Even if it's true that Meta hired Ex-Twitter folks, what secrets could they possibly bring with them? A basic grasp how Twitter works conceptually? This is common knowledge. Architectural stuff? This is Meta ffs, they literally scaled FB and Instagram to billions of users.
People have mentioned it yet, but I want to second It Takes Two, such a fantastic game! Story might not not appeal to everyone, because of relationship drama and a particular scene, but younger kids tend to ignore it and gameplay is a blast anyways! (Platinum'ed it with my then 8yo son.)
Death Squared is a great cooperative puzzle game for 1, 2 or 4 players.
The Overcooked! games are really nice coop games, albeit more and more chaotic the further you move on.
Moving out is similar to Overcooked, but haven't played it myself.
Another crybaby move from Musk.
Even if it's true that Meta hired Ex-Twitter folks, what secrets could they possibly bring with them? A basic grasp how Twitter works conceptually? This is common knowledge. Architectural stuff? This is Meta ffs, they literally scaled FB and Instagram to billions of users.