1 Post – 17 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

One of my favourites is

Browse with an adblocker. It’s brilliant for aggregating news from a huge variety of sources, and the facets/filters allow for some powerful searches.

Please visit it. I don’t want it to die because I love it so much.

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Not weighing in on opinions about the fella as I’m British and ‘not my politician’ but, just showed this to my wife who is a specialist in geriatrics for the NHS and she said she’d refer him for a scan querying either a vascular event or vascular dementia.

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Thanks for the horrifying mental image.

I third Memmy, but the amount of times I’ve gone to close a comment thread and it’s brought up the new comment dialog. And I can’t rotate an image to landscape, had no idea how often I did that. Still, old Apollo habits die hard. It’s a great contender.

Bit rough. I’m doing the job of about 3 people this week as colleagues on leave. Lots of questions I don’t know the answer to and trying to catch the important things and let other stuff go. Time-boxing the day as much as possible and trying to draw strict lines between work and home.

Forced myself to leave the office and take a walk for lunch.

Hopefully I can sleep and not worry too much before it’s rinse repeat, tomorrow.

Oh shit that’s like 3 hobbies in this one thread. I stopped at a (very) decent Lamy 2000 and Iroshizuku inks.

Link to a brief video of the aftermath (sorry it’s a Xitter link): video

How do you ‘de-google’ your life? Are you just talking about ceasing Google accounts, services and avoiding the use of Google software, or is it more than that?

Erk. I got into this. What’s the tipping point that gets you eyeing oscilloscopes? I’m at the fiddly smd stage.

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Ok now you have to share. A decent bag at a half kilo?

Thank you and Erk!

I’ve heard about Mint and it seems to have a good rep. My tech lead at work recommends it. I’ll look into all of these.

Dummy question but, I assume the commands/syntax across Mac terminal and whatever the bash/shell equivalent are similar/same?

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I’ve had a look through system76’ site and pop looks interesting, def a contender. Their hardware is a tad pricy. I assume like most of this the hardware is something to research carefully if you choose a distro first, compatibility, drivers, support etc.

It’s a bit of an experiment for me so I won’t be dropping a grand on some HW.

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I don’t actually know. It was Unity I think, whatever that is. Felt a bit, um, amateur and not very polished. Best way I can describe from what I remember.

I will be seriously researching every response here. Very grateful for the help.

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I hate Windows with an unbridled passion. I’m forced to use it lately for work and it absolutely sucks (Win 10 anyway).

I wouldn’t consider myself to be an expert, but I have a niche skillset, coupled with knowledge in a specific key industry.

There are probably only a handful of people with this particular combination of skill and sector.

It doesn’t make me especially special, but it is niche enough to make non-compete clauses post-contract, unenforceable.

Other people think I’m an expert but I’ve seen enough to know I’m not.

Makes sense and stacks up against my experience of it as seeming unfinished.

Is it Gnome / KDE as standard or are there other environments available?