
1 Post – 293 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I really liked the Some More News episode on this! It explains pretty well how regardless of a rich person's intelligence they probably get corrupted by mental distortions due to being rich. That is, Elon haa probably been powertripping for too long and lost all basis on how to take good decisions because he lives in his own rich fantasy world thinking he accomplished everything because of his own superior genius...

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Haven't watched on fmovies before, thanks for the suggestion I guess :)

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Why not convince people to use Signal as well? Even my family has a group chat on Signal. Of course, it's a slow move with most people sticking to non-open chats. But it's worth the effort I would say.

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I see your point of trying to help everyone communicate with each other. However, as has been pointed out repeatedly in the last few months, the threat of a 3e strategy (embrace, extend, extinguish) applied by Meta is imo very real and dangerous to the whole fediverse. That's why people want to defederate threads. And when large corporations use their huge userbase to make everyone else's life harder and peer pressure you into joining them then that's on them. I mean, there is a reason we few people are here on the fediverse. For most it's probably making the effort to stay away from those privacy-invading, controlling corporations and create something by the people for the people. I get that it is tempting to be able to reach the masses stuck in platforms like Facebook or Instagram. But this comes with the real threat of destroying what we've build here. Restraining from federation doesn't cost us anything though, as we've already made the decision to get together here in this small community.

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Not sure if you are serious? If so, I think you probably didn't understand why she is angry. As she clearly states, studying string theory in itself is totally valid. But the way they presented their ideas or let their ideas be presented is the reason she is angry.

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Yeah, this sounds about right. I think this is why other people (without ADHD) often identify me with only one or two of my special interests instead of the full variety of all those interests. The other day I had to introduce me in a certain setting to someone where everyone had to mention their hobbies as well. I was struggling at first how to cram so many hobbies in a short time or how to prioritize them. Then a friend, who was also there, said to me "Oh, you like to upload pictures on iNaturalist!" This is true, but I did not really feel seen because of all the other hobbies that seem similarly important!

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What kind of response are you expecting? Or is this just a rant/vent? I don't agree with your statement entirely, many people would also want people with NPD, psychopathy or sociopathy to get support. The problem, however, is that it is really hard for most to give people with strong narcissistic or manipulative traits the support they need. Similarly, I also have compassion with pedophiles and wish them the support they need. But obviously I don't want them to be enabled (or even allowed) to follow their sexuality. Same goes for people with narcissistic and manipulative traits. I want them to get support but not be enabled or allowed to hurt or manipulate others.

Recently I stumbled upon this podcast called "The Bright Sessions" where they basically envision neurodivergent people and/or people with mental disorders as having superhuman powers. There also is a character that might fall into your description of people who are not treated with compassion. The podcast really explores what that means and how compassion can look like with a person like that.

ETA: and this comes from a person who has been traumatized over decades by various people with strong narcissistic traits.

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This is such a bad take lacking any solidarity with people that have no choice in doing illegal stuff or who are trying their best to make the world a better place. What is legal or illegal is solely defined by governments. In the context of the US, it is now illegal in some parts to have an abortion, to be transgender, to be an immigrant, to be black, etc. So "don't do illegal stuff" is a reminder of your privileged position to be able to lean back and have nothing to fear, while other people just by existing or by trying to survive automatically are considered illegal. And think of all the whistleblowers like Edward Snowden. We as peole are much better off because of them, yet they have to fear the state's repressions.

Your response makes me really angry just by how inconsiderate and insulting it is :(

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What? This is saying that the dudes already so detached from reality that they don't find any women should even further detach from reality. If you are an open-minded cis dude who respects women and sees them as equal human beings you'll have no problem finding anyone.

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Hm, sure the effect is as you describe (if you don't go multi-account). However, I have experienced over and over again how only a few bad actors can totally ruin an otherwise safe and welcoming community. The only solution so far was always to restrict ourselves to fewer but trusted users. And this happened even in trans only spaces where other trans people were bigots themselves.

Maybe, as pointed out above, it is a difference in interest and priorities. If your priority is to see more content but with the drawback of more bigoted behavior, probably an account in the now de-federated instances is a good idea. However, as I understand it, the reason for many people to join here was specifically to create this protected space where we err rather on the safe site.

And btw I would love to see more queer and specifically trans spaces on Beehaw ;)

And how much crappy art was pushed to popularity just because it was more easily marketable. To be popular you have to somewhat sell out and there are probably thousands of marginalized artists no one ever discovered because of that :/

Not sure how you meant it, I kind of feel weird about your comment though. How do you get to 95% vs 5%? What about e.g. the Kinsey scale?

What feels totally weird about your comment to me, and actually outright offends me, is how you say that queer people need their 5% space and then we can get on with normal life. But to me, being queer is about breaking out of oppressive norms and heteronormativity is such an oppressive norm. I don't want to have to live with it. It not does all us queer people harm, it's bad for everyone. You cannot image how I cringe seeing how straight cis people act, it's just terrible. So no, 5% is not enough, I want everyone (!) to be free of norms and free what they want to do. And the view that being straight is a default, just like being male, cis, white, able-bodied, etc also has to go. That is just not reality and it does so much damage.

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Strange article, I don't get the point of it. Like, of course it is about power and control. You don't need to give me a list of cruel things and abuse.

And it is also utterly strange to read how baffled the author is by their responses. Obviously the abuse by these men is working in this narrow frame of context. There is plenty of information out there on this already, nothing new here.

But apparently the author also completely missed out on what the benefits would be for men to step back from violence and control. Yeah sure, in the context of emotionally limited and estranged men, maybe being control-seeking, manipulative and sadistic is the best possibility to get short-term gratification. But do these people really live a happy life? I would argue that everyone, including these abusive men, would benefit immensely from them learning to get in touch with their own emotions and that of others.

None of that is discussed in this article and I wonder why it was posted to a feminism community in the first place??

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Should better get on another bird app like iNaturalist, very open minded people over there! ❤️

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All this might be true for large, privately funded museums in the US, but generalizing for all kinds of museums with this very limited set of examples shows how US-centric the author is. Feels like r/ShitAmericansSay.

I'm really really glad that there are many critical (and unfortunately severely underpaid) people here in Germany that to this day work on showing and explaining the Holocaust. Are there many museums in Germany that still have stolen goods from all over the world and that refuse to give them back? Yeah, sure! But that does not make any thinkable museum unethical!

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Interesting video. Although I strongly disagree with him on why "mastodon diehards" don't want to federate with meta "because they just don't like the company". He mentioned it himself in the video that big companies like Google, Meta, Microsoft, etc actually adopt a certain protocol just to make it obsolete and destroy the competition. This is a real threat with many previous examples to draw from. Why would he frame it as if only some mastodon nerds want to block meta because of some silly reason? This is misleading at best.

He also fails to make the connection that the example of the 90ies would just repeat if big companies adopt the new protocol. Someone develops a new protocol to escape the walled garden(s), big companies come in and erect a new walled garden. What about this is any good if we cannot keep it open for everyone and away from corporal greed leading to enshittification?

Statements like these make me be very wary with this channel. He is pretty oblivious and naive of capitalism.

(And also interesting to see that Abigail Thorn doesn't want tumblr to join the fediverse)

That's your projection though. How do you know that oppressed people will in turn become the oppressors once they have the chance? Same goes for racial or other kinds of oppression. Women, queer people, people of color and any other minority have been working to get a more inclusive world benefitting everyone. It is just fear mongering to warn against this. As the other person said, it is comic relief to make fun of the oppressor, in this case cishet people, and it is obviously not a long-term strategy. But it is also not bigotry because for that you need power.

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You were asked to attempt to better communicate by presumably another neurodivergent person in a neurodivergent community. Don't use some bullshit analogy of oppression to justify your lack of empathy.

Hm, I agree with the author in how far too much anti-wokeness can repel voters. But I have to disagree with the overall analysis of wokeness by the author. They make it seem like wokeness is this policing of others based on "niche concerns", not only for conservative politicians but also for the author themselves*. Imo this sounds like someone complaining about SJWs and saying how petty fights people put on when they are in fact criticizing racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. Are these niche concerns? No, obviously this is about how we structure society itself and about power struggles in it. It is obviously annyoing when big corporations use pinkwashing etc to sell more, but the same is true for climate change. I wouldn't call climate change a niche concern either, just because many corporations and individuals try to use our concern for their own benefit.

And regarding the policing: this isn't anything new. Cis-heteronormativity has existed for a few hundreds of years in western societies. As a queer trans woman I'm policed in the streets everyday by all kinds of people. If people now feel attacked when they cannot behave as misogynistic, racist, ableist, etc as before, well then this shows the slow shift of who has power in society. Many cishet men are frightened by the prospect of a more egalitarian society because that would mean losing power over people.

* I get how the author could try to speak from the perspective of a potential trump/desantis voter and would therefore frame wokeness in such a way. My point here is, however, that the author clearly argues that even for themselves the ideals behind wokeness are wrong and unimportant.

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Good on android are also unciv, feudal tactics, beat feat and flowit!

Not Foss, but free without ads or trackers FOSS and my all-time favorite is "Simon Tatham's Puzzles". This is so addicting I go through a cycle of playing it obsessively until I have to delete it and wait a few months until installing it again xD

ETA: thanks for providing the sources. Couldn't find it on fdroid because of the different name :)

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Saw only the thumbnail and nearly had a heart attack. Thought you were seriously posting Blaire White videos and that she was proclaiming to drop the T... :((

Thanks for the informative video anyways!

This, plus being queer isn't inherently making you or people accepting you necessarily less bigoted. For example, even queer TERFs side with Nazis. Of course it is more likely that if a movement is more accepting of one minority, it may be also accepting to others. But it may also use one minority group to pit against another...

More gaming on linux, yayyy!

Oh nice! Funny enough I was planning on doing the pride ans trans flags by arranging pictures of flowers (to print on a shirt).

Oh wow, so even more radioactive waste that will afflict thousands of future generations and the environment for a tiny amount of produced energy now :(

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You know this meme?


This is essentially true because (we) trans people have to spend a ton of time into thinking about what gender and sex are. What may be helpful is thinking not about how trans or even queer people deviate from the norm but how sex, gender and sexuality work in general.

You may want to look into Judith Butler's revelatory "Gender Trouble" (or at least summaries of it) that was kind of the birth of Queer Studies and where they discuss how gender/sex are "performative" (not in the sense of literally performing but rather how it is repeated and maintained). Butler explains how the category of sex is not descriptive but instead a constructed one. Even a newly born baby is put into a constructed (made-up) category that doesn't necessarily reflect physical reality.

Sex as a physical reality actually crumbles the moment you have a closer look at it. Medicine has been trying to correct it by mutilating intersex people for ages now, trying to put them into neat categories. Like someone already said here in the comments, you probably don't know your karyotype, right? You just assume it. There are various factors playing into sex, like chromosomal, hormonal, genital sex (plus some more!). All of them can show variations.

How sex is constructed can be made even more clearly when looking at animals. Biologists have always been very eager to put animals into sexual binaries because they tried to replicate their own view of the 'natural' man vs woman binary. But this is far from true. There are some animals with two genders, but also some with three or more and there are some with only one. Intersex, "trans" and queer animals are very common among animals as well. E.g. there are female deer with antlers etc. Science has just been too busy with projecting their own 'truth' to realize this. In recent years we have been catching up though. There is this great book called "Evolution's Rainbow" where the author Joan Roughgarden goes into much more detail.

Another interesting point is that while it feels "natural" to us that there is a gender binary, this is actually a pretty modern view. Gender and sex as we know it have only been around for a few hundred years. Just like homosexuality and in response heterosexuality are very recent phenomena. Likewise, our concept of "love" is also a very recent invention and probably a product of the emergence of capitalism.

But you can see how the performative nature of sex and gender leads to scientists and generally people trying to impose/project sex and gender onto very arbitrary traits or phenomena. And by doing so, the perceive differences between sexes/genders is even stronger which leads to repetition of the imposition/projection. We probably cannot know how our species would express itself without these social constructs interfering.

So, that is why some people here in the comments gave you the wise hint not to try to rationalize gender/sex. Those are social constructs all the way and won't really ever make sense. Where does the feeling to be any gender come from? No idea! But it definitely is there (or not haha).

Well, I've been vegan for >11 years and love Korean & Japanese food that's why I eat it. Usually with rice, i.e. roasted seaweed like Nori leaves or already in stripes. Or as sushi. Also in soup like misoshiru where you usually have the stock from specific algae and you can even put wakame seaweed in it. With sushi you can often also get a wakame salad, which is really tasty, too.

But usually I just cook rice (or use leftovers) and mix it with sesame seeds, sesame oil, soy sauce and some form of seaweed (usually I get a seasoned package of roasted seaweed with added flavors, but nori leaves work great as well). All in all this is a great staple food because you can store everything for longer periods of time and it is easy to make.

Hope this helps!

Wait, what are we discussing here? GAG is (according to Wikipedia) a far-right, anti-LGBT organization and Arielle Scarcella fits right in there with her terf rhetoric. Obviously they are all full of shit and none of them is really interested in helping people or making the world a safer place for queer people.

Or you use a good adblocker and then get extremely irritated when you once in a while have to listen to an ad ;)

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Great video, thanks! Regarding the over representation of certain concepts/things I have been disappointed from day one by generative AI. If you want it to draw you something obscure it miserably fails and tries to fall back on stuff it knows. Also all the discriminatory biases generative AI has about different people because of lacking data sets. It is very obvious that it cannot "outperform" its own data input (like the exciting curve in the video) but that it will rather stagnate.

Yesss! I love that feeling ♥

Oh wow, I know you are venting here and I don't want to take that from you. I get that you are frustrated. I have a similar story and am also mostly incapable of self-love or self-worth. But instead of turning out a pwNPD, I got to have all the empathy my mother is lacking.

But please, you are doing standard victim blaming here. It's probably not worth going into detail here because you don't seem self-aware enough to get why your actions may be perceived very differently by others than by you.

I get that society is in so far unfair to people with NPD or pedophiles because it does usually only portrait their worst qualities. But neither pwNPD nor pedophiles are monsters. That's why I compared NPD to pedophilia in my other comment. You have the traits to abuse others, but the choice is still yours. People with pedophilia also deserve our empathy. The struggle must be really hard on you. In yet another comment I cited many studies I found on NPD and what they basically all talked about was not only the abusiveness and lack of empathy of pwNPD but also the strong interpersonal problems they face.

I'm sorry for you, but please at least try to be a bit self-aware and don't gaslight us into thinking pwNPD are not commonly abusive and manipulative.

I already eat a lot of algae but the packaging always has warnings that algae are very high in iodine. You usually can only safely consume a gram or so per day. Strange that they didn't address this in the article...

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Yeah sure, coal plants obviously have to go. But why not invest in sustainable energy production?

Nuclear waste cannot just be buried, unless you don't care about polluting huge areas with radioactivity. In Germany, there have been decades long debates where to store nuclear waste and even to this day there hasn't been found a good storage for the waste we produced in the 70ies. And this shit costs billions of euros that the company profiting of the plant doesn't have to pay but that in turn society has to pay.

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Great idea to have such a survey. I couldn't find any questions regarding sex apart from the one about gender identity. That is, I'm trans but this doesn't show because I just selected 'female'. Likewise people that are intersex would not necessarily appear here. Or maybe I made a mistake somehow? If I was meant to fill out the field with the blank below, I probably wouldn't feel comfortable doing that because this would again make a distinction between 'the normal female' and an other, i.e. 'trans women'. I'm female/a woman. But I'm also trans. Both aren't necessarily connected.

A better solution would be imo to have an extra field asking if you identify as cis/trans/other. I get that this is kind of a tricky terrain though, just wanted to let you know/discuss it.

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Do you have any references to back up this claim? From personal experience I most strongly disagree with your statement. I have suffered all my life from narcissistic people and even many years of therapy were not sufficient to surpass my childhood trauma.

Also, if you don't want to take a subjective perspective there is really a looot of research that shows how abusive people with NPD are.

"Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by self-absorption, grandiosity, exploitation of others and lack of empathy. [...] Empathy represents a key point in detecting people affected by narcissistic personality disorder because, even if it is described as reduced, it plays a fundamental role in exploitation and manipulation. [...] Subjects with NPD may experience those problems with affective empathy because they feel others’ emotions as threatening and dangerous and react with detachment to preserve their own personal integrity. In addition to exploitation, a lack of empathic affectivity appears associated with proneness to criminal behaviors, particularly when NPD coexists with antisocial traits, contributing to psychopathy.".

"The interpersonal style of the more narcissistic patients was particularly characterized by domineering, vindictive, and intrusive behavior."

"higher levels of narcissism were significantly associated with more interpersonal impairment, particularly characterized by domineering, vindictive, and overly nurturing behaviour."

"Five studies investigated the links among narcissism, self-esteem, and love. Across all studies, narcissism was associated primarily with a game-playing love style. [...] Narcissists' game-playing love style was the result of a need for power and autonomy."

"Pathological narcissism is marked by deficits in psychosocial functioning. Difficulties in relationships include instances of aggression, devaluation and control [...] In response, participants (the narcissists' partners and family members) reported high levels of anxiety, depression, self-aggression, sickness and somatic concerns.

"The present study examined the relationship of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism with dispositional anger and hostility. We investigated the roles of neuroticism, emotional intelligence, and gender in this relationship [...] The results indicated that vulnerable narcissism was associated with a higher tendency toward anger and hostility, and that neuroticism accounted for a large part of this association. Poor emotion managing, known as strategic emotion regulation ability, also played a role in hostility related to vulnerable narcissism, especially among men. When emotional stability was controlled for, grandiose narcissism showed links to anger and hostility. We concluded that high neuroticism and poor emotion regulation abilities among vulnerable narcissists contribute to increased anger/hostility, whereas emotional stability likely protects grandiose narcissists against these internal aspects of aggression."

"Qualitative semi-structured interviews with seven participants who reported being in a relationship with a narcissistic partner were thematically analyzed. Three overarching themes emerged: (a) overt and covert expressions of abuse, (b) challenge to self-perceived authority, and (c) fear of abandonment. Findings suggest both grandiose and vulnerable narcissists’ reactions to narcissistic injury are most likely covertly and overtly aggressive and violent; however, the underlying motives for the behavior differed. For grandiose narcissists, violence was commonly triggered by threats to self-esteem, whereas vulnerable narcissists commonly experienced significant injury and rage from fear of abandonment."

I could go on citing studies on this. I wonder what counter-evidence you'll be able to produce.

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There is definitely some german in that word!

This is a logical fallacy. Your example doesn't work. Your mother wasn't abusive because she was a woman, so why would you associate her abusiveness with her womanhood? NPD on the other hand directly leads to abusive, manipulative and exploitative behaviour. So in this case NPD is directly associated with abusiveness. And yes, I have met my fair share with pwNPD (or other personality disorders). I have also some experience with being in psychiatric clinics, so I have met many people with various mental problems/disorders.

But all this is not to say that pwNPD are not human beings with their own struggles and needs, too. Obviously pwNPD suffer greatly from their condition and it pains me a lot how hard it is to actually provide support for them. It is a really messed up situation that pwNPD are mostly incapable of self-awareness and (affective) empathy that it is nearly impossible to help them :(

Seems to be species dependent. But it doesn't seem to be well studied. But the variation in iodine levels is crazy...

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8035890/

Yeah, I feel now it is out that he is a narcissist and it just feels so obvious. He is gaslighting everyone and people try to clean up after him, that's just symptomatic. He won't change, he will maybe get managed better by the people around him to reduce the damage. But there isn't anything else to hope for.