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Joined 7 months ago

I am a #bibliologer and a #cryptologer. I study the Bible, codes, and ciphers among other things. I enjoy #poetry. I like #neologisms. I burn with insatiable curiosity about everyone and everything.

Elitists who make money from nothing or off the backs of others also invent catchy phrases to glorify and sanitize their worthless activities.

'tortious interference'

Musk is a wart on Pinocchio's nose. I feel no pity for him after all the lies he tells.

Many of his haters are his own kind of people envious that he climbed on the gravy train and they didn't.

Yes, it does impart a sense of gravity to otherwise mundane chatter. The only thing missing is letterhead with a monogram.

For some reason I don't yet understand, my fediverse server inserts the CC in some replies and I forgot to catch it. I haven't had time to analyze the rooster's guts yet.

Google Fiber sounds like a laxative. Does the user poop it out?

They've been promising quantum computers for three decades with zilch results. I've lost count of how many times and how many startups and even major market players claimed to have working quantum computers, which of course to this day are all just smoke and mirrors.

They've been promising artificial intelligence for three decades with zilch results. Then they redefined what AI means to get venture capital pointing the money hose at it. Now people think a glorified autocomplete and grammar engine is 'artificial intelligence.'

I'll believe it when I see it.

musk is one of the richest man alive, why does he need subsidies to do his job??

Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor. Next question ...

"Haiku is an open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. Inspired by the BeOS, Haiku is fast, simple to use, easy to learn and yet very powerful."


"Less evil companies ..."

Is this what the world has come to?

What is the application name of the Lemmy client that is crashing? Responding here should pass it on to the instance server developer.

They could just make magnetic connectors with a shallow socket. But those would last longer and you wouldn't need to keep buying new stuff.


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Have you considered the International Harvester Scout?

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You must not have been a civil or criminal defendant in a court room.

If we wanted national data and communication security we would shut off the transatlantic cables and physically separate the U.S. Internet from the rest of the world. All matters of diplomacy could be conducted in public courts at the coastlines instead of over telephone wires and emails. Problem solved. We could set up a nice star-spangled curtain and let all the globalists rot from the fallout.

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Democracy is a religion that glorifies the lesser of two evils.

What about the Unimog? That's a bog hopper mobile.

No. You are not clarifying. You are insinuating and muddying the water. My comment is about hypocrisy and vague rules made by hypocrites, rules designed to hide the real motives for censorship. They hide their real motives for censorship behind fake tropes and social signalling objectives. It doesn't matter if it is X, Facebook, Mastodon, or any other platform. A huge chunk of the moderators of such platforms are criminally insane and are only interested in suppressing speech based upon partisan objectives rather than objective reality or objective morality or objective civility. Basically it is gangs competing for power in the mindshare space and that power is enforced through acceptable speech policies that have nothing to do with civility and everything to do with compliance and obedience to the gang.

Their acts of censorship and the fake motives they give expose their true character as fundamentally orwellian and dishonest.

A person who is orwellian and anti-goldstein would not understand. A totalitarian never thinks of himself as a totalitarian. He is a hero and genius in his own mind. Gangbangers think their gangs are in a war with, 'the man' and the same goes for politcos.

> "... let you screech anything you want ..."

They are the ones screeching. Even their nebulous and inconsistent censorship rules are a screech. Almost everything they say in public is screeching. And if you don't screech with them, you are the one who gets muzzled. If you screech with them, you're a 'freedom fighter' or 'warrior' or 'hero' or 'virtuous' or 'patriotic' or a 'true OG' or whatever.

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If there is no such thing as a hive mind then how do you know that, 'nobody likes' me? Either you surveyed everyone alive, or you telepathically intuited this grand revelation.

Your comment is some 3rd-grade level, witless name-calling. Take your pre-pubescent frustrations to your guidance counselor.

> "can’t convince people to use software that only works half the time."

Why not? M$OFT managed to do so for years ...

Privacy aside, in my experience over a long time Brave load up and response time is significantly faster than Firefox. And Brave renders the windowing geometry and toolbars correctly on Linux, while Firefox does not. I also do not consider Mozilla free speech friendly or privacy friendly because of this:

"We need more than deplatforming"

There is no question that social media played a role in the siege and take-over of the US Capitol on January 6."

There was no 'siege' or 'takeover' of the capitol. Nobody stormed the place with guns or weapons. That is a fantasy tale. This choice of politically charged words turns the reality of the event into a fictional lie. This is all political theater. It's a patent lie. Those who are going along with this lie to promote censorship are a wart on a worm's rump.

A few FBI agents and FBI-paid provocateurs smashed some stuff and made some noise, then the clowns on Capitol hill who organized for and gave the orders for the FBI to do this, called it an "insurrection." So Mozilla is promoting censorship and deplatforming based on a fake insurrection. Just. Like. The. Nazis. And. Communists. did during WWII to crack down on Jews, Gypsies, and non-Catholic Christians.

Mozilla can keep their voluntary fascist browser.

No, you once again are playing the smug, snide troll just insinuating your cult speak nonsense. I explained the true motives behind censorship, as opposed to the pretexts supplied by the liars. My point was that these people are liars who play mind games and wordsmithing games, just like you are doing. You are a false accuser and a slanderer trying to pump his preconceived cult notions. Your arguments are banal, childish, and simple-minded.

Don't bother responding. I won't see it. The next time you nymshift to harass me I will immediately block you and report you to the system administrator. Quit following me around the Internet, creepy stalker kook.

Voting is a witchcraft mind-spell ritual in which the victim thinks his wish gives him power.

Jawohl, jawohl.


If anything perhaps everyone involved should sue the train manufacturer for bricking the train with their DRM nonsense.

"Dragon Sector" is an OG name for a hacker firm.

"we discovered a ‘workshop-detection’ system built into the train software, which bricked the trains after some conditions were met (two of the trains even used a list of precise GPS coordinates of competitors' workshops)."

That is an anti-trust violation du jure. I wonder what kind of anti-trust laws Poland has.

The fiasco is just political theater. Watch the right hand, don't see what the left hand is doing.

Which equates to 535 kings ruling over 300 million serfs.

Or are they all just sockpuppets for one hidden king?

Smell the democracy!

Let's pray they don't find a way to detonate the batteries!

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Embrace. Extend. Extinguish.

Pick the bones clean.


"If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear."

When someone says their life is an open book, it could mean an open check book.

Difference between Bloods and Crips ... or Mexican cartel vs. Columbian cartel.

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How about that CGI car in orbit in front of a swim screen? There are still a lot of people who haven't figured that one out yet.

What it accomplished is manifold, but mainly to get investors to pony up, and creditors to extend credit, and the fan boys to fan the flames.


Welcome to Mastodon and the fediverse. If you don't agree with the hive-mind 'consensus' then your speech is a 'violation' of some ambiguous 'policy' and must be censored. They will always invent spurious reasons for censoring things they hate, such as, 'misinformation' or 'hate' or 'square dancing in a round room.' This is how psychotic bolsheviks lord their power over others.

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