your gender to match your energy is confirming the social construct and supporting the society. still, gender non-confirming people are often seen as a threat and I guess gender plays into that.

This is all from memory though, might not apply to Thailand or is completely wrong

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LIES! I swear I am literally eating cereal right now while "Hey Soul Sister" is playing on the radio.

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Huh? Am I missing sarcasm or have we read two completely different articles?

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Isn't this a completely different conversation than the one we were having and kind of missing the point? Yes, imo you should be allowed to do that. Still, AI Companies are using the labor of millions of artist for free to train their AIs, which are then threatening to eliminate ways of these artist to gather income.

How is that related in any way to the ways that copyright has been exploited against fanmade art?

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Woah there, hold your argumentum ad populum! No ethics model is unflawed and just because deontological ethics work often doesn't mean they don't have problems. Instead of looking at the actions you can take, let's look at the results that could be reached:

  1. Biden wins presidency
  2. Trump wins presidency
  3. 3rd party wins presidency

No 3rd party has ever achieved presidency. Votes for a 3rd party have instead commonly resulted in votes being drawn from one party benefiting the other. So realistically we could generalise to:

  1. Voting 3rd party: Aiding Trumps victory
  2. Voting Trump: Aiding Trumps victory
  3. Voting Biden: Aiding Trumps loss

I hate dichotomies as much as you, these shouldn't be the options, I would seriously love to be proven wrong. Am I missing something?

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what no my brain is too smooth for that i just thought "haha its 19(5)6" and then didnt clarify enough

Could also be AI Blur on a phone or something. I've done the same thing in lightroom, I don't think this is greenscreen nescessarily, the light tech should definetly get a raise if it is.

i thought the b was for bottom?

100 gecs reference???😳😳🤯🤯🤯

Are you seriously suggesting that human creativity works by learning to reduce the amount of random noise they output by mapping words to patterns?

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I did consider this, I even adressed how this is an issue as it fails to aids Trump in winning the election. I do think that Biden is problematic and that the genocide in Palestine is wrong, however voting a 3rd party aids trump resulting in no changes in Palestine and changes for the worse for the rest of the world.

based on the vapor it could be a hot spring.

May I ask how Biden is responsible for the war in Ukraine? Also how won't voting to enable an evil idiot with intelligent people helping him openly planning on becoming a complete authoritarian dictatorship targeting its political opponents from achieving probably exactly that do harm? I hate to do a nazi germany comparison, but while making Hitler reichskanzler, this was the opinion of the center-conservatives that helped put him there. That definetly did cause Harm and the political situation was really quite similar.

Is the world's copyright system flawed? Yes. Should it be completely removed? No, because otherwise a lot of creative branches would be unsustainable. Artists need money, musicians need money etc.

I agree. It also helped me when I finally got the funny skin on my fingertips, but that just takes time i guess

yea i just looked up what tankies are and read 19(5)6 and thought that was an interesting coincidence and clearly didnt communicate it well

I understand you mean no harm, but GNC Men are often pushed to ask themselves whether or not they are actually men because of societal expectations. Remember the prime egg directive, I wouldn't generalise. There's even a banger will wood song about it!

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Wait what Wagenknecht actually said that? I knew she was a terf and her stupid party voted against the new trans rights bill but I had never heard this before.

Fair, my point was: how is it important that we understand how consciousness works to see that the way consciousness creates Art is not very comparable to a machine recognizing patterns?

The commentor above has compared inspiration to the way AI Companies are using the labor of millions of artists for free. In this context I assume this is what they were hinting at when responding to "AI is not being inspired" with "we don't know how consciousness works"

i wouldn't say there that much better but they are definely better regarding trans rights. Just because both options are shit doesn't mean one shit can't be better than the other

i am sending this to every slayer fan in my contacts

love that song

Random question: is your outlook mobile search also broken? It always fails to show anything on my phone.

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oh sorry i just noticed the notification ._. Thank you for number 4 tho :)

Oh this is what jordan peterson meant by Tar-Baby

but it seems more naughty that way

Thanks! That was the one!


The same ones that ate Hamantha