1 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hot take, but you don't actually have to come out if you don't feel like it. Or, you can come out in another way - for example, when the time comes, be like "hey, I have a [boy/girl/whatever applicable term]friend and I want you to meet them." If you still want to be out but don't feel like it right now, maybe wait a little bit and then come out to the people you're most sure will respond well.

Good luck with your journey and I hope it goes better next time. Just remember to listen to your needs and not push yourself out of any sense of obligation.

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Get some rest! Hopefully when you come back the mental load is lighter and things work out, but at the end of the day, none of this is more important than your health and well-being.

The feeling comes and goes for me. Sometimes (often, tbh) it feels completely hopeless. But focusing only on the bad and not being able to find the good, or to let go of the despair, leads to burnout - as you already know - and burnout is where you can, unfortunately, get the least done.

I'm not really good at knowing how to get out of burnout. My whole life is really immersed in "the bad news", so it's hard to not be around it. I do think there's a lot of value in finding good news outlets (like Reasons to Be Cheerful or Grist's Beacon newsletter) and, contrary to how it may feel or what people might say, it is healthy to disconnect from the bad news sometimes. You have to put on your own lifejacket before helping anyone else. Do the things that make you happy and don't read the news or look at your phone, if you can.

As for doing things - it's helpful to pick an area of focus. What are you most passionate about? What's the most pressing issus to you? That's where you should put your energy, as much as you're able. That could mean volunteering, doing research and contacting your representatives, spreading the word about the issues, or finding little ways you can make a difference. My issue is environmentalism, which means that I try to focus on my individual actions as a form of self-care - buying less, buying secondhand, reducing food waste, composting food scraps, contacting my reps, spreading the word. Find your little things that you can affect; those are the ones you can look at and be proud of, and let that heal you.

Sustainability/zero-waste communities! I loved those on reddit because they were more about suggestions and practices for sustainable, low-impact living, rather than general environmental news.

Edit: also Fixing/mending! A place for things like visible mending projects.

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I get what you mean, but I disagree. As a teen, I thought I had an obligation to come out to everyone, and make a whole big announcement. It was a huge relief to hear that actually, I don't owe anyone information that would be exhausting to share and could make my life harder. It was my choice, and no one else's, and there was no timeline I had to follow.

Yes! I love being bi and nonbinary. I love that it opened me up to a huge community of people who I otherwise might not have gotten to know. I love girls and I love guys. I love sharing my love of girls with my male partner. I love being seen and accepted for who I am in ways that are comfortable for me - not trying to conform to an image of masculine or feminine, but rather, being seen as someone who is both and neither, just getting to be "some guy" and "a cute girl" at the same time.

I don't regret a thing about it; my only regret is that I didn't figure out I should do something about not being cis sooner, and that I could've gotten puberty blockers before it was too late. If I could've delayed puberty, I could avoid having to save up tens of thousands of dollars for top surgery.

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The dentist will probably tell you everything you need to know, but after having spoken to someone who had 3 dry sockets due to using straws after removing her wisdom teeth, it feels like the most important point to drill in.

My partner had a lot of soylent, fruit/veg juice, soup, apple sauce after the procedure. Get some ice cream or a shake (WITH A SPOON) afterwards if you're not nauseous - you deserve a treat. Apparently the weird ice from Sonic is really good when you get a tooth out, I've never had it lol. Good luck on your procedure, and don't delay it!! Just get it over with so you never have to think about it again. You're gonna be fine 💖

Another thing that came to mind just now - while there are often organizations and government resources for homeless people, they might not always have access to them. Trying to get a psychiatrist who takes Medicaid took me 2 entire days of phone calls to find even one who would accept a new patient, and then another 2 months' wait to get seen. I've also heard from people in my last city that they wouldn't stay in shelters because they're too unsafe and they'd rather risk sleeping outside in the cold. So, when you wonder if it might've been better to donate to an organization, well, maybe, but there will always be limits to how many people they can serve and there will always be people falling through the cracks who need help. Just some more food for thought.

I'm not mute, but to me, using "dumb" to describe someone who is mute sounds... worse? It feels like the equivalent of recognizing that "crazy" has baggage and not using it in everyday speech, but continuing to use it to describe mentally ill people. I understand that it's not a perfect comparison, but it feels like sometimes, words become too enmeshed in their modern-day insulting uses to feel okay using them to describe a community, even if it is the technical definition of the word.

If anyone who is mute/nonverbal/nonspeaking sees this and I'm wrong - please let me know!! I don't mean to overstep, I just want to share my perspective.

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Exactly this! I pick and choose who knows based on how comfy I am around someone. Like you, I'm bi in a "straight-passing" relationship, so many people aren't aware; my dad will probably never know unless I date a girl, or he finds out in some random way, but I just don't really care to share that part of my life with him. The older I get, the less effort I make to keep anything a secret. But I don't make a strong conscious effort to come out to people if I don't feel like it.

For a snack, I really like just heating up some frozen edamame in the microwave. Depending on the portion size, expect maybe 1 min of microwaving; let it cool off for a few mins because they always come out boiling in my experience. Salt em with kosher salt (or regular if you don't have) and squeeze the beans out of the pod in your mouth. Easiest way to get a little bit of veg and protein, hands down.

It's not the laziest, but this one can be prepped and made in the air fryer in <15 mins and it's honestly AMAZING. Could probably be really good with some heated up grilled chicken slices for protein, too. Requires a lot of fresh ingredients so it's more of a rare treat but it's sooooo good.

As a transplant, my view is that the most productive discussion around reddit is how to replace the spaces people lose when they stop using it. I enjoy beehaw way more than reddit overall, but a lot of my favorite communities don't have equivalents on Lemmy. I didn't use it as a content aggregator, I used it as a community space, and that's much harder to replace.

  1. Head empty
  2. I think these feelings are normal... kind of. They are normal in the sense of, you did something that contradicts what you were taught your whole life. They are also normal because you're trying to weigh the pros and cons of a complicated issue that has no one-size-fits-all answer because every individual human is different. I can somewhat but not completely relate to these feelings, because I've lived in areas with very large homeless populations my whole life, so I don't really analyze it too much, but I get how it's different for a new experience.
  3. If you can do it, I say do it. No matter what they choose to spend it on, they need money to eat and have water and eventually have somewhere to stay. Making money when you don't have a job or an address or savings is nearly impossible; saving up, or amassing things to make life easier, are both also extremely difficult, since you can lose everything at any moment. So, yes, the person may choose to use that money in a way that hurts them... IMO that's their decision to grapple with. I just know that, without any resources, they will likely be in a worse position regardless.

I also think that anyone living in that kind of situation would really appreciate kindness and dignity, which are both sorely lacking in how most people react to a homeless person asking them for help. So, even if you can't help financially, recognizing your fellow human being is a start, miles above "look away and move on".

Don't feel bad for giving someone who needs money some money. Don't beat yourself up for being unsure how to proceed. Just try to be compassionate; asking these questions is definitely a move forward, IMO.

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The Princess Bride is as wonderful a book as it is a movie! You're gonna love it 😊

I'm gonna be cleaning my apartment because we're finally getting a couch!! And I need to get the place in order so it's easy to maneuver it in. We've lived in our place for a few months already but still in box city... so it's nice to have something to force me to unpack and make it look presentable.

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I think it's a super complicated topic. My understanding of the quote is that ableism is much bigger and more complicated than language, but we should be aware of how our language reflects ableist views - like the normalization of ableist slurs into our everyday vernacular, for example. In other words, our society is so comfortable with ableism, that even disabled people and advocates for disability rights may use ableist terminology regularly, whether or not they're aware of the origins.

I, personally, don't believe that "lame" is necessarily a word that needs to be changed, but I do believe it's a word with ableist origins. Like our conversation on "dumb", IMO most people don't think about the technical definition of "lame" anymore - but I might be wrong, or it might be regional. It's ultimately a personal choice whether or not it feels hurtful - and obviously, if someone tells you to not use a term around them, that's important to respect.

The key takeaway, to me, is that we should be mindful of how much ableism is normalized in our lives. I think you're definitely doing that, based on this post. It doesn't mean that using terms on this list is only ableist if you're thinking negatively about disabled people when you use it; it means that we should be thoughtful with our language, but more importantly, thoughtful of how our words and actions may be reinforcing hurtful systems. To use the example from before - if someone doesn't use the word "crazy" except when describing mentally ill people, that can speak to how they see mentally ill people as not just people who are ill, but as people who are undesirable boogeymen.

Take it on a case-by-case basis, IMO, and follow your gut if you feel shitty about certain words - better safe than sorry. But, at the end of the day, it's just... complicated!

Yessss, visiblemending and invisiblemending were 2 of my favs on reddit and got me into sewing, seeing a place for projects like that would be super fun.

Thank you!! That's very validating to hear 😊

That's fair. Are you in a place where everybody knows each other? If your parents aren't really likely to hear it from anywhere else, you can also come out to other people, like at school or in your social circles, without necessarily having to come out to your family.

Totally agreed. I'm Ukrainian and nothing gets me as heated watching any movie as Russian villains (almost always played by non-Russian-speaking actors). Hollywood looooves movie villains that reflect the government's Big Bad Wolves and it's just disgusting to me. Beyond the obvious facts that xenophobia is bad and using the film industry to stoke the fires of the US's international feuds is bad, it just fucking hurts the way it feels like people put on costumes to approximate my dad's appearance and voice because it's the most basic shorthand for "evil" they can think of.

I believe some of it is cold war sentiment, but also, the fact that Russia has remained a political enemy of the US. I also suspect a part of it is that it's harder to find Russian (or Russian-speaking) actors who would agree to play such dehumanizing roles, but obviously, a lot of actors don't have the luxury of choosing. A big improvement would be to have actual Russian-speaking consultants involved in casting - which, IMO, would be good for casting any actor for a foreign-language-speaking role. It's bizarre to me that it's not already a bare minimum requirement for people to be fluent in the languages they're speaking.

Yep, my old oven always made me feel like hell, and the ventilation was godawful. There was a "vent fan" but I'm not sure if it did anything. In hindsight now I'm like 🙃

It's extremely frustrating to me as a native Russian speaker (just commented about this in another thread), since Hollywood looooves Russian villains but hates hiring Russian actors. I actually could not watch later seasons of Stranger Things because of this. I've lived in the US my whole life and am now way more fluent in English than Russian, but chose to watch some episodes in Russian because it was way more bearable.

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Yay!! Lost has become a pretty underrated show, it always makes me happy when people are still watching and talking about it ♥

This is how I feel. I'd rather have things be fragmented than be too big to fail. A lot of people have joked in the past few years that it feels like the internet only has 4 sites on it now; I'm pretty happy to be back to browsing multiple. It reminds me of following multiple forums around the same topics back in the day. Variety is the spice of life!

I'm trying to figure out the same! I can browse a specific kbin community through beehaw if a kbin user... posted to beehaw... and then I saw a kbin community on their profile and clicked through... but other than that very specific situation, I can't figure it out. I want to subscribe to specific kbin communities and have no idea how to do it in a less roundabout (and often impossible) way.

Definitely feel it on the suppression front. I remember "figuring it out" when I was around 12, when I'd first heard of being trans, and knowing that that was me, and that I needed to shove it down as deep as possible because of what everyone said about trans people. I didn't really start coming out as nb until I was maybe 24, and now it's just amazing to live in a new place with new people who all know me as I really am. I'm so much happier now 🥺

I know it's not the case everywhere, but I also am so amazed at how different things are for kids/teens nowadays. I felt like a freak that had to hide forever so no one could learn my horrible secret. Now, there are people I knew as babies who are out, and their friends celebrate them so authentically. Being out in high school was unimaginable to me; it's really beautiful to see that things are so different. Things are getting better socially (even if politically they're still a dumpster fire), and it gives me hope for the future.

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Fair enough that for higher-level cooking, it probably isn't nearly good enough. My current rental has a glasstop stove and I've been really happy with it because the main thing I was worried about was the heat level - everyone warned me that getting a good sear was impossible, but my food is still coming out great. I've been experimenting with different pans to get better results and it's been pretty good for me so far. But I don't really work with recipes that require lifting/tossing because I'm too weak for any of that, even with normal pans 🥴

As far as the difference in health, it's really staggering. To say it's less healthy is, of course, accurate, but it also feels like an understatement. Continuous exposure to benzene is extremely harmful, and the fact that it's highly linked to asthma, lymphoma, and leukemia, and that any amount of exposure is considered unsafe, makes me feel like it's completely not worth it residentially. I would rather have worse food and better health (said as someone with a lot of health issues ruining my life already).

For sure. There are so many examples of shitty depictions of trans people from that time, but for some reason, the one that specifically really stuck with me was the movie Click - probably because it was one of the only depictions of FtM people I'd seen in media, like, ever, at the time. It reinforced the idea that if I was trans, that would be a horrible thing, and I could never let anybody know.

I'm so glad that things are so completely different now; the depictions of trans people in media now are so varied and there are many really positive ones, and it's really lovely to see the trans pride flag out and about. Being a transphobe is popular among shitheads, but it's much more uncool than back then; if you're openly a transphobe nowadays, most people probably hate dealing with you.

STRFKR - Girls Just Want To Have Fun, synthy goodness

Kishi Bashi - This Must Be the Place - more orchestral version of the Talking Heads song

Gorillaz - Crystalized - somber cover of the XX song

Placebo - Running Up That Hill - Running Up That Hill but... a Placebo song. Exactly what it says on the tin

Cucumber because I love cucumbers and zucchini doesn't bring me that much joy

Not parents but I just accidentally came out as an NB person (also adult) to my brother yesterday. He had a hard time with me coming out as bi, which confused me, but it's been nearly a decade since then. I told him I wanted to change my name and he was very confused; I mentioned I wanted something gender-neutral, and he asked if I was nonbinary.

I think he was skeptical, and surprised - he'd lived with me since I was a child, surely if I wasn't cis, he would've known, right? But his partner helped him to approach it with an open mind and to be supportive. Overall, it was way easier and more inconsequential than I thought; at the same time, I'm thrilled to be able to talk about my life authentically, with him and around him, and not worry about every word.

If you want my advice on difficult conversations like this? If it's safe, do it during a long car ride. It's a situation where the other person really has to sit with what you're saying and work through it. Obviously it can cut both ways - they're stuck with you, but you're also stuck with them - but in my experience, it's been great.

Have you tried an induction plate? It's only one burner obvs but seems like a great way to get the benefits of induction in a rental. I've never tried it, just something I considered buying for myself, haha.

Is the heat the problem, or the shape of the wok? This video has some advice for using a wok on glass-top electric. If it's the heat concern, then my experience is that, while you have less control over the exact heat than on gas, you can still get to VERY high heat - I accidentally charred my minced garlic to a crisp in 30 seconds the first time I used the stove (quick boil is seriously HOT, even on low heat settings). I switched to using stainless steel pans for most things because they hold a lot of heat, and I'm way too weak for cast iron, but it seems like cast iron is great on electric too.

And I really am indecisive as all hell 😭 I'm the reason for all the stereotypes :'(

Is there a typo here? If you make 140k a year in the US it puts you in the top 10% of earners, but still below average. Yes, part of the richest in the sense that most of the world probably makes less than you, but nowhere near the richest in terms of what these statistics are talking about when they refer to the top 1% - ie. people who make close to, if not more than, a million dollars per hour.

That is to say - someone making 140k is not capable of the levels of pollution that people with private jets, who take dozens of flights every year - not even scratching the surface of their shopping and eating habits, and the pollution caused by their businesses and investments.

It's definitely like this. I don't entirely mind it for myself, because it reminds me to log off before I can get into a doomscroll where I'm assailed by my family member's awful opinions. I only use FB for marketplace/buy nothing groups, and the barrage of shitty ads/promo posts helps me log off as soon as I've found what I need (or have given up on finding what I need).

Agreed, I pretty much never use my oven anymore because the air fryer is so much more convenient. I love frying veggies in the air fryer, usually zucchini or broccoli. Season them with whatever you like, Italian seasoning is usually a winner for zucchini imo, or if you're really going for a lazy meal, just salt and pepper are still good. I only really use the air fryer for sides though; wish I had a whole meal to recommend :(