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Joined 1 years ago

Are you saying you dislike felons, so black people must think highly of them? Like, did this actually make sense in your head when you typed it out?!?

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That's a rather far cry from any kind of approval for the orange idiot. Not trusting the courts in no way implies any kind of approval for a convicted felon. Any apparent connection is superficial, at best, if not a completely false equivalency.

No. There is absolutely nothing to his ridiculous claims. That said, saying stupid crap like this may, in fact, reduce his support, since most people don't really like having their opinions generalized like that. So hopefully, he keeps shooting himself in his tiny little feet (something about guys with small hands/feet would fit)...

Umm, no. Just...yeah, no.

The main problem with this theory is that Microsoft is absolutely abysmal at user end security, and they always have been. Frankly, they do not understand the issue.

But, more to the point, the whole TPM/secure boot stuff is a compromise; originally (I think this was about the time of Vista), they partnered with OEMs to have them include a DRM chip that made it literally impossible to install any non-windows OS on your laptop. They've managed to still get an implementation of TPM that makes switching your OS too confusing/difficult for the average user.

Anyway, bottom line is they only care about money, and they neither care or even understand the security needs of the end user.

"This strike is preventing my company from having a future"

Umm. Yes. Yes it is. That's the entire point you complete idiot.

Personally, I'm very bitter about the completely awful effects of Reagan's tenure. Literally turned the office into a Hollywood act; you know damn well he wasn't calling the shots. He was there to draw people's attention.

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The keyword here is "Primary"; in a Primary election, you are running against one or more candidates from your own party, and if you win, your name goes onto the General ballot.

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I'm delivering papers, wee hours in the morning, middle of winter. Just had a storm recently, so roads were rather icy. Go to cross the street when my dog starts acting all weird, won't let me cross. Just as I'm getting frustrated, suddenly a pickup truck comes barreling around the corner. Driver immediately loses control on the ice, truck goes into a sideways slide at a pretty high speed.

That truck missed me by maybe a foot at most.

Really? You cannot be serious.

"They asked me to promote them, but I didn't offer. So I'm not actually promoting them."

Your entire argument is completely irrelevant. And promoting both candidates (like hell that would actually happen, but sure, buddy, we'll give you the benefit of the non-existent doubt), that's literally claiming two wrongs make a right. Which, they don't. At all.

And nice job copy/pasting the wrong name; totally didn't make any of us think you're working a script here. Not at all. (Whatever they're paying you, they're getting ripped off)

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Capitalism isn't exploitative, it's just an inconvenience? Oh, well that solves everything!

Wait, no, that's actually incomprehensibly moronic. F*** your defense of such an evil and exploitative system.

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That's a terrible argument. And love how you blame the obstructionism on the one being obstructed from accomplishing their goals.

So, no, we have already seen the action. He did something. Will the sociopathic fascist a-holes in government overturn the action ALREADY TAKEN is what remains to be seen.


Not sure if you're being sarcastic, but it's not that complicated. Constitution says he's not eligible, so that's that.

Unsurprising, yet predictable. There was not, in fact, any confirmation of fraud committed in the events of that story. Republicans remain opposed to, well, whatever they're told to oppose; petty concerns such as empirical evidence have no meaning to them.

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No. The lack of buttons annoys the hell out of me. Lose your remote? Oops, no TV for you. And frankly, I despise any product that emphasizes something completely superficial like looks over functionality. I pity the empty, vapid existence of people who actually get excited about such ridiculous design issues.

But their hardware isn't good. Recently, the hardware has been more of a gimmick than anything. Not to mention the infamous issue of joycon drift, and keep in mind this is hardly the first time they've had issues with low quality parts, either.

I agree about them taking the time to make sure their games are as good they can make em.

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Same here. All I can say is, I don't think I want the penis gnomes to answer them...

Oh, he's been reported a bunch of times recently for violating campaign finance laws. Problem is, the FEC just keeps declining to investigate any of these reports.

What I love about The Rock: he's only got, like, three facial expressions and I don't even care - I know he's gonna make it worth it to watch him anyway! :D

Edit: a word

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could he not have taken the same effort to legalize abortion?

No, he literally could not have legalized abortion with an executive order.

"I don't know why, bit the arms are always hard."

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Just like he talked about student loan forgiveness, and didn't do anything.... Oh wait....

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That's not how investments work. If I put my money into purchasing a printer, I invested in that purchase. Not the other way around. Ffs

Well, considering they've made rulings based on entirely fabricated evidence, I'm not very confident.

One of the more troubling things for me is that he probably didn't even need to do anything; it's terrifying, but truth is his followers are so radicalized that these kinda stories might not have had any negative effect on his campaign...

Edit: a word

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To replace a corporate executive? No, I don't think so. We already have algorithms more than capable of replacing CEOs. There is nothing that challenging in what they do...

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Putting yourself in harms way hardly justifies "self defense".

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Dude, this isn't Twitter, I mean xitter (pronounce x as sh); use your big boy words.

Umm, what?

So, without minimum wage, the floor would be zero. If corpos aim for the floor, by your own argument they would absolutely pay less if it was legal.

What are you smoking?? And why aren't you sharing?!

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A glorified chatbot, in other words.

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I vehemently disagree. It's a terrible affirmation of their indifference to the harms that may come about as a direct result of content hosted on their platform.

Honestly, this is as close to inaction as they can get away with. So, unless the bare minimum is good enough for you, I strongly urge you to reconsider your position.

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There's plenty of context here. Truth is you don't care; with or without context, you'll obviously side with the white people.

Congratulations on contributing absolutely nothing to the discussion....

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I love how every reply has like the opposite energy to the meme. I also find math to be generally awesome.

So, nothing that any of us can research for ourselves? Odd. Well known facts shouldn't be hard to cite...

Ummm, if you want??? I mean, no else said anything remotely close to that, but you do you.

The facts don't care about your feelings, idiot (and the facts say you're completely wrong).

Lol. It's so ridiculous to hear a right wing nut accuse anybody else of living in an echo chamber. No matter how hard you try to pretend otherwise, nothing will change the fact that most people actively avoid getting talked in an echo chamber. Reasonable people aren't afraid to read the opposition viewpoint.

Your addiction to fear is not normal. It's bizarre and unhealthy, and no, other groups don't actively worship fear.

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Nuance? Yeah, no. Fox published it to a publicly accessible URL. Permission is irrelevant. Nothing more than a large corporation manipulating the system to cover their ass.

So, a real life Russian version of Archer. That's...kinda disturbing, not gonna lie.

My dude, what do you think "birth control" is...??

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Last I checked, by law you are supposed to receive pay for any actions taken on site that are directly work related. Which includes getting into uniform. So that dude's reasoning was bunk anyway.

Blatant in your face corruption in the House isn't a real issue? Umm, ok then.