2 Post – 27 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I have no idea if I should be laughing at this, so I suppose I will. I'm sorry for your loss.

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For some reason I can't click on your image link. Can you post it in the comments?

Thanks for your input. It's good to hear both sides. I wish you all the best, and hope you find your way all the same.

I checked, and both the browser and local ones are the same version. Maybe future versions will fix the problem. Thanks for your help!

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Thank you for such a thorough response!

I'm glad you mentioned a couple different methods therapists might use. I didn't think of looking for traits that could be categorized, and I agree that I would probably also benefit more from CBT type therapy where I have some tool to implement daily.

I didn't think about religion as a factor. I am not religious and I do feel it would be unhelpful to add that into the discussion as it might complicate an already long list of thoughts I have. That is a great suggestion.

All these specifics are really helping me form a picture of what types of therapists may be available.

Thank you so much for your help!

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Thanks for that analogy. That really helps me visualize how the process might look. I've gone to physical therapy and now I'm imagining that is will become easier over time to maintain any traction gained at the start of therapy, if that makes sense.

Thanks for the book suggestions! I will check them out.

I forgot to mention that I also have sleep problems from PTSD. Sounds like we can relate on more than a couple things.

Thanks for the website and tips! It really helps take the stress off of the search itself.

1 more... found the solution! Just needed to be installed from Chrome instead of Firefox.

Good idea, I didn't think about installing from another browser to change the native version's experience.

Edit: Installing it from Chrome worked! The icon actually shows the wefwef icon now too, which the Firefox app did not. Thank you!

Thanks for the advice!

Short term I am just looking for help coping with huge amounts of stress. If I can find some effective strategies to use on my own then I might be okay. I feel I've already made a ton of progress in other areas of my mental health.

It is somehow comforting to know that if therapy doesn't solve all my problems then I don't need to feel like I "failed" therapy.

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Thanks for a comprehensive reply. I am definitely seeking therapy to actively fix issues I've been having. I work daily on everything. It feels like I just need some extra help at this point.

And thank you for a concrete example of how the search might look. I am all too familiar with trying to find a doctor who is accepting patient and endless phone trees. It might not be fun, but at least it's something I've dealt with before.

That's a great idea to look for a larger clinic!

Thanks for all your help!

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Honestly I've almost tried to find a therapist many times. Now I feel that it's really something I need right now.

I'm glad it worked out for you. Thanks for the encouragement!

That sounds like it would be particularly helpful to have someone who understands the nuances to how a neurodivergent person might think.

Thanks for your input and your help! I hope your friend is doing well.

Sweet, thanks! I'm a casual gamer, but that sounds like a great resource. I'll check it out.

Even just having reminders or something to ground me in the meantime will really help I think.

Thanks! This helps me paint a better picture of searching for one. I will try to do my research. I definitely have more diagnoses I forgot to mention in this post. I've spent a long time working on all of them. At least the initial shock is over with and I've had time to work on all of them to an extent. I just need to take the next steps now.

Thanks for your help and your kind words. I will figure things out regardless, but I am very hopeful now that I might receive some help.

That's great to hear! I definitely think CBT is something I want to focus on so I have more tools in my toolbox.

Haha! That story is one hell of a wild ride. The only reason I believe it is because you mentioned Oregon.

Yeah, every time I talk with friends or family I feel better, and so I don't think I need it. But then of course I would eventually feel off again. I've finally realized that being able to do that more consistently might help me feel better more consistently.

Did you use the same resource for finding a new therapist each time? I'm honestly a bit overwhelmed by the search.

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I feel I am an open book, and happy to spill everything to someone I am relatively comfortable with. I am a huge over thinker and almost feel like I will have too much to share.

I will look into CBT with my insurance and see if it's available. It might be worth checking out at least.

Thanks for the encouragement! I am really good at evaluating myself and making changes, but I feel I am reaching a point where I need an outside opinion on what to do next.

Also, thanks for being specific about how many sessions it might take. That helps me wrap my mind around things.

Thank you for your suggestion and encouragement!

Somewhat related, Lemmy users really do seem friendly, and I am enjoying posting for once instead of just lurking!

Yeah, I've been applying to software developer jobs lately. This all sounds very familiar. At least I have a system. Haha!

I'll try to take it one step at a time.

Thanks for your followup! That's really helpful!

Thanks for clarifying! I'm glad I know now that it's something they will take into account, and I like that you figured out what to ask them specifically about their methodologies.

That's great to hear that many seem to be respectful of boundaries and preferences. I'm glad you found a good one!

Thanks for your honest perspective. I will definitely make sure to keep evaluating if it is really helping me. I am hopeful that if this ends up being the case I can acknowledge it and possibly find a therapist who is more helpful.

Thanks for your help! I will try and trust my gut. I feel a little nervous that I may try to convince myself that it's helping even if I don't find the right therapist. But I will try to keep evaluating honestly.