Fisting for Freedom

@Fisting for
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Joined 1 years ago

Just another person bringing love, peace, freedom through the judicious use of 🤜

Man, I'm so glad this global warming thing is leftist propaganda or I'd really be freaking out right now.

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Everyone who uses Chrome (or Brave, Vivaldi, Arc, or anything else that uses Chromium as a base) - you're helping google extend their power over the open web, and those helping them do this.

It's a small thing, but Google's power over the web derives from each of the the millions of people who continue to make Chrome the standard that webdevs cater to.

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A Reddit spokesperson declined to comment about this year’s edition of r/Place, telling Polygon via email “redditors are going to reddit.”

Honestly, that's probably the best response he could've given.

Look up how her grandfather died.

Unfortunately, the Tories are by far the most destructive right wing terror group in the UK, and nobody seems to be able stop them at the moment. Maybe at the very end of 2024 when they can't hold off elections any further.

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He announced the rebranding in a tweet sent last Saturday in the middle of the night. You know, like any competent business person would.

Projection so powerful, you could show movies on the moon's surface.

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

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No, they're in Parliament, where they can do real damage.

We should definitely allow Russia to do anything they want because WWIII. Caving to their imperialist program is obviously the only way and can't possibly backfire on us, ever. It definitely won't send a message to other countries to use the same threats to get what they want.


No, that's a declaration of Special Military Operation, which is completely and entirely different in an unclear way. No further questions.

They’re kept afloat by China, basically. Chaos in NK has the potential to spill over the Yalu and cause problems in China.Plus, Seoul is within artillery range of the DMZ, so any “kinetic” end to the regime is quite risky.

I'm interested to see how they react if Putin doesn't resume the grain deal, or undermines it by "accidentally" hitting grain storage and/or cargo ships.

The unnamed witness, who was part of a tour group at the time, says the man "gave out a loud 'ha ha ha'" before he ran in between some buildings in the direction of the North Korean border.

"I thought it was a bad joke at first, but when he didn't come back, I realised it wasn't a joke, and then everybody reacted and things got crazy."

Sound like it was just a prank, bro.

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Russia would be (and has been) doing that, regardless of what Ukraine actually does.

Yeah, also maybe we could get rid of election apps.

Damn, that's terrible. They should all move to another city somewhere in Russia so it doesn't happen to them.

What US attack on Iran? Can you link to an article?

Edit: probably the killing of Qasem Soleimani in 2020

F-35s, and they lost out because they bought a Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile system. Congress blocked them from purchasing any.

The F-22 was blocked from all exports; part of why they’re so expensive - no economy of scale for production.

He really wasn't, though.

All fascists are authoritarians, not all authoritarians are fascist.

They've had F-16s for years, producing most of them domestically (under license). Maybe some upgrades?

Turkey's been developing their own "5th gen" fighter, and they do have a pretty decent domestic military industrial base, but they got barred from purchasing the F-35 in 2019 when they bought an S-400 system from Russia - I wonder if he wants those. It'd need some US congressional cooperation to make happen, though.

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Read this article and decide if you think the risk is actually that serious. The WHO is almost certainly blowing this way out of proportion and overstating the risks.

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Phew, that's a load off my mind.

How do you think the process would work to cause “soul loss?”

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The internet peaked with gopher, tbh. Mosaic was the beginning of the end.

China is markedly worse than the US, though.

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I'd be surprised if they hadn't greenlit killing senior Hamas leaders. It's not exactly something they'd shy away from.

As an American, I can say that my government sucks for invading Iraq and Afghanistan and face no repercussions. I did so before those wars and have done so repeatedly since.

As a Chinese citizen, I can be arrested for singing a song about Hong Kong. Or saying that Tibet isn't China, or that Taiwan should be left alone. God forbid I ask about what's happening in Xinjiang. Or what happened in Beijing in 1989, or why the Great Leap Forward resulted in so many deaths of my countrymen. Or practicing Flaun Dafa, or whatever else.

Nobody is saying the US is perfect: the US has its problems, we can and should be better. But China is never honest about their shit and punishes people who are. China's markedly worse than the US.

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Japan. They were still negotiating a peace treaty with Russia from WWII just before the invasion last year, and they want the Kuril Islands back.

(This is largely a joke, but I still hold out hope)

Yeah, desecrating people's religious texts or symbols is an asshole move, but that's the point - they're being assholes because it reliably gets a rise out of large swathes of the Muslim world. If everyone just ignored them, they wouldn't bother anymore.

all that just to say "nuh uh!"

I know you didn’t even look at the article because it doesn’t rely on coca-cola’s word at all.

Not really a new thing - they once built a wall so big that you can see from space.

Probably not, no.

That would've entailed a full on war with China. Which some people - most notably MacArthur - were ok with. I think his plan involved nuking as much of the PLA as possible.

Personally, I think we should've done some version of Operation Unthinkable and eliminated the USSR. Alas.

You’re looking too narrowly. By getting devs to cater to whatever gets rolled out in Blink and v8, google extends the power they have over the whole ecosystem by making any browser that doesn’t follow them look “broken” (as opposed to, not slavishly following everything google does).

It also increases the difficulty of making a competing browser engine by adding tons of complexity (for questionable value), only further entrenching google’s dominance. But at least you get some stupid new CSS3 behaviors (that people will bitch about not working in Firefox or Safari) so I guess it’s worth it.

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The US didn't take over Tibet and resettle Han Chinese there (that's genocide, deliberately destroying a culture ). The US isn't committing a genocide on the Uyghurs in Xinjiang. The US isn't imprisoning and executing Falun Dafa adherents.

The US allows us to make changes for the better. We can stand for office and become ta source of change, we can band together as citizens to make change. Our system isn't perfect, but it is dramatically better than China's, all your cynicism aside.

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I have free speech rights under the constitution. That's not the case in China.

Don't shift the goal posts - there's a huge difference between the countries, and China is strictly worse.

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It's 100 guys, I don't think anyone is especially concerned.

Yeah, but they're also doing their part to kill off the Russian population with tobacco, so maybe they're playing the long game.