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What do you mean with that? Who do I need to look out for :/

Absolutely horrifying to imagine the situation of women in Afghanistan right now and especially women like in this article. The Taliban are crazy monsters.

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Zionists are Nazis and not only do we need to de-colonize Palestine, we also need to de-nazify it. I’m wondering though how to de-nazify a state where almost everyone is complicit in this genocide in some way.

You know just because you claim that something is true it doesn’t automatically mean that what you say is actually true and the only thing I see in Denmark is a country where the social democrats talk and make policy like the far right. Putting people in camps and stealing their jewelry because they’re not desirable for society, I hope you don’t mind me making the comparison to the Nazis.

I think that’s a typo or something

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Yeah no shit Hamas is an authoritarian corrupt movement. That still doesn’t justify the genocide on Palestinians and the apartheid, occupation and systematic rape, abuse, torture, and also the Israeli mass surveillance that is used to blackmail people or even track them down to murder them.

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It doesn’t matter what ISIS used because this isn’t ISIS. I speak Palestinian Arabic and صبايا means girls end of story. There’s nothing to argue about especially since you don’t even seem to speak Arabic.

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I’m just going to copy & paste my response from an earlier post:

Never thought knowing Palestinian Arabic could become so useful. Sabaya is a very normal word to use for youngish women. Maybe in high Arabic it is a more specific term but in every day language no one in their right mind would think about anything related to pregnancy, that’s just ridiculous. Maybe it’s implied, just like it’s implied in “girl” or “young woman”, but that’s just a very desperate attempt to make it sound more than it actually is.

More background:

In Fusha (high Arabic) there are allegedly like 50 different names for a camel depending on what it’s up to. E.g. it has a different name when it’s drinking, sitting, pregnant, young, old, … very similar to cattle terminology in English:

Why I’m mentioning this isn’t because I want to equate women to cattle (please don’t read this out of my comment, that’s not at all what I’m saying just to be very clear). I’m saying it because Arabic is a very rich and complex language. I really don’t know much about Fusha but it can very well be that sabaya means something more specific there in terms of what kind of women these sabaya are exactly. Anyway, even if that were the case in every day language no one would actually try to specifically mention that some woman is capable of getting pregnant.

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All of this is irrelevant because the guy did not use the word you’re talking about and that’s why it doesn’t make sense to argue with you.

You need to be able to speak the language to be able to distinguish between the letters ص and س.

Since you don’t speak the language you can’t hear the difference and I don’t know why you’re still trying to desperately cling onto this BS propaganda.

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Maybe call it special military operation instead of an invasion?

Stop right there Adolfsson. You really showed those 90 year old holocaust survivors who’s the man with your comment on a platform mainly used by mid 20 - mid 30 men working in IT.

Lmao this. Pretty much every Iranian you talk to in a trusted environment hates their government. And then most of them are pretty hardcore atheists either. Like nothing wrong with being atheist but to a degree that makes me personally already uncomfortable.

This is the result of paying off developing countries to keep refugees out of the EU because right wing media has successfully planted the idea into the heads of people that they come here in a conspiracy to replace us, steal our jobs, our unemployment benefits, our women, all at the same time.

God I love our western and Christian values that made all of this possible. Have never been prouder to be European, we are a beacon of humanity.

Never thought knowing Palestinian Arabic could become so useful. Sabaya is a very normal word to use for youngish women. Maybe in high Arabic it is a more specific term but in every day language no one in their right mind would think about anything related to pregnancy, that’s just ridiculous. Maybe it’s implied, just like it’s implied in “girl” or “young woman”, but that’s just a very desperate attempt to make it sound more than it actually is.

More background:

In Fusha (high Arabic) there are allegedly like 50 different names for a camel depending on what it’s up to. E.g. it has a different name when it’s drinking, sitting, pregnant, young, old, … very similar to cattle terminology in English:

Why I’m mentioning this isn’t because I want to equate women to cattle (please don’t read this out of my comment, that’s not at all what I’m saying just to be very clear). I’m saying it because Arabic is a very rich and complex language. I really don’t know much about Fusha but it can very well be that sabaya means something more specific there in terms of what kind of women these sabaya are exactly. Anyway, even if that were the case in every day language no one would actually try to specifically mention that some woman is capable of getting pregnant.

But OP never said Jewish? I don’t know how to interpret the comment given that this is the internet but seemed more like a never again means never again for anyone kind of thing?

I think that makes the Nazis sound like much less of a shitshow than they actually were.

You mean the brutal military dictatorship that has driven millions out of the country, and incarcerated, tortured and killed further hundreds of thousands?

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I guess Catalonians understand how it is to be colonized by a foreign entity. Kudos to them.

By that logic, since Trump supports Israel and says that Israel should finish the job, should Israel now also be proud?

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Yeah I’ll go to my dealer to get my daily dose of fossil fuels and processed food.

Thank you for this comprehensive account of all the events that have led to the current situation and for presenting us with the only two options available.

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Yeah no. Bigots like you got us into this mess in the first place.

Sounds like I should get a job in a banana trading company

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Care to elaborate? Always thought of him as a rather sane person but would be interested to understand better if I’m just not informed enough.

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Sad noises


This both sides narrative related to Palestine is not accurate because this is about a colonizer and a colonized people. I personally don’t believe that there’s any scenario where the colonizers are the good guys because colonizing relies on oppression, dispossession and dehumanization of the colonized, and consequently a feeling of superiority, otherwise the whole thing won’t work.

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All I see in the news is German police beating up pro-Palestine protestors and politicians trying to silence everyone who is pro-Palestine. Even worse trying to cut funding for researchers who speak out against police brutality against peaceful protestors inside universities. Never again for Germans equals never again Jewish people and apparently nothing more.

This summarizes it quite well. But please keep in mind that there are red lines that Israel shouldn’t cross. If Israel does something that crosses the red line according to other countries go back to step 2.

Absolutely! Just not agreeing with the logic that there’s any meaning behind some dipshit supporting the same thing you do. Although I admit that I chose a bad example.

Is this a football game where we have to pick sides?

Since you don’t know me you obviously also don’t know who or what I care about.

All I see is you shilling for a dictator and war criminal. That others also are fascist war criminals doesn’t make him any less evil.

I mean this is still about the EU-elections and not Germany specific. The far right is a huge problem in all of Europe and some of the worst already dictator like fascists like Orban not only seek to actively undermine the EU wherever they can, but they’re also best buddies with Israeli politicians.

I think it’s important to remember as you said that the holocaust wasn’t only about Jews and that Zionism doesn’t equate Judaism, but to draw a connection between fascists in Europe and fascists in Israel who happen to commit genocide right now doesn’t seem so far fetched in general.

Sorry, I have the ebook and in there it’s page 94. Here are the references, as said no primary source but he’s referring to his previous books and it may just be trivial to reference at this point. But I’m not from the field and haven’t read every book of him. In general though as I said he is considered credible by the academic community except Zionists.

The relationship of the Palestinian Mufti is also discussed in more detail in the same chapter. Highly recommend reading the whole book.

If you’re really keen on verifying this maybe just write a mail to Pappé? In my experience professors actually do answer to such questions.

Mentioned on page 94 (Chapter 4) of 10 Myths About Israel by Ilan Pappé. To be straight forward with you I couldn’t find the primary source of this statement in there but I think it’s in one of his previous books which are all referenced as sources for this chapter. In general, Pappé is considered credible by the academic community except by Zionists of course, though their opinion on this topic doesn’t count for much imo.

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You make it sound like only one issue will fix it. Other countries that tried to increase birth rate, needless to say mostly for nationalistic/racist reasons have so far failed. Look e.g. at Hungary. They try everything but the birth rate is still declining.

There needs to be much more affordable housing and public transportation, but immigration is also inevitable in helping mitigate the effects of the aging population. And I think migration is a good, normal thing to happen. Humans have been moving around all the time, otherwise we wouldn’t be spread all over the globe.

But there also needs to be an environment where people feel comfortable getting children when thinking about climate change and the future world that they’d bring the children into.

So there are many things that go hand in hand and what I read from your comment is more like migration problem must stop, build housing solution done.

CEAS: “Breaches of core legal principles are going to become the new normal”

Greek coastguard threw migrants overboard to their deaths, witnesses say

Hungary’s Migrant Abuse Is ‘Matter of Urgency,’ European Agency Finds

Canceling Palestine by Slavoj Žižek

Are your tinned tomatoes picked by slave labour?

Detention, Insecurity, Rights Deprivation – The Legal Crackdown on Asylum Seekers in Germany

The Serbian borders are heavily affected by pushbacks and police brutality

Here’s something for you to read. Took me literally a few minutes to put all of this together. There’s so much more. Most of Europe is slowly sliding into fascism and you somehow believe I am in a „victim pit“ by pointing that out? It always begins with the most vulnerable people. And then as a leftist suddenly you’re a „terrorist“ for criticizing the government and off you go.

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Hasbara has become so lazy. They used to write shittons of stuff making everyone tired to argue with their bs but this is just a lazy way of lying I’m lacking words for it.

I wonder how the result of an investigation of the IDF against itself will turn out. I’m sure there’s gonna be lots of „you you you“s been given out, not really for doing this in the first place but rather for the fact that they got caught on camera.

Honestly I’m happy that a person like FlyingSquid is a mod here. I’ve seen some cases that may have been debatable but I didn’t have full context and every time some troll like this shows up moderation seems very reasonable to me.

Let me quickly condemn Hamas before I step in to tell you that I’m so sick of reading „Hamas uses human shields“. The IDF is quite literally doing the same. Do you condemn the IDF?

That being said, it seems like an absolute waste of energy to use human shields against Israel, because they do not give a shit about civilians. They even shot their own hostages who were naked, unarmed, writing SOS and speaking Hebrew.

According to UN officials this could amount once again to war crimes. Do you think it’s Hamas‘ fault that Israel is committing war crimes? That Israel is committing genocide to name the crime of crimes?