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Joined 10 months ago

There's also been huge waves of spam account attacks on Mastodon recently.

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Why do people consider bigger age gaps a problem? Because there's often a difference in maturity and experience that makes it harder to communicate, have the same goals and often puts the younger party at risk of being taken advantage of.

So if you think that the thing the age gap is a stand in for, a gap in maturity, doesn't apply, there's also no reason to get hung up on the number and mistake the map for the territory.

I think it's good that you're questioning yourself though and you should probably keep being a bit cautious about the situation and reevaluating yourself until you can be certain you two are on the same level.

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So what?

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Which is at least less than all the other big platforms are taking.

Innocent human lives. (Which the Jsraeli government is of course also carelessly discarding. But that's why I think Sanders' position is the most reasonable. We should definitely demand Israel greatly reduce the military force it's exerting, but a total ceasefire might not be entirely realistic)

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Ahh "this doesn't affect me", the pinnacle of enlightened politics

I'm curious what lesson learned from twitter easily also applies to bluesky, as that's genuinely not very clear to me.

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You can follow people and do regular posts on kbin in case you didn't know yet.

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But they're (allegedly soon) federated and say they want to give control of the protocol over to an independent standards body. So like, half of the stuff you're saying might not even really apply here.

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Here are some that I enjoyed:

Mongolia: Rise and fall of an empire

Betrayal and brainwashing: North Korea and the defector influencers

Unbridled greed and growth - Challenging global corporations

There's a convention for websites to use robot.txt files that prescribe whether bots should be allowed to access the site. But it's just that, a convention which malicious actors don't need to feel beholden to. Depending on the legal framework, you could also just threaten to sue anyone using one's data for AI without permission, but that's probably not feasible for the average lemmy server operator.

A lot of the mainstream apps definitely have privacy issues. They often sell data about their users menstrual cycles which can theoretically be bought by anti-abortion activists/authorities on the free market to track whether someone might be pregnant.

StreetComplete and its expert editions are definitely my favourite way to contribute to OpenStreetMaps on mobile. There's also Vespucci which allows you to do more complex stuff like add paths and shape, but the UI isn't super great imo. Organic Maps which I use for navigation actually allows you to edit and contribute quite a bit.

This is the best FOSS keyboard that's under active maintenance.

I assume that might be a reference to FlorisBoard? Because development on that one as actually picked up again, but that's only visible so far if you're using the Beta version. They're opreparing for a new full release.

Or maybe the original post was simply muted for a different reason.

Huh, seems like you're right or at least I couldn't find anything like that. I feel like theoretically ot should be able to do that, so I'm gonna snoop around a bit more and maybe file an issue. Doesn't help that kbin's UI is still pretty atrocious at the moment, but the project is still fairly young and developing at a good pace at least.

Also you really don't need to reiterate a very obvious typo. Ideally the goal here should be to have some form of dialogue that works towards the goal of understanding each other better and increasing knowledge, not ridiculing each other. It's pretty poor form imo.

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Not inherently. But since both Mastodon and Bluesky use some sort of public protocol, it is possible that people will develop some bridging software that allows both protocols to talk to each other. I think some people are already trying to build something like that, but I have no idea how well it will work/what the trade-offs will be. Maybe not every feature can be easily translated between the protocols.

Ok, so you're not imterested in sincere dialogue. Have a good day then.

Video Transcoder on F-Droid allows you to convert and cut videos at least, but it hasn't seen an update in ages and the cutting process isn't 100% precise, so you might end up with +- a second of what you intended.

Well not compared to the current situation, but that it would possibly be an increase compared to the most civilian sparing scenario. Obviously the situation should be deescalated to the maximum amount possible, but I don't think it's a realistic scenario to assume that if the current main aggressor (Israel) were to cease military action completely, no more civilian lives would be lost.

But with AI while it still has problematic aspects, it also has a lot of useful applications.

Ah yes, stealing content en masse and polluting the whole internet with junk content in the hopes of being able to monopolize entire industries. Peak usefulness.

(There are of course many useful applications of AI in general. But they also tend to not burn through as much energy and processing power as LLMs)

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