
3 Post – 68 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

🌐 Ireland

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💻 Developer

⌨️ Keyboard elitist (sorry!)

You can walk around them, people in a wheelchair or with a buggy cannot. Disrespectful af.

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Looks absolutely well-planned and not rushed at all, perfect alignment of the logo, proper copy. Definitely not just a hasty implementation of a fever dream.

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Hopefully this will push IPv6 adoption further. It is a clusterfuck how long IPv6 exists and how often one has to still fall back to IPv4.

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Wow that is dystopian, combined with idiocy. What a scary combination.

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Wow this is the most offensive picture I have seen all day!

Just as Mark Twain said

I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.

You do not give many details, but you fucked over someone who seems to have done nothing wrong? And you did it as "payback" for something that has nothing to do with them? Not mature at all. The ones you walked out on might have dodged a bullet there.

Imho it does not matter. It might, however, very well be that people who are obsessed with who is staying on Reddit, who is going back, and how fast Lemmy grows are insecure about their decisions themselves. It does not matter how many people are here, as long as the right people are here. Not only that, but it is kind of bewildering how "bigger is better, if something does not go into hypergrowth it fails" is engrained into our thinking.

I cannot believe this has to be said over and over again: It is easy access to guns!

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What a sad person you must be to think these thoughts while showering.

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Eugen Rochko is the creator of Mastodon.

For things I seemingly have no opinion about, I do it. If I follow through with it, I really did not care - if I don't, I have learned in the process I actually have an opinion.

Close call, but I prefer the corn over the pumpkin.

My personal take is that people start understanding the negative impact unhinged marketing can have on your well-being. Ironically, while following influencers and having their happiness and worldviews happily influenced by social media.

Great that you are looking for a way to contribute to something meaningful. OpenStreetMap aims to create a free map of the world, at detail levels nobody else does. Besides the obvious, it helps groups that are marginalized (how do I navigate as a blind person? Where are safe spots to cross the street? Does this restaurant not only have a ramp for my wheelchair, but does it also have restrooms that accommodate for my needs?)

The simplest way to start is to contribute on https://pic4review.pavie.info/ - here you can basically look at pictures other people have taken, answer some questions and thus add data to OpenStreetMap.

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Pixelfed has over 20 million of postings and is under heavy development, I hope you give it another chance in the future :)

And this is how you kill an open standard. Good resource to share with people cheering for Meta to adapt ActivityPub etc.

You could blame yourself for not looking in that direction. 🤷

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Thank you for your work, it is absolutely informative and delightful to use the site!

Valid point, that's what makes it even more dystopian. The most in your face example of "you have to be able to afford privacy".

The world you live in does not even exist. There might be one objective reality, but none of us where ever there. Everything you experience is filtered and distorted by your past experiences and current beliefs.

How about giving them a raise in pay, and if they really want it, they can buy the ping-pong table out of their own pocket flips desk

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Disgusting trolling. A kid died and some people still like to stir up tensions.

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Do not ever start that PhD, and keep on passing on shit you are not interested in. Especially when others say they are too good of an opportunity to pass. Otherwise keep going, little dude!

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And now you are - life is mysterious and absolutely wonderful sometimes!

Yeah, right. It is social media and games responsible, not people fed up with the situation.


Seems like nitter still works. Interesting how everyone, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit seem to try to to squeeze more money out of their platforms by making themselves shittier.

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In my opinion, Prigozhin is done. How would you envision Putin installing Prigozhin anywhere and save face?

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Yeah, let us allow Google once more to tell us what we should see and how we should interpret information. Went so well the last time (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

No system worked better for me than hledger - a doubly entry accounting tool for text files. It is super extensible, privacy focused and will be usable in 20 years still. No other tool has helped me stay on top of my finances as well as this, and I have tried them all. This is very subjective of course, but you might want to give it a try.

Good summary! There are however apps that sum up the points of your comments and posts and show them on your profile. This is only accurate for your own profile , as posts of others on other instances are not guaranteed to federate and taken into account.

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Aren't you just mad the lady at the Petrol station cancel your transaction? By the way, how does using a voucher work with this fine posting of you?

"They" being Disney.

Do you believe a mother can love her adopted child and the other way around? Then you have your answer. You love her, she loves you. Do you need any more labeling (it is absolutely fine if you do, just something to think about)?

I would have reminded you of the power imbalance that might be there, but since you are sensitive enough, I would say you are fine. Just make sure she absolutely knows it is fine if she says no, and that you have another dispensery you can go to for a while if she says no, just to make things not awkward. Otherwise, go for it! You cannot always meet people you like at a bar or whatever people do these days.

//Edit: Wishing you all the best!

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Nice one! How did that work out for you?

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Nice! I will still keep donating, I hope they can keep up the good work!

I see that too, and it is beyond me why that sticks. OP could be a much happier person if they would spend their time with actual problems. Or no problems at all.

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