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The "report" is issued by something called the Stanford Internet Observatory, which is not in fact a telescope on a hill, but rather an operation by the guy who, from 2015-2018, was the "Chief Security Officer" of Facebook - an ironic title, considering that this was the period of the Cambridge Analytica machination, the Rohingya genocide, and the Russian influence operation that exposed 128 million Facebook users to pro-Trump disinformation.

There is absolutely no reason to remove that unless we have alien stuff, or simply severe corruption in the pentagon/military/private defense contractors, etc

its either aLiEnS or what our entire economic system is built on

gee thats a tough one

because that would hurt their stocks and thats all they care about

No it wont be enough because anything being done by the tech giants is probably at least 5 years behind what the FBI/NSA/CIA/DHS has in their toolbox

my smartphone is tracking me?! pikachugasp.exe

By consulting my bank account and looming bills about whether or not I can afford to lose day(s) of pay

Send help

anyone got a link to the file to print out? looks neat

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protesting the deregulation of their industry
protesting how criminal exploitative companies are risking their profession

gee yeah, side with the morally bankrupt corporations

incredible, now it just needs sponsorblock added somehow and its utterly perfect

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that sucks but glad there seems to be forks happening

It becomes an issue because the cops can simply say they were within 8 feet or approach the person filming and then make them stop. It would be instantly abused to stop evidence of discrimination or anything else. Striking this down was the right choice

You raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly, sir. Bravo!

Like say for instance, calling people little dictators?

Yes but I adore Dan's videos and how he explains things so Im happy to get more content involving him

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truly the real days of chaos, i loved that app

iirc the center bit thats unscrewed is the detonation device. the reason they are doing it at length like this is because mines are sometimes booby trapped with something underneath them to deter or slow down removal

that is a client for soulseek not an open source replacement for the network itself

What if they don’t want to live where the housing is at?

decriminalize/stop persecution of people living on the streets

What if they don’t want rehab?

offer safe drugs and places to use them

What if they don’t want mental health care?

keep the offer open and let them make their own decisions

soulseek but open source

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the only problem is there is a border.

oh shiiiit, didnt know about this thanks for the headup

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Hopefully there will be appeals or they will be let go

What's the advantage of sftp over something like synching to automatically keep it updated on all your devices?

What do you think of simplex?

thats no paper though

mostly peglin with some teamfortress2