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Joined 1 years ago

I'm not sure it's just right leaning users. I'm pretty far to the left and I keep ketting anti-trans, anti-covid right wing talking points quite frequently. I keep pressing thumbs down but they keep coming.

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No problem with ID for voting, just have to make sure they're accessible by all at no cost (both time and monetary).

Republicans proposals for voter ID so far have been riddled with ID exclusions that, while never admitted to, would exclude a large part of the population that they don't want to be allowed to vote. Either include more types of ID or make sure to provide everyone with a voter id for free before the election.

Wow, what a charismatic guy, that wasn't painful to watch at all...

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$10.99 AUD in Australia, ~ $7.20 USD.

Americans are still getting ripped off at the new price point.

The spikes are too small, looks much more like a jackfruit.

I use Firefox on Linux and FreeBSD for my daily driver.

I was not able to book flights on Thai airways website 6 months ago until I loaded it in chrome/chromium instead.

It's really really rare imo but that's one example in recent history.

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It might not but since you effectively have a binary choice, which Israeli policy do you prefer, Bidens or Trump.

if it's really a tie, then start looking at the other policies to see which is the lesser of the two evils.

Same here. When this was new I had 10 tabs open with articles about this dress, they were all white and gold. Then all of a sudden on the 11th tab I saw it as blue and black and thought it was a different picture. Went back through the other 10 tabs and they were all blue and black now.

I was able to see white and gold once more a few days later, but it was short lived and I haven't been able to see anything else but blue and black for years now.

No that's fine, they just switch to the SRY gene.

Or they just I ignore it like all those intersex XY (and other chromosomal abnormalities) people born with female genitals.

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Could you spell out what conclusions you take from that?

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You mean you couldn't copy some text from vim and paste it into another application? if yes, what did you have to install/configure for that? I've never had any issues copy paste from/to vim, console/GUI windows/Unix.

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it's a shame that the other option is even more pro israel :/

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People who downvote instead of (or as well as) blocking it. Why the downvotes? You don't want to see a bias/factual rating of the source or you don't agree with the rating?

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As far as I understood the article, it is taxing unrealised capital gains, but you have to be very rich and have a substantial portion of your wealth in unrealised capital gains. It feels targeted as people like Elon Musk.

I tried to find this setting for postgres and Ms SQLserver, the two databases I interact with. I wasn't able to find any settings to that effect, do you happen to know them?

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I watched it live too, it was painful.

Trump just says what he wants to be true, regardless if it is. But he has always been like that so nothing new.

Biden looked very tired, while he answered the questions much better than Trump, it was painful to watch him struggle to get the words out sometimes.

I suspect that many Biden votes will be a vote against Trump, not for Biden.

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I went from using slackware late 90s early 00 to Mac OSX in early/mid 00. When coming back to Linux late 00 early 10s I was so disappointed in the Linux distros. I tried Ubuntu but was very disappointed in the lack of newer versions of third party software in their repo. Tried Arch for a while and while packages were up to date, every now and then the OS updates would mess something up and I had to start troubleshooting.

It might be better now, but I eventually gave up and went to FreeBSD about 10 years ago. Stable base and separate up to date third party feels like the best of both worlds. Not sure if any llinux distro offers something like that now. No snap, no flatpack, just a base os and up to third party date packages.

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today I learnt that sky news UK is very different to sky news Australia. Bias Rating: RIGHT Factual Reporting: MIXED MBFC Credibility Rating: MEDIUM CREDIBILITY

1 FreeBSD server with zfs mirror for storage and various server software

1 FreeBSD laptop for development

1 Linux laptop for software that doesn't support FreeBSD

1 Linux desktop for work.

The rest of the family is 100% windows though :/

After a hiatus in Mac and windows land, I came back into Linux a with similar wishlist.

It's quite a diversion, but I actually went with FreeBSD. Now it's not Linux but with the separation of base system and packages, you get a stable base that is released at a pretty fixed consistent schedule.

For packages you can pick from quarterly or weekly update schedule, so you can have a stable base OS with bleeding edge software. The binary package manager is easy to use, but if you want more control you can opt for building from source as well.

The init system is BSD based so all main config goes into a single rc.conf file, very easy to understand and work with.

Most mainstream applications such as Firefox, postgresql, nginx etc are just a pkg install away and it natively supports zfs (even as root fs) which was one of the reasons I got really interested in it 10 years ago.

Of course, there is software, especially some younger projects that don't support FreeBSD. So while there are thousands of packages available, some Linux only applications won't work.

Personally, I would pick FreeBSD any time that the software I require supports it. I only run Linux (settled on pop is for now) if the software I need requires it.

To expand your analogy to the house on how the rich used their unrealised gains.

You buy a house and it appreciates in value. You bowwow money against the capital gains and use that to live on. Your house price goes up further, generating more capital gains that you can now bowwow against to pay back your previous loan.

edit: also since you're so filthy rich the banks give you really low interest rates, way less than tax would have been.

I used to play games with both inverted X and Y. But lately (last 10-15 years) inverted X was often not an option so I had to force myself to play both axis non-inverted. It took a few months but it feels natural now.

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If I were to speculate...

  • There are people in some countries that eat dogs and cats.
  • Someone's neighbour's sister friend said they saw someone with a dead cat with the intent to eat it.

Therefore immigrants are regularly stealing other people's pets and are eating them.

We can extrapolate this with anything.

  • There are people that poop their pants.

  • There are reports of Trump wearing diapers and smelling liken poop.

I think ww can draw our own conclusion about this one...

This comment really feels like "I'm making all my decisions based on ideology therefore everyone does"

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Not sure if this is a sarcastic or genuine comment. Regardless a quick google came up with these estimates.

intersex 0.018% or 1.7% depending on what you include in the definition of intersex. transgender: 0.5%

So depending on your definition of intersex it can be 3 times as many intersected people compared to transgender or 28 times as many transgender compared to intersex.

Imo it's very likely a big intersection in these two subpopulations.

transgender 1 in 250


I stand corrected, and I see I didn't read the comment thoroughly enough either.

Colloquially as a non-pcb maker I would use and hear the term "mill" as short form millimeter so I assumed it was that.

so TIL :)

The bot seems to use the's API which should report 'mixed' factual reporting with extreme right bias.


seems like there is more data available, the bot could report the MBFC Credibility Rating as well.

Questionable Reasoning: Conspiracy Theories, Pseudoscience, Propaganda, Poor Sources, Numerous Failed Fact Checks
Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: TV Station/Website
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

edit2: I was looking for a fox rating by that bot, I wasn't able to find one "in the wild" but it seems like it does use the MBFC rating for the heading and does indeed classify fox as "Low"

Example from what I guess is the guys development teating posts:

It's not necessarily better, some things are a personal preference. Though some might be able to list some technical pros and cons.

Some things I appreciate are:

  • base systems and packages are completely separate. Packages and their configuration goes in /usr/local/ No where else. (Thought they might write to /var/ )
  • bsd init, not systemd. Feels more home to me as a late 90s slackware user.
  • first class zfs support. Linux has caught up lately, especially now that there is a shared zfs codebase for both Linux and FreeBSD. When I switched to FreeBSD on my home server ~10 years ago that wasn't the case.

But there is zfs support in netbsd...

I'm one of those who dislikes the US defaultism, but in this case you are very correct in assuming the US centric as the description of the community states explicitly that it's for the discussion of "US Politics"

So I'll be unsubscribing and subscribing to WorldPolitics instead ;)

Very possible and even probable that they're using some chrome specific behaviour. Just like back in late 90s early noughts when so many websites were IE specific making is impossible to use without a windows installation. The effect is though that unfortunately Firefox isn't usable everywhere. Sometimes you need chrome for some specific websites. This is especially true for some self hosted "enterprise" web apps, I need chrome for one of those too.

I would argue that you didn't roll the die the exact same way...

Of course there could be other things other than your movements like wind that also affects the outcome.

I'm using aquamail too, also paid for pro.

It seems like we will be able to keep the current features we have, but new ones might not be available unless we enter into a subscription model.

That would be SQL management studio and psql on the command line.

The best I could find was some plugins for SQL management studio (ssmsboost) and disable automatic commits for psql.

I'm still doing hybrid work, going to the office 3 times a week in Sydney. I pay the equivalent of €66 a month. If I was doing full time in the office it would be €110 a month. I would also love a €58 euro monthly ticket.

And you're not trying to deflect from your original argument you were making.

A text book definition of a word vs what people behind a political party in a specific country are very different things.

I stand by what I've said, American conservatives tend to assume that American liberals do what a conservative would have done. In this case be unable to be impartial and make decisions based on their own ideology.

An American liberal is more likely to be able to be impartial than a conservative.

Have a good life.

I am definitely saying the liberals are more likely to be impartial.

liberals tend to favour fairness of outcome, not the conservative fairness of opportunity. Hence they are better able to better put themselves in other people's shoes and go against their core beliefs (ideology) if that means a failed outcome for other people.

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So he just leaped ahead to accept a whole lot of evil instead of just a certain level of evil?

I began with slackware linux late 1990s and have moved to FreeBSD about 10 years ago. Just recently installed Linux again and found pop! os to be quite usable. I think it's worth to check out.

What you observes could be OS depended,. Vim has its own copy paste buffers (y,p etc) and the OS has its own. Traditionally highligh to copy and middle mouse button to paste on Unix. Windows has 2 methods, ctrl-c,v but those are also bindings in vim so only the older less known crtl-insert,shirt-insert works.

Copy paste is definitely built in, there is no need for extra plugins.