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Joined 1 years ago

I went through plex and emby but i finally settled for jellyfin. It has just what i need, a pleasant and minimal interface and it has a light footprint on my rpi. plus is free so no plex premium bullshit stuff.

and they will be aaaall proprietary. one battery per phone model. and companies still will release updates that will cripple the phone every 2 years. nothing will change

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Blood Lake CPUs

they will produce a red ring of death for pc then. cool.

If I may: a good name is good. a name that combines well with the surname is great. Think of Star Wars names: they are great because they mate good names and surnames. Han Solo Boba Fett Cassian Andor etc...

That said, my personal preference is something REALLY old, like Sargon, first ruler of Akkadian Empire, 2400BC. Bonus He/she/they could have also their own personal cuneiform name tattoo: 𒊬𒊒𒄀. Now tell me that's not cool.

good hunting.

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I really had a hard time with the chinese names, especially the ones that sounded similar.

The only pc i have with that shit on is the work laptop. Thanks to proton i ditched microsoft for good.

The 4:3 factor is inviting, but the 3+ is so much better for me.

Pond, Koi Pond.

People are ditching Windows with good reasons. But, hey, de gustibus non disputandum est. my two cents: Your life is nice with microsoft products, but can be so much better without it.

It's hard to believe that there's nobody out there...

Flashback. There's something cinematographic in that old Delphine gem.

good to know, no one is imposing anything here.

I feel you. There's only one antidote: time.

  • It's good to make a disclaimer to anyone around you at work, family, etc. You will be more nervous and you cold act like an ass sometimes. You can bet on it.
  • Don't take important decisions in the next month.
  • You will gain weight. Less smoke brings more food cravings. Try to compensate with walking.
  • Find something to fill your mouth. I used Liquorice root (helps me also with low blood pressure so it was a no brainer for me).
  • Keep on keeping on (cit.). You'll have now and then desire, not need, desire to come back smoking. Compensate that with the thought of being free. Good Luck mate.

There are options for debloating (like uninstalling via adb) but the thing I read about camera no longer working after flashing a custom rom made this piece of crap I am writing from my first and last Samsung. Good luck with your Pixel

There's a Cadmium SD standing by for action.

What a revolutionary idea. It worked so well with the F35.

Keep farming your ego then. have fun.

once again people that buy an apple product will pay nearly double to have less features and will have to pay for an emulator that offers you to buy games that were free in the first place. seems convenient.

probably everyone realized that google is peeking in your private business anyway so it's ok to continue use cheap stuff + no play services installed.

don't make solutions popular.

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why not write an email to google then. don't make solutions popular

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