0 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Protests actually weren't MLKs strongest tool, and he himself admits it. Getting arrested for doing something and then challenging it in court now that you have standing was his biggest tool. Most of the protests were just a means to get arrested. It's revisionist history that says it was the protests specifically that worked because it's better to emphasize the tactics that didnt work than to point out what actually did and risk a reoccurrence.

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That said, don't just call people out who downvote you. No one owes you an explanation if they thought your post was bad. I've already seen it once and it was pretty childish.

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I'm downvoting you because you're being incredibly immature right now. People can disagree with you
Saying "how dare you downvote me, I can SEE IT!" and calling them out makes you look like a giant child. You need to take some time to consider your own response and whether or not that's something WE want on the fediverse. You can just as easily be blocked too, you know.

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I love it as well. It's great to see the insanity before I switch to my subscribed feed lol. People complaining just need to learn how to manage their feed and enjoy the beans.

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Your error is in thinking they "thwart" the crime. They don't. They punish after the fact. That's still upholding the law(punishment for breaking it) without protecting a person. There is no law that says they have to put their lives in danger, so they're not breaking any laws when they don't intervene.

It's not mental gymnastics. It's that laws are specific so as not to be too broad and overreaching and in this case, there is a massive Blindspot that has not only been allowed to exist, but has been further codified in legal precedent.

"Protect and serve" is a PR statement. It is not a codified law anywhere.

Goodnight, sweet prince.

Basically no. They have an obligation to arrest the perpetrator. They can't be made to risk their safety in defending you tho. So no, they don't have to protect you in that situation and they can still do their "job" by arresting the perpetrator after.

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A triangle with 90° angles, yes.

But not a four sided TRIANGLE. That itself is a contradiction.

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Add the fact that and others were/still are doing applications for sign up instead of an automated system. I applied twice for a .ml account and never got a single response, not even a denial or "your application is being processed". I have no idea if my application was ever even seen.

On the other hand, I signed up to and in minutes and have been using them ever since.

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People who work on their feet all day don't use crocs. You'd use TreadSafes that have actual support and fit, or you'd use an actual work shoe like Keen. Crocs absolutely will not hold up in a warehouse and will provide zero support or protection for your feet.

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I actually think some technological hurdle is a good thing. If it's a little difficult to join, that will act as its own filter to keep the laziest and lowest effort people away.

Doing things like calling out someone's post history or making a whiney edit about the people downvoting you are also reddit things. And that's the kind of behaviour you're exhibiting right here. You're being close minded and demanding that other people cater to your needs. Just like Americans shouldn't only concern themselves with their news, you too shouldn't only close yourself off and only care about your news. And if you don't like it, unsubscribe yourself.

Go touch some grass dude.

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Adding to what others have said, opposing viewpoints are GOOD. Well reasoned opinions should be encouraged. I don't want to end up in another curated echo chamber built by someone else. Add the tools for users to block an instance and for blocks to work better in general. Give us the tools to decide our content. Leave the curation up to the users.

Otherwise you'll just end up with everyone spinning up their own instance and building a million individual echo chambers(tho it wouldn't be bad if there were more instances lol)

I can't be the only one thinking that your image looks like a knockoff of "Star Wars: Rogue One". Same font, same alignment of words.... Make the game YOUR game. Don't rely on familiarity with other brands to draw people in. They'll be disappointed when it's NOT a Star Wars game and you also open yourself up to legal issues from Disney, who owns the star wars brand.

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You ABSOLUTELY can criticize it as an airplane. It's a vehicle that flys. And as a VTOL, it doesn't have much if any of a glide coefficient like deaconblue said. Which is extremely relevant if power goes out and instead of being able to glide to safety, it just falls like a rock on whatever is below. Saying "its a VTOL, so it doesn't matter" puts you on the same safety standards as that submarine guy.

I would prefer a system akin to old forums. Posts are worth X experience points(or whatever you want to call it) based on word count(and possibly some other factors). Maybe aside from ranking the page/comments, votes could also be used to determine how good at "promoting discussion" the post was. Upvote if the post promotes discussion(even if you disagree with it), and downvote if it's just trolling gibberish nonsense. Then use the upvote/downvote ratio to determine how much of the experience points are gained or lost from the person's reputation.

So for example, say a certain post was worth 100 exp based on its specific word count. And it has a 78% "this was good discussion" upvote ratio. The user would gain 78 exp. Longer, but well thought out and not spammy posts would in theory rise to the top while still rewarding shorter posts as well and discouraging quick spammy stuff.

This would of course require votes to return to "this does/doesn't promote quality discussion" vs "I like/agree with this".

He created a special jailbait trophy. It's not exaggerated. Yes, he's was added when you could do that. He then proceeded to ACTIVELY participate, and again, made a custom, one of a kind jailbait trophy for the head mod there.

I'm not saying protests didn't have a use. Just that their main use was overshadowed. Peacefully sitting in somewhere didn't do much. It was the legal things it lead to that did something. Without the legal precedents set, it would have just been brushed back under the rug eventually. You need to incite change, not just annoyance.

No worries. In case that came off overly critical, please know I just want you to shine. Not accusing you of anything. Just want your unique self to show through. That's part of the beauty of an indie project; it's not the same corporate stuff.

Yeah, it felt a lot like "you need to prove you're worthy" more than just proving you're not a bot.

Exactly this. I tried numerous times on and never got an email back for the verification, so I just gave up. World is the next logical choice. Since beehaw is already defederating, if you're coming to the fediverse, joining an instance that's already isolating itself, even if it has good reasons, doesn't seem appealing. So it is. Tho here I am using my kbin mostly because then I have kbin, mastodon, and Lemmy integration all in one.

I agree with the above convo you've been having, but your comment made me think, so I'll play a little devils advocate here: do we want 1000 "I agree." comments following each other comment? Not really. There needs to be a simple way to say "I like this but don't have anything to add". An upvote accomplishes this.

As for downvotes, yes they need to be more than "I disagree". Something akin to "I don't think this contributes". I liked someone's suggestion that we need more than the binary up and down. Maybe a "troll" vote too.

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I caught the joke :) I mentioned playing devils advocate cus I don't want to actually attack you or anything, I just saw an interesting opposing viewpoint that I hadn't heard expressed yet. I think your closer to the best solution in general tho

No problem. I walk ~14 miles a day at work and they hold up nicely. I put some Superfeet insoles in them when I buy them. Here's a pic of the old ones with ~18 months/4000 miles on them next to the same pair brand new. The old ones are still in working condition and have no real issues other than the cosmetic wear. Just wanted to get a new pair lol

Which denies food for the things that eat the ticks, leaving no predators for the ticks, making the ticks worse since they're not having their population controlled. And then those predators of the ticks, that were food for OTHER animals, have less food themselves and slowly the whole ecosystem collapses.

There's a reason that once you start heavy pesticides, you basically always have to do them from then on in that area. In a few years you've removed all the natural checks and balances

Remember how everyone was talking about bug populations dropping? Guess what's dropping now? Their predator, birds. The cycle is already here

Again, tell me you've never been on a large forum without telling me.

If it does have to return, I'd like it to wipe regularly. Every 3 months or 6 months everyone goes back to zero. Give EVERYONE the same "badge" that just says "so and so was here in year X" or whatever and leave it at that.

Or go back to what forums did and only count post count and word count and turn those into EXP.

And I walk 12-14 miles a day in Keens. My last assistant refused to wear anything but Crocs. Guess who was out every other week with foot problems? Not me.

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I suggested a resetting score elsewhere in here, but I really like this system. Kinda reminds me of Steam's "recent reviews" score. Would let people have a general gist of your recent behaviour. This would allow people to get better or worse and have their score reflect that, instead of one really positive/negative post in their history skewing their score for eternity.

Bought mine around 2020 and they lasted maybe 9 months before holes were forming in the toe area.

Bought Keens next and haven't had any issues. Last pair I put 4000 miles on them and the rubber covering the steel toe had worn a nickel sized hole, but otherwise they were still in great shape and fully functional.

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No problem; glad it helped 🙂

In the drop down menu in your mobile browser, there should be a "install as app" choice. That does exactly what your code does.

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Health data would be sourced from your fitness apps mostly. Many phones already have one built in(Fit with Google). Sleep trackers as well. Religion would be found on dating apps.

Not saying they specifically will use those to get your info, but you said you never told you phone those things, so I'm just suggesting some ways you actually did.

Yeah, but people move on too. Do you expect every single person who ever contributed to repost their content when a migration happens? Of course not. It's just not realistic. But actual info gets lost. Old game faqs vanish. Answers to niche questions poof out of existence. Yes, the world isn't over and things will move on. But actual, tangible value was lost with the death of reddit. A large portion of the internets "How To" guide just went up in flames. And a lot of that won't ever get rebuilt. Many of us who have been around long enough have also seen that dark side to these things.

It's a shame, is all. But time keeps moving and so will we.

That's just not feasible once the fediverse grows more. You're expecting people to memorize hundreds of names/avatar images or else stay in a tiny echochamber in order to know the people. And doesn't address the issue of other people coming in and having to scour numerous threads and comments to follow your "conversation".

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threading won't fix anything

Tell me you didn't grow up using forums without telling me you didn't use forums. There's a reason even discord has added forums back. They work.

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Honestly, good. People shouldn't be picking based on quantity, but quality.

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How is that any different than reddit with all the r/X, r/TrueX, r/AltX, r/X2 subs? Whether they're distributed amongst one instance or many, it's functionally the same. Just like we already aggregate content from numerous sources, the fediverse also aggregates the communities too.

I'm subscribed to many communities/magazines in a variety of instances. And many of those I found through word of mouth on here or just by browsing "Hot". They weren't hard to find. I honestly don't see the problem. It's supposed to be splintered so no central authority has control. That's the whole point.

There's a reason hiking and activity shoes have ankle support. Ankles aren't glass, but you don't want to roll them in uneven surfaces

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