
1 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't see an official statement but it would be really amazing for a company that is asking everyone to follow the new rules to ignore the well established laws at the same time. They can have whatever opinions they want but these places are recognized as such.

"Some organizations must also file a request with the Internal Revenue Service to gain status as a tax-exempt non-profit charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the US tax code."

"Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc is a nonprofit organization It is a tax-exempt corporation under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3)"

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It's sad to hear but I think we all need more news stories of people dying trying to take photos in nature. While hiking the past 10 years I'm surprised how many people at the top of cliffs are just gathering for selfies. Idk why they don't realize that not going to the absolute edge maybe 5-6 feet away is the exact same photo and tripping backwards wouldn't immediately kill them.

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This is one of the saddest stories in gaming. Author was depressed and friends help him create a game. Game is considered one of the greatest games ever created only the publisher screws original team out of the rights to the game mimicking the exact type of short sighted bullshit that creatives have to deal within the Disco Elysium world.

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"Hey gonks! Remember that game we released and was dirty as hell but you all gave up the eddies because we told you it was preem. We finally have the game we should have released just 3 years later. Go ahead and flatline your 200hr characters and reboot."

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I don't see an official statement but it would be really amazing for a company that is asking everyone to follow the new rules to ignore the well established laws at the same time. They can have whatever opinions they want but these places are recognized as such.

"Some organizations must also file a request with the Internal Revenue Service to gain status as a tax-exempt non-profit charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the US tax code."

"Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc is a nonprofit organization It is a tax-exempt corporation under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3)"

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I was a manager and was hands on training "Gary" day one. Gary continued to get audible dings and read text messages and type while I was talking directly to him. After the 2-3 time I asked if everything was alright and Gary needed to step out to handle something. He said something like, "oh no it's just a text chain...". I asked them stop texting but they sort of tried to hide the fact that they continued as I tried to get their attention and they just kept texting. After some more time I stopped after a simple demonstration and asked if they could do what I just did. Gary didn't do the simple task correctly. I excused myself and walked to office I said to the other people managers /hiring staff, "I don't think this is going to work out with Gary. It's day one and he refuses to pay attention." They expressed that another good coworker and friend had recommended him for the job and I just get through some stuff. Ok maybe Gary was having a bad day.

Later that week I learned Gary didn't have a car even though transportation was required for the position because you might be working different locations all over town and Gary thought that his friend would be nice and just drive him to whatever job he needed to go to and then drive to their own job somewhere else. It lasted a few days and Gary didn't arrive at locations we need him at. When we called he said, "I don't have a ride I can't work." I asked if there way to figure out the transportation and he said it would be alright. I think he took a cab a few times but the locations are 20-30 mins away. After multiple no shows or very late arrivals we had to let Gary go.

Now I spoke with Gary several times. I don't think this was some sort of condition were he didn't understand the job and what he needed to do. I believe that Gary really thought we were all just living in his world or maybe he had to get out and prove he got a job. After he was gone I asked Gary's friend, "So what happened?". She confirmed that he never had a car or equipment needed. I asked if he got another job. She said, "Oh I don't know, I don't like Gary very much".

Good luck with that one. Highspeed reliable Internet does not exist everywhere. I'd rather pay for a gpu then deal with garbage gameplay.

Very happy that they dedicated the time but man there still some weird pop in stuff, audio problems, clipping through walls, rough animations. I played yesterday and Claire was just standing in the middle of a car talking in a cut scene. I respect they went real big, but still rough around the edges coming off of Witcher 3.

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Wow. A game/company that doesn't require additional launchers, or have dlc, add-ons, costumes, exclusives, special editions, always online and just works? Huh it's almost as if very talented and hardworking people, artists, devs just made and game at their pace and sold it to people who like just playing video games. And confirmed pre release progress will carry over. Love supergiant. Day one purchase every time if they just keep making games this way.

Rollerdrome was very solid concept but the difficulty curve was pretty intense. One second you feel like you have the hang of it the next you can't get to the next arena.

Well... You you most likely will if you take more. Just make sure you are in a safe space. I've been spirt guide to a few people who didn't know what that means because they had never taken enough. It can be terrifying to some so I recommend a guide who has been there before.

Anything specific advice you would give to others to prevent corruption? Or keep drives healthy?

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"stop stop... he's already dead". Pretty much how everyone feels about the show.

Anyone use this or something similar for the shield? Looking to eliminate the ads.

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But does she know how to create a pdf? Create a calendar event on a smart phone? Setup a wireless router. Build Ikea furniture? I'd like my judge to at least have the ability to understand a little bit of how to live in the world before sentencing. I'm sure she can tell you the year, presidents, etc. But how many times has she lost her glasses in the past week?

I'm actually a fan of the game because I can see the vision they had. I think people are more harsh because they see how great it, "could have been". But to this day so many weird bugs, qc issues that are not even graphics related. Basic qc like overlapping dialogue, mission problems, things disappearing, etc. I'm rooting for the team to keep up improvements. But for them to tell me I'd have a better time starting over is a little annoying. If this is so much better what was I playing before ? Sure, more money, feedback and most of all time is going to make a better game.But they know there are things they could have done better if they are suggesting starting over.

I'm sure no artist will ever paint her in an unflatering way after hearing this. Did NGA leak this or did she make a public statement?

Of course it is! Lol. Although I doubt they care what gender is listening and just want to show how awesome they can shred. Extreme blistering proficiency in any instrument is dedication few of us can fathom and they aren't doing it for a handy if they where they would have probably given up practicing years ago.

So let's say the API sever for the authentication that the browser has not been altered goes down. Does that mean that all sites that require the browser are unreachable?

What about rclone? I've found it to be amazing for cloning or copying.

Turbojugend unite!

Don't be too hard on your friends. This is actually scientifically proven. https://neurosciencenews.com/music-youth-17765/ You love the music that you "grew up with as you were forming an identity" You can always change but it is more work to create new memories and nostalgia based on different or "new" songs.

No it's a good game. I like it even with the qc issues because it's ambitious. But the devs are basically admitting that they worked on it for 3 years to fullfill the original vision and it's so much better that it's worth starting over.

I'm actually a fan of the game. I'm excited to play it. I just find it funny they are saying they have made it so much better that they recommend starting over. My point is that they are saying they finally got a lot of things "right" in 2.0 that we were playing an inferior game with quite a few quaility issues. Probably due to deadlines, etc. I'm happy devs continue to improve based on sales and feedback to make it better.

Alright. What should I check out?

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Same Greek or Roman gods and mythical creatures. loki, hades, medusa, cerberus


I didn't know. I'll have a look. thanks for sharing.

Of course. I'm happy they are allowing you to continue. I'll keep going as I like the game.

I actually have a few strategies.

  1. I never ever buy a game without knowing that I will play it in the next 3-4 months. At least the first intro/level.

  2. When I see a new game in a series I won't play/buy it unless I've at least giving the game two generations a good amount of investment. Example: sniper elite 5 is out and I went back and played through 3. It scratched the itch for that game and I'm not considering buying 5 for a little more time.

  3. Same as two but with developer. If I really love developer. Like Supergiant and am going to play all their games. I won't start a new game until I've given sometime to the previous game if I own it. I played through Pyre before Hades and glad I did.

  4. If I see something new I usually just double check I don't have a "similar /type / style game" and give it little time just to make sure I'm not interested in playing it over the shinny new thing. I've been able to pull out some really good games just sorting by genre and giving it a shot.

I'll break these rules if

  • my friends are playing a game and I need to play with them before they get bored.
  • It receives all 10's everywhere. Like Elden Ring.

Ultimately it's your time. I have the theory that you you should try a lot of games you already own but if it's a struggle to get through. I'm not talking about the difficulty. Challenges can be fun and not a struggle. If it's mentally a struggle and you don't care about the reward or the ending of the story then stop playing it. If you aren't having fun or find some satisfaction after you play find another game.

Supergiant has my respect because they respect players avoiding all bs modern games try and nickel and dime players. I would encourage people to buy it if you will buy day one when it's released. They confirmed progress will carry over but also a lot of these indie development teams rely on presales things like this to keep the project revenue all good.

I just started in on it for PC recently and the thing that I couldn't believe is how the dialogue is really really "off". Long pauses. Overlapping dialogue. Sometimes it would just cut off. This seems like it should be easy. It's literally a cut scene? Tons of indie games have no problem with this? Witcher 3 dialogue scenes were pretty perfect. I'd rather have this fixed then a bunch of added extras.

I find these ai compositions to be both fascinating and frustrating. It sort of exposes our primal ideas of pleasing sounds and how unoriginal a lot of pop music actually is. At the same I'd like to hear something that I personally think is better and more original than an actual artist that would make me want to buy an album or song. Could that ever happen? I don't know. So far nothing I've heard has come even remotely close without lots of intervention from an actual artist.

I do hate the idea all this generative music would be used in commercials, etc. To cut corners instead of actually paying people.

I'd like to know as well. Amazon pays artists and book author pennies. Books are easier to find or order local but there seems to be a complete Monopoly on audiobooks by Audible (aka Amazon)