1 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Please get out and vote.

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Don't try to redirect stupidity from people to computers. We're more than capable of doing stupid things without the help of our AI overlords.

That's a crime scene and a death scene. It's not going to go quickly. The good news is that it's a critical roadway and waterway intersection so the feds and state government have motivation to make haste.

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Do you think the problem is that the person driving the requirements doesn't know what they actually want?

I think a good BA is critical to the process because lots of end users have no idea how to put their ideas onto paper.

I also think an MVP helps a lot because people can see and touch it which helps focus their needs.

This guy is unbelievable. Who the hell would pay a subscription to print? I print maybe once every two months and I have my own company.

I'm going in and committing to whatever I find inside.

ELI5... how is this legal?

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Is that a Slurm can tat in the background?

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I know Alex. He's a scumbag. Gave me the creeps first time I met him. Totally inappropriate with female nurses.

Good doc tho.

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That's a chair? It shouldn't just be growing there randomly. So you live in a highly humid environment? Eesh.

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May I mention that "hose" most likely should be "Jose" spoken with a Spanish pronunciation?

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See Bitcoin. And Mastadon. UX dev's tend to not be front in line when developing the next random technology alternative.

With Mastodon it's less important I think with what local server you choose. You'll still need to go out and find who to follow. With Lemmy, I think critical mass helps show good content quicker. I'm on It's a solid Masto server. For Lemmy I'm on just because.

This might be the best Lemmy thread I've seen so far.

I find exercise and meditation is really valuable. So much of life distracts now and this computer in my hand doesn't help.

Pay attention to ear and nose hairs. They get out of control. If you already wear glasses don't forget to put them on in the bathroom and pluck away the crazy ones. I once found a 1" long ear hair that was hiding. Still makes me shiver.

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Work in transport. We have a severe lack of truck drivers in the US and a severe need. A few years ago the Prez of Texas Trucking Association stated he's encouraging his son not to go into the biz because of the tough work requirements. He is very clear that trying to hire new drivers is hard. The industry acknowledges connected vehicles with semi autonomous trailers and trucks can support the dire need to move product. In certain circumstances autonomous driving can be useful and reasonably safe. Highways are usually well lit, well marked and well signed. This all helps improve autonomous vehicle safety.

Ping/latency...and upload speed.


I use digital when my life doesn't depend on it.

Edit: bought it last month.

I think this is an issue across America. My law enforcement friends comment on the recruiting issues and the reduced response times.

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Sad day indeed.

It very likely is tied to the firmware that bricked HPs around the world in May or so. HP is silent on it and customer service isn't acknowledging the issue.

Agree. There is no source and it's probably some stupid person trying to scare people.

FWIW I get angry when I see these flags but I also know some people who support this and they are simply misled. If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times, people can change. I used to have the opinion similar to Blue Lives Matters. My world view was bey limited and this was before social media. It's up to everyone else to listen to them and help better understand their perspective so we can help broaden their life experiences.

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Where will the target be? Online or local? Rsync is really easy to use and the target files are browse-able. I could be too dense but I find online buckets aren't easily browse-able. Even a homemade NAS might be a good choice and it's easily scalable.

I just checked it out and Save Me feels very Dream Theater. I'll have to dig around their discog a bit.

I should have taken a super short nick, but alas.

I'm not alone. Thank you.

I feel like it's time to change their name.

I rescind my last statement officially. He's a douchebag who I would only be happy to see if I'm bleeding out on the side of the road. Then I'll take his pain lollipops and life saving measures. How's that?

Agreed.. They had a bad day.

Beastie Boys.


Justin Timberlake.

Gwen Stefani.

A lady down the street had her mom get taken for $500K of gold bars. She loaded it into their car. Thought she was part of a scheme that the FBI was investigating and she was to not tell her family else it would rope her family into the group of suspects. None of it makes sense but to her it was completely believable.

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Soap. Two thumbs up. Less drying, less packaging, good for everything.

Hopefully these instances show that we as the user/consumer can make decisions en masse and have a positive influence long term.

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They had her take her retirement money, pull it out and convert it to gold because they told her it was safest that way. They said by being physical the thieves couldn't take it. The irony.

Come to think of it another old lady friend got taken for 20K but it wasn't the gold thing. I think it was just good ole graft. Sad story. Her kids took over her estate after consulting with her and are now forcing her to move into an old folks home. They are selling her home she's had for 50 years. A friend offered to buy it direct and they said nope... talk to the real estate agent. A holes.

I've thought a lot about some of the recent laws passed here. On one hand I think I should leave and find a place safe to raise a family where extremists don't lead the crazy law cycle. Similarly, I've not found a church since we left due to their harsh opinions on LBGTQ. One of my pastor's comments to us was that by not providing an alternative opinion we can't help other people see the world differently. That stuck with me.

I think being kind to others, even Abbott and his cronies (who I truly hate), and other of like minded colleagues, is the best medicine. There needs to be dissenting votes and different life experiences where love and kindness exists. I have very little social or economic friction in my life so it's easy for me to take this stance. I get that. I just think if I can soften my heart others can too. I would even argue the Bible is a useful tool to help move alt rights more to the middle.

I try to teach my kids that name calling is bad and being kind and doing good is all that matters. I am hopeful that love and kindness will prevail.

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I don't recall that at all. Crazy.

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Same one I have !! Easy to install and clean!...and it cleans both butts and streak marks.

Oh no... no need. Just frustrating how Google buys up good companies to expand their footprint and then shutters them when they've used them up for their temporary worth. It's like Smartthings. Amazing Kickstarter. Amazing community. Amazing API. Samsung slowly ruined it all to connect their devices.

I would suggest they go hand in hand. It's not a sucker's choice.