floppade [he/him]

@floppade [he/him]@lemm.ee
0 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 9 months ago
  • indie web dev
  • Freedom Pulse - my attempt to help people around the world see their progress and stay motivated on Palestinian liberation

I appreciate the work they do to cut through the mandatory pro-Israel dialogue in the states. “Not in our name!” ❤️

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Eh this argues that we even have a democracy that is functional enough to undermine in the first place, and I reject that premise.

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They are doing that. They are bombing an area after making it impossible for people to evacuate by giving an impossible deadline. They are bombing the areas people are told to take on the way to evacuate. The people they are bombing have no defenses or way to escape. Israel’s own government officials have referred to Palestinians as animals and said there are no innocents among them. That’s what genocide looks like before having the benefit of hindsight.

"Established by an act" doesn't mean the same thing as "maintained by Congress." If your argument were true, NPR wouldn't be able to operate during government shutdowns, since they'd be federal employees. Given they reported during previous shutdowns, that indicates to me that they're not run by Congress.

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Because they're a non-profit, their tax forms are publicly available. These forms are called 990s. This is why many people are responding as though they're very annoyed with your perspective, because the evidence is free and public by law.

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Use your ip address or GPS location or address to get your location and use a sales tax api product like: https://www.avalara.com/us/en/products/integrations/avalara-api.html

Not an endorsement, just an example that companies already consider this.

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I’m not sure it’s that different. In place of a real personality, you get the country’s persona. With US foreign policy for example it matters little who leads because they are adhering to the persona. While the majority of Americans don’t want war, the US persona does. That results in the same thing (a population ruled by one idea set) just a hologram of person rather than an actual one.

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Been getting that lately after successfully avoiding it for a bit. Just not gonna use it directly anymore.

Even if Dems wanted to help sincerely, why would they aid a party whose platform is to harass the shit out of everyone else. Nevermind the fact that the staffers are probably still dealing with the fear from Jan 6 in therapy; helping get Jim Jordan up of all people is voting for a dude who indirectly tried to kill you. The idea of even asking for that is so weird to me.

must've ran out of spaghetti to throw at the wall, and this is what is left.

Disaster capitalism at work.

The thing is you're equivocating something potentially dangerous that you could easily look up instead.

No one is trying to hide that NPR gets grant funding. However, you are part of a group of people who intentionally misrepresent what that means for the sake of propaganda.

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Not what I expect to see, but also not disappointed. 🤣

I worked for that campaign during that election cycle. You would think that the DNC and coordinated campaigns would learn that not listening to voters hurts you. Shaming them didn’t work last time either. They didn’t fund outreach. They didn’t listen to organizers on the ground. They didn’t care.

I'm a n00b here, but it's livelier than I expected.

I’m normally nice but perceive you as insincere.

Did your second grade teacher not go over what context is with you?

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They colonize but everyone fights back. That’s precisely my point. It’s normal and natural to fight back against that. It’s delusional to think it’s not.

American life expectancy is declining. Theory doesn’t mean anything if you never observe reality.

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The delusional thing is Britain thinking they could displace 750,000 to create a country out of nowhere and expect the indigenous to silently die off.

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Who are the exact same people that you claim to be citing? I see the exact same people discussing all of these issues. The only thing you’re doing is discouraging them from talking about it if they’re not talking about it all at once which no one does on any subject.

It seems likely to me that there are campaigns of people mass reporting content and apps to get then taken down even if it’s just temporarily. Sure, in some cases, like TikTok, they are meeting with rich Zionists who are lobbying for censor anything anti-Zionist. That takes time to negotiate in some cases I would imagine.

Most people and most Zionists are not rich I think. It’d be faster to run a coordinated mass report campaign through some influencer to trigger the automated moderation.

So even if Google weren’t financially involved in Israel’s occupation, which it is, people could use the mechanisms of its automations to censor things on their own for everyone.

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That’s too bad that people behave like that. Thanks for taking action.

This is an unoriginal take used to silence people who did not know about things like this before. Our media intentionally hides information about things like this. Our schools intentionally hide things like this. You can’t care about something if you don’t know it’s happening.

I don’t know if any freelancer who has not been paid for their work will agree with you

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A lot of people feel justified in not actually listening to others and judging them from afar as what is happening. They feel justified in doing this for very specific reasons.

In addition to taking advantage of automated systems, yes many groups are engaging in pressure campaigns on specific companies and organizations to engage in censorship right now.

Yeah I don’t think they get that countered their own point. All of em are corporate places that are cheap and pay shit.

Police in other states don't usually force the victim to relocate. They usually call someone to come in from the proper precinct.

Thanks genuinely appreciate this

Fair, I admittedly don't know how one would implement it, but the sales tax data is being used by their clients for something.

Looking into it further, some states, according to Shopify's FAQ on the topic, have different rules with regards to destination-sourced vs origin-sourced sales. 🤷‍♂️

I'm not surprised. I remember they had that position a few years back too. Little has changed unfortunately.

Letting Democrats take advantage of your vote and not listen to you over and over again it’s not a good strategy either. They don’t actually stop any of the things they used to fearmonger people with. They just wait so that they can use them as a threat again in the next election cycle. That’s an abusive relationship.

So is CEO greed though. And they could choose to use that money to balance their budget, not ruin my experience of being out and about.

Most of their innovation has been for developers it seems.

Edit for clarification: since Google maps

You get someone who stops the illegal settlement expansion and gives the land back.

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It’s a long list, but the long lasting bit was his incompetence and failure to fully staff the government made it impossible to function properly. Note, federal government workers are located nationwide, not just the capitol. Plus with the top secret docs he stole, some of which had information on the nuclear capabilities and defenses of one of “our” (US) allies, that’s a whole other mess.

As for the consequences, that’s still panning out. Lots of fraud cases, for example. Some think Hamas was able to attack, because it was Israel’s defenses that were in the leaked secret documents, but that has not been confirmed and is just gossip.

Denying the existence of the pandemic until it was already bad here led to way more people dying than what was unavoidable.

That’s not even touching on the amount of debt he accrued, foreign policy dealings, or general behavior.

No shame in asking. Half of Americans pay no attention to voting at all, and many here would ask the same if not so emotionally intense a subject.

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Defend itself against what? It, the UK, and the US started it and refused to relent. Yeah I expect Israel to give the illegal settlements back entirely. They intentionally encouraged too many people to move in in order to justify illegal expansion. So yeah send them back, pay the immigrants for Israel's fraud and con, and give the Palestinian's their land back.

You steal someone's car, and you make it right by giving it back and covering any damages. Just because Israel stole a really big "car" doesn't change how right and wrong works. You give it back and apologize whether you're a 3 year old or Netanyahu.

i'm not saying it's impossible. Just saying that they make a big deal out of it even if the item is small, and it's important to know your risk if you're going to do something risky.

My hyper focus is on a rotating cycle it seems, and I just switched from Mac to PC. And then I found this place. So I’ve been obsessing over FOSS alternatives to daily tools. Some of this list is obvious, but I had taken a break from experimenting with FOSS for a while due to work and the fact that a lot of FOSS products are harder for me to use. So I’m just seeing how much things have improved for my needs at least.

  • Reddit -> Lemmy
  • Twitter -> Mastodon
  • Discord -> Revolt (I can’t get signing up to work, but I hear good things?)
  • Spotify -> Nuclear
  • GitHub -> Codeberg
  • Serenade.ai for programming by voice (GREAT for pacing and working at the same time)
  • Microsoft Project - currently looking for something better than Project Libre UX wise

Omg thanks for giving me a safe space to word vomit. I needed that. 😭