forcequit [she/her]

@forcequit [she/her]
0 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

Irreverent commentary, staunchly pro LGBT community, correct opinions hexbear-retro

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the Titan that shipwrecked on the way to the Titanic shipwreck was pretty neat.

Still waiting for bezos to launch himself into the sun tho


say it again for those in the back, Lord Mountbatten!


fund guerrillas?

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free speech for who? about what? according to who?

what are you looking to say that you feel you can't?

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How to lose your child 101

I'm so sorry. Maybe one day she'll come around but wtf that's not on you

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ok I'll bite. Who's been brigaded, or doxxed, via hexbear? Our own users?

we have fun here

Please place the item in the bagging area

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feel like shit rn


We've been telling stories for as long as we've been talking. They're knowledge, history, dream and memory.

stories are us, they're how we teach our children what to believe, how to live, who to trust. And then we fucked it with the printing press and advertising and cinema and consumerist attachment lol


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your call is important to us

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Congrats to you! It's super scary opening yourself up like that.

It sounds (from this and last post's context) like she's trying to come to terms with it/formulate her response, while also reiterating her love for you. Talking about your nails, was that to do with gendered expression, is she trying to (re)connect with you, get your nails done together or something?

Good luck with everything, it sounds like you're already well on your way. I hope mum chooses to come along for the ride


login to continue

If in service of national infrastructure projects or search and rescue yeah maybe.
If to die in a far off jungle/desert I'd as soon shoot my CO

Can you check the mod log for the respective instance?

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Are cross instance emoji still huge? Cos putting them behind a spoiler tag could help maybe

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I don't think we've got Wedge but we've got an-tifa anti-shinra-action avalanche and I'm pretty sure Barrett's around somewhere too

tactical poop incoming

Only like a week ago when we finally federated, it's been kinda wild ngl

Liam screaming incessantly

that's real music baby

rip idk sorry. Can you view the instance without an account/not logged in?

HOT Siding Installer Fairfax County IN YOUR AREA

thought I was gay, turns out I'm bi

why are you going to bat for someone posting provocative things because they're upset they got banned for posting anti-homeless bullshit?

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::: spoiler emoji


I'd guess it's just a holdover from your own instance's UI, as it's displaying correctly just the functionality isn't there?

We don't have down votes, so the option isn't displayed when I view this post, for example

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you're right


we enjoy it as much as you, I don't think we're the ones stoking the flames here though.
the "other one in the dunk tank" is hosted on the hexbear instance, not here on, they're not run by the same moderators.

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I am implying that you're continuing an already dealt with problem, that being an unnecessary complaint about a necessary mod decision on another instance. What's up with that?

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one was an insult. Do you think the post was removed for insulting comments, or for insulting premise?

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