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Joined 1 years ago

So does that compensate for all those pirated games that people actually do play?

That's because the COBOL OGs are retired/ing and the industry has been training young people telling them "yeah, sorry, this is all we can pay you". Here in Europe, they'll take unemployed people from a different industry, put them on a training course, and bang! you've got a grateful new dev who doesn't know how much they are worth.
You just gotta keep spreading the message. I keep happily sharing my salary, especially with younger, less experienced devs, so we can all win better.

10 more...

Uh? Do people not normally get raises regularly? At least to keep up with inflation?

7 more...

The sad part is feeling so happy yet having no one to really share it with, because most likely you were working alone to solve the issue and when you explain the whole thing it sounds so silly... like trying to explain how funny a joke you made was. "I guess you had to be there".

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Lawful implies that they respect the laws...

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I don't care who wins, as long as they both lose!

Waited until a few months ago to get it and it was well worth it.

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Y'all haven't heard of Windows clipboard history? Windows + V will change your life, I tell ya!

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For real. Even just talking to your fellow coding monkeys helps. It's ironic that for example here in France, despite all our workers rights and revolutionary tradition, speaking about your salary is still a social faux-pas. And who benefits? Certainly not us.

For some reason it reminds me of When Sysadmins Ruled The Earth, a short story about sysadmins dealing with the apocalypse.

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One of my colleague is leader of the team managing our internal software systems, but also a potato farmer. Somehow.

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"Hey you guys, come and use our totally free online thing. We promise we won't use anything you do for our own gains! Pinky swear!"

My entire career is based on "yeah but you're good with computers and programming!" I just wanted to do fine arts and paint for fuck sake. And I could have made a career out of it, as history as since shown! Ah well. Maybe my kids will fare better, we'll see.

I'm not sure how this is surprising anyone at all, honestly.

The problem (but not for Bethesda) is that we are so used to mods that we seem to forget how absolutely shite a lot of their vanilla UI is. Has everybody forgotten the Skyrim map? Coz I sure as shit have not.
Did they somehow miraculously fix it all in Fallout 4? Genuine question, I kinda gave up on them after Skyrim.

Man, imagine going to jail for something so stupid as posting some shit earlier than some other schmucks, for something that's probably gonna be buggy as fuck from the get go...

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My body is ready. But my poor fluttering heart...

More useful would be what sort of values is acceptable there. Can I use team number 2318008? Can I use team 0? If not, why not? WHY / WHY NOT is often useful.

I get the feeling that there is something like a "look at them laughing with us!" when really we are laughing at them, kinda situation... you know?

Like they think that so many mods being made is because we love their games, when a majority of mods are really the fans fixing shit that shouldn't be broken in the first place.

It sure comes from a place of love, perhaps, but it shouldn't be happening to such an extent in the first place! I shouldn't need a UI mod to play Bethesda games! Not should there ever be not one, but several Unnofficial Patches!

It's probably how they chose to translate "commit seppuku" for western sensibilities.

Last time I actually wanted to give money to creators was The Witcher series after finishing 3. It was so mind blowing. And I still had two DLC to play (still not played B&W). And I did not pay full price, because by the time I had finished 2, the third was regularly on sale.
But then I remembered they already are choke full of money and my extra money isn't gonna go to the devs doing crunch time, it'll just be more money in their money pool. So I thought, this time, I'll pre-purchased CP2077 because I absolutely loved the rpg as a teen and they can't fick that up. But then of course I remembered not to be an idiot. So I waited for a day one full price purchase but well, they fucked that up, didn't they. And they still made money hand over fist!

What I'm saying is, he can go eat a full bag of dicks. I'll keep voting with my wallet. And that means good games get my money, good devs also get my money, and that means he's never gonna get a dime from me, ever again.

What a muppet.

You know who I would actually like to tip? JAV actresses I have wanked to for donkey years without ever purchasing one of their DVDs. I reckon most of those ladies work harder that this twat and deserve more love. And money. But like Gaben said, verily, it's all a question of access.

If you like turtles and programming, you might enjoy hearing about LOGO.
Back in the day, that was the first programming language I was taught. Years and years before I'd learn C or ASM.
You'd give instructions to a "turtle", moving it about the screen, drawing as it did so. It was a magical experience for 9yo me.

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And my kids absolutely will get access to my Steam library after I'm gone. We'll see what they think about all those AVN, haha!

Come on! who the fuck gets anywhere beyond the character creator within 2 hours? ;)

The OGs are. The new trainees ain't.
Which makes sense, but they are still being seriously taken advantage of.

You know how everything has LCD screens these days? And sometimes you'll witness a good old crash? I know I've seen quite a few.
I'm guessing something like that.

What? The developer whose UI has been consistently shite from game to game, only for mods to come to the rescue, has released yet another obnoxious UI? Whose games are pretty much universally "great with mods", is meh right out the gate? Colour me shocked!

Every time I've been tempted (I've a few mates working for Ubisoft), I look at the salaries and compare to what I make working for banks and, well, I'm a an mercenary kind of guy.

I was working for a team that did quality control on the code of an entire financial group and it's still amazing to me the shit we let through.
I feel annoyed even having compiler warnings in my code and here we were downgrading errors into warnings so the code would go through, or adding rules exceptions for a program so the team responsible could push a hotfix to prod... It's all shit. All the way down.

I dream of working with such a strict language.

"To be laid off", or even better "to be let go", are fucking euphemisms for "fired", "kicked out", etc.
That sort of vocabulary is typically used by HR to sound more benevolent, whereas when it's happening to you, you'll use the more aggressive terms.

Same reason as usual : the music I like isn't conveniently available elsewhere I've looked to purchase, or available at unreasonable prices that won't benefit the artist, and I refuse to stream shit. So the high seas it is!

I cannot express how much I loathe antivirus software. Mostly it's been because it has been nothing but trouble in my work environment, without ever catching anything, for over twenty years. It's the modern corporate snake oil.

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That's a super interesting take on the whole issue. Good food for thought, thanks!

Next thing, you gonna tell us SSLv3 isn't military grade?!

I've had this so often... very frustrating.

I like to think the 400 within a 200 is for "look, I managed to reply to you. But there is bad news"

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After many years (10+), I finally find a company that actually, really, implements CI/CD. Then I look at the tests and it's actually the most inane shit imaginable, tacked on top of ancient existing code, not maintained. I spent more time fixing the stupid tests than actually fixing the bugs I was tasked fixing. Amazing.

The penultimate step before they just release a barebones framework that just lets the community create all the content (including patching their shitty code) while they keep raking in the money.

We are this close of having a proper RPG that's also a proper AVN.

And that set is what I asked for my 46th birthday :)

That feels like that scene in Amadeus, when Mozart dictates his music to Salieri.

Well, thank fuck software development is a well paying job!
