
1 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

He was allegedly trying to meet up with the minor at Twitch-Con, so you may be right.

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A question no one has asked yet: how often are you farting and how smelly are we talking? Because there may be a diet change worth considering if you're putting around like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

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I think they're pointing out that it sounds like by saying "she was American, not Israeli" that you think it would have somehow been less awful if she was Israeli.

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Took a quick look at the first few messages and the links: seems like BiglyBT is banned by a lot of private trackers because it's possible to mod it to spoof the numbers required to stay a member in the private tracker, while also being able to create a torrent file that allows others using the mod to utilize the private tracker without permission. Not sure if any of that functionality has to do with I2P.

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Collective action can certainly be powerful. But your plan seems to have some pretty glaring holes. Strikes aren't protected in the US for non-work-related issues, are they? And you'd have to decide when the strike ends, i.e. when a "good" candidate is proposed, which everyone will have different opinions on. Seems to me the better move would be to be pushing for a rework of the voting system into one that allows voting for other parties without throwing away a vote.

Since these articles never seem to include the bill, this appears to be it: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/7888

Looks like that's still the case. His website only seems to be a place where you can donate or volunteer. Guess his campaign is just focused on social media now? I get the potential value in that; it's like old-school campaigning. But wouldn't you still want a clear and easy place outside of videos where people can reference your values, accomplishments, and further goals?

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Mate, we've got it; we understand your position. You don't need to keep posting it.

I'm not sure that's really true what you're saying about single player FPS games being mostly competitive or that it's a bad idea. See: Doom, Metro, Ghostwire, Dying Light, System Shock, people seem stoked for Space Marine, etc.

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Dunno if this is what you mean, but you can definitely set another browser as default. Any context menus will change too: "Open with Firefox", or w/e you're using.

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Hopping into this conversation to say: that person is right; I'm not downvoting you because "rich people bad". I'm downvoting you because you aren't engaging in this discussion to share ideas and understand the other person. Your approach in this discussion is very much one of shutting down thinking that opposes yours. That doesn't get a dialog going; it ends it. You can do with that as you like, but I thought I'd speak up for myself so you don't mischaracterize my downvote.

Or Paragon even. That game was so fun back in the day before it got killed. If anyone can make something that fun again, it's probably Valve.

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How would they even break up Steam? Separate their software and hardware development from the store? Can't imagine that making any real impact on their practices.

Is it here in the post? I've looked all over and can't find mention of that. There's the video of the author clearing it, but that doesn't imply that all levels are beatable.

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From what I'm reading, they're not set to go to market; that's just their goal. Most recent article I found was middle of last year that they had raised more money and were hoping to go to human trials by the end of the year. That aligns with what I remember about Vasalgel from years ago - they had finally made it to monkey trials but their monkey study was not showing a consistent ability to return to virility with the second injection. I seem to remember the proposed reason being that vas deferens in the monkeys/apes they were testing with are actually more delicate than humans' and so humans should still likely be reversible. Last I heard, I believe they were trying to move forward on the human trial of proving that it works as a contraceptive, to be followed by a human trial showing reversibility. Then radio silence and funding issues. My assumption has always been that they struggled to jump to human trials because of the primate study results hurting the likelihood of reversibility. Hopefully they have reworked it to solve that, or maybe the acquisition and new funding is enough to just push through that regardless and see if humans will be fine.

Lotta good stuff there, but two things in response:

First, I'm not so sure that people being comfortable with the idea of men being the abuser in most intimate partner violence situations is all that shocking. There is a long history of sexism, including systemic sexism, from men against women, dating back to Hammurabi's Code. I think there's a bit of an earned reputation there unfortunately.

Second, I would very much not lump self-defense into the category of domestic violence, as that equates the survivor's attempts to protect themselves as similar or equal to a pattern of intensely destructive behaviors meant to gain power and control over them. The two are not remotely equal, and whether "mutually abusive" relationships even exist is still debated because of the dynamics of abusers and abusive tactics.

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Yeah, had to look up the bill, like with so many of these kinds of articles: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/7888

I believe the States have that already, with their age verification bullshit for porn. Doesn't seem like serious privacy violations are a concern for them.

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Can't answer as to why you would buy it again, but for me, I thought about replaying Braid recently only to discover that it was a pretty blurry mess. This looks a lot nicer, and commentary on video game design and development can be really interesting to me, especially since a lot of that is kept behind closed doors still.

You do know the hope is not to treat symptoms but underlying disorders, right?

Cool system; thanks for the run through!

Isn't the i7-7700k a kaby lake processor?

My understanding of the Creative Commons licenses is that they are for providing permission to people to use something that they wouldn't be able to otherwise, due to copyright or other issues. I don't think the licenses are capable of limiting what people can do with something if it's already the wild west, or do I have that wrong?

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Cool idea! I'm not really into survival or tower defense games, but I like the theme and the look of the whole thing. Survival games seem to be getting a lot of attention these days, so I hope you're able to attract some of that because it seems like a cool idea for those into it.

You say it's a copyright license, and I think that's exactly where I'm struggling with this. My understanding is that this is a license for something copyrighted or otherwise protected. Copyright protects things from their creation. A copyright license provides certain people action that would otherwise be denied by copyright. So are you saying that your understanding is that what we write here on Lemmy is copyrighted, with authors holding the rights? That would be helpful to know because that has not been my understanding of copyright (and I know country plays an important role here), so that would be interesting to look into.

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I've started and stopped it a number of times over the past 20 years or so, and I'm finally playing it all the way through right now. At least one of those times was because I thought I HAD to fight Lavos through the bucket and thought I was expected to grind until I could defeat it lol. This time, I've found it really remarkable how tight it is and how well it still holds up today. Even though Sea of Stars came out last year, it feels like Chrono Trigger could have been released alongside it and it would only feel a bit more dated in some respects.

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Yeah, I feel like we so easily forget that bigger does not mean better. If it's larger than what the development team is capable of touching by hand, then more often than not it's just empty or uninteresting space.

Yeah, this is why I've urged so many people to shop around for a country like they do a job. See what country aligns with your values, with your goals, with benefits, etc. and start working to get there. You don't have to stay miserable if you feel like your country is not where you want it to be and you're not the one to help fix it.

Wait til he hears there will actually be 3 parts.

Hopefully it also gives emulator devs a push to separate out the ROM decrypting piece from future emulators and make them only work with decrypted roms. Then the decryption piece can just be shared under the table, and the biggest piece of development, the emulator, will be protected.

Oh I clicked the link, mate, and read through a couple links deep. What I'm saying is that my understanding of the license is that it allows permissions for a restricted item, but it does not restrict an item with open permissions. You know what I mean? You need to be a rights holder of something that is protected by copyright or the like, and then you can use this license to open permissions in certain ways, in this case that the item can be used for non-commercial means. So this wouldn't work with stuff on Lemmy, right?

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Just as an aside, gun violence is now the leading cause of death for children in the US; vehicle collisions are now 2nd, due to gun violence increasing and vehicle collisions decreasing.

Props to you for using strikethrough instead of deleting in your edit so the context still makes sense. I think you bring up an interesting point about competitive fps games. I imagine companies structure their development similar to games-as-a-service because they are essentially two flavors of the same thing, right? I had never really considered whether the growth of the competitive scene was part of the drive towards GaaS and away from tight single player experiences.

I think underlying all of this is that publishers want a guaranteed profit margin. That doesn't exist in art, of course, but they still want it. And if that means choosing what they think is a safe bet, they'll choose it. I think Bungie made GaaS look way easier than it actually is, and maybe the competitive scene contributed to that too. "Look at all the money these hero shooters are making, let's get a piece of that pie." Formulas just never quite work out that simply in real life.

And yet, I believe LLMs are a natural evolutionary product of NLP and a powerful tool that is a necessary step forward for humanity. It is already capable of exceptionally quickly scaffolding out basic tasks. In it, I see the assumptions that all human knowledge is for all humans, rudimentary tasks are worth automating, and a truly creative idea is often seeded by information that already exists and thus creativity can be sparked by something that has access to all information.

I am not sure what we are defending by not developing them. Is it a capitalism issue of defending people's money so they can survive? Then that's a capitalism problem. Is it that we don't want to get exactly plagiarized by AI? That's certainly something companies are and need to continue taking into account. But researchers repeat research and come to the same conclusions all the time, so we're clearly comfortable with sharing ideas. Even in the Writer's Guild strikes in the States, both sides agreed that AI is helpful in script-writing, they just didn't want production companies to use it as leverage to pay them less or not give them credit for their part in the production.

Yeah, I'm surprised there's so much praise of the combat. There was a lot of feedback on the combat after the demo, so I wonder if they tightened it up before release.

Same; first time in years I've let it lapse and I'm realizing that I haven't missed out on anything yet. It was really convenient when I had the higher tier for a bit there because they had a good amount of indie games I wanted to try. But I don't have the same amount of time for gaming right now, and I would rarely finish those games anyway.

Ohhhh I see. Yeah, I think Sync uses Chrome too. Sync has an option to always open links in external web browser, so that's how I got around that.

Saw the other comment about Linux and did some searching. Found it on Wikipedia; appears to be a window system for Linux or a protocol that enables a window system for Linux? Don't know enough about this stuff, but here's the link I found: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayland_(protocol)

I'm with you except for the therapist one. Ain't no way the AI we have currently or anything even close to what we have now could be a therapist. The human connection is the #1 most important thing in therapy and being a therapist takes way too much contextual understanding.

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