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Press releases like this are corporate signaling to US Congress that they would like some lawfare and are willing to pay for it.

Pirate streaming growth itself doesn't 'threaten legal services' as TF suggests. Any threat that arises is created by industry's market response. It comes back to margins. Netflix could decide overnight to invest in a long-term 'hearts and minds' approach that includes a quality platform user experience free of hostile design, non-discrimination amongst devices, relaxed household access rules, attentive customer service, commitment to finishing programming properly, improved stream quality, etc. Becoming the Valve of streaming represents an expenditure increase, though. You're now a lower margin business with a very sticky and content customer base. That's not a story industry wants to tell its investors, knowing they will respond with 'you should be petitioning for bills that enable more market captivity'.

They do the right thing only as a last resort, because the right thing is expensive.

The elephant in the room is that parental controls development is a total wasteland, and has been for years. There's no money in it. FAMAG is actively hostile to it and phone OEMs haven't got a dog in the race and already contend with razor-thin margins. It's one dimension of a broader political problem of digitization that smarter legislators and politicians have surely noticed by now, which is that unlike human beings, users increasingly don't have any rights or agency worth a damn, and are treated with contempt.

I like that a grassroots movement has remembered that parenting should be at the heart of children's technology access, but I fear such groups' 'useful idiot' value to authoritarian elements up to the same old tricks.

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So you're telling me the model cannot consistently run at a profit, even through it relies on a massive unpaid labour force.

AI filtering of Reddit isn't the way. The way is leaving the platform. This is beginning to remind me of the 'decrapify Windows' YT videos that offer 20-step multi-application guides for getting a tolerable experience, instead of explaining how to install Mac/Linux. Time spent on a rotten foundation is wasted.

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I hope red and blue both find success in this segment. Ideally the strengthened APU share of the market exerts pressure on publishers to properly optimize their games instead of cynically offloading the compute cost onto players.

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That's not the look of a bigot, it's the look of a man who's fed up with low-rent posturing clickbait. The look of someone who got a Salon article entitled What your household's toothpaste preferences say about White Fragility™ that he knows will be paygated or cookienoticed after two seconds' scrolling.

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  • 2025: Search removed. Spend a decade crippling the function, then claim the usage data support getting rid of it!
  • 2027: Expiring updates. Juice those watch numbers with a new artificial scarcity measure. Marvel Bullshit 49 Theatrical Trailer, available for seven days only! Featuring AI Robin Williams and a Mr B_ast guest ad!
  • 2028: Web Environment Integrity inserted. Hand warmer sales crater as mobile viewers relish their new handset functionality.

Alternative frontends don't fall under piracy by any definition. Youtube's servers are publicly accessible.

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Zero unrecoverable freeze events per month

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Better to create a whitelist instead. Webrings used to be popular in the 90s/00s. demonstrates the way forward. Recipes are text; perhaps a small photo or two as a prep/serving guide, but nothing more than that.

It doesn't surprise me in the least that franchisees would stop selling ice cream, and claim the machine is out of order. It's by far the most rational response from their perspective. It also has the benefit of conditioning your customers not to expect ice cream. But that then begs the question: who owns the McDonald's experience, the experience deliverer or the brand owner?

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The existence of the paid offering doesn't invalidate use of the free offering, regardless of whether people are permitting ads on the latter. Any given Youtube page is just a collection of web elements and a call to a video server: these things get loaded or blocked at my sole discretion. My hardware, my web browser, my internet bandwidth, my opsec, my time.

If I put household items out on the nature strip, I have no expectation that passers-by will have a cup of tea with me first, then take every item as an indivisible lot. So my proposal to Google is: take those items off the nature strip, put them back inside the house and lock the door. Until they do that, no issue exists, despite the company's efforts to fabricate one.

I want to view multiple tabs at once, in a split-page view where I can scroll on one tab, then mouse-over to another and start independently scrolling on that one. It's probably the key feature I miss from Vivaldi. Is there some insurmountable obstacle in the engine that prevents implementation, or is it stubborn devs?

I suspect a lot of users with silly warnings in their profile like OP described haven't bothered configuring their Upload/Download preferences. The tools for managing slot numbers and queue scheme (round robin v. FIFO) are all there.

Hiroshima has completely given up on ever making 4chan profitable, so it’s still full of unfiltered organic discussion, porn. funny shitposting and couple of unobtrusive banner ads.

As low-brow as it can get, 4chan is still part of the solution, unlike plebbit.


Assume for a moment the platform providers are in a game of chicken, continually eating costs in the hope of soaking up subscribers from their (at some point) defunct competitors. Every year this competition continues, the victor needs to make increasingly outrageous changes to the service offering in order to bridge the profitability gap. Or perhaps they are betting that a chunk of savings will come from reduced spend on rights, in a market with fewer bidders for programming?

Are investors in the conglomerates even agitated yet?

Simple solution. Kensington lock attached to the gonads. The device can helpfully warn others against theft with an LED projection on the wearer saying Big Cojone Security is active.


Nah just kidding. It was cutlery.

Banding and blocking are associated with low bitrates. Bitrate is a key consideration in video encoding. Either it is constant, where you set a value of 2000 kbits, 5600, etc. and Handbrake sticks to it, or variable, where you set a quality rate factor, and Handbrake then adjusts bitrate on the fly to maintain quality X. Variable approaches will provide an average bitrate.

Occasionally DVD sources will compress really inefficiently: no matter how much bitrate you throw at it, the encoded result is substantially worse than source. But typically I've found RF 18-21 does a good job. I use mediainfo to ascertain bitrates and other information.

I pulled these settings from a DVD profile I made. They go in the 'More Settings' box


The OS isn’t the reason anyone uses a computer, it’s the applications it can run.

When given two doors to choose from, desktop computing and mobile computing, most people aren't going to explore desktop alternatives to Windows. They're largely going to stick to mobile, with all the learned helplessness that entails.

It's all noise is what it is. Applications and code shouldn't come prefaced with value judgements, 'ally' statements or inclusion/exclusion messaging of any sort. Our world is hard enough to navigate without software development falling to the culture wars.

You should refer her to Cory Doctorow's writing, namely his concept of enshittification. He's one of the most effective political communicators alive today. If anyone can get her to understand the import of the issues surrounding Reddit's Simple Jack routine, it's him.

Two of my colleagues still use locally stored plaintext for individual work credentials, despite having been shown where the password manager is. Both have accessed their files in front of me. If it's not in those files it's saved in the browser (because convenience is a hell of a drug). Now you start to see why discrete managers have a hard time, even amongst technology workers.

Care to demonstrate 'looks worse'? Are visual artifacts showing up? Are the sources DVD or BD? What encoding speed is in use? What special parameters are specified (More Settings box) in the video tab?

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/artist initial/artist name/album name (It's a fool's errand trying to create a folder scheme that accounts for every classification edge case. Accept the mess!)

Tagging is outsourced to the BT tracker community. Playback via cmus or Emby.

Sound advice, but if this article is any indication, corporate web2 now anticipates garbage. The junk presumably gets backfilled with their best attempt at quality data where it can be found. It true, it invites potential contributors to think carefully about their opsec.

Yeah, better to stay on Youtube and Reddit and Xitter, where there's no propaganda. Odysee's content range might accommodate the moderate centre better if people started using it. And we can't have that!

I should have realised it was an instance issue. Thanks!

Funny definition of 'agreement'

Telemetry, advertising, etc. are ultimately web page elements that I can download or block. The paid offering might have a TOS that requires acceptance of such, but those terms do not bind me as a free, public visitor. I think Youtube is doing its best to have people buy its nonsense argument, as part of a wider campaign to shift the public's understanding of web site versus web service. For what it's worth, I don't see them ever putting their money where their mouth is by pay-walling the whole site.

'Socially responsible' is newspeak for corporate-controlled.

Advertisers can pay more to stay in the room than you will realistically pay to have them expelled.

Reddit will program new mod bots to deal with organic responses the advertiser doesn't consider constructive. That opens another revenue stream: charging advertisers for sub-specific bot tweaks.

The interesting question to me is, when does normie realize his sub has been co-opted to function as a focus group, and decide to look for a new forum.

Head to 4chan: /r/ Requests and /t/ Torrents. Good magnet link trade there.

Pixel Pirate II Hollywood Trailer

You need more training in corporate risk management, grasshopper! AP/AtProto isn't a revenue opportunity, it's a potential front for which they'll need to have a battle-ready product and brand. Ever heard the saying 'engagement is containment'?

Have you got Jasc Animation Shop?

In EVE Online that's called 'getting underneath the guns'. 🎓