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Joined 1 years ago

I bought my parents a laser printer after years of them being incredibly frustrated by inkjets. I got them the same model as me, as well as a spare toner cartridge.

I'm still on my original toner cartridge, and I've had it for probably six years or so.

My parents are in their late 40's and early 50's. I think I might have accidentally gotten them a lifetime supply of printing.

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I think most generally it's because naval analogues are probably the closest when you're talking about large space-based fighting vessels. The air force doesn't operate aircraft carriers, battleships, or destroyers. The navy, however, does (or did in the case of battleships). Those large sea based vessels often class quite nicely into a lot of sci-fi media for large ships.

The small ships you see are often based off of a carrier equivalent. Even when they're terrestrially based, it makes a lot of sense to streamline your military structure to have just one "space force", rather than trying to break it up into two entities like the "space navy" and "space air force", each with their own standards and logistical supply networks.

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I have a couple from the hip actually, because America has grifting baked into it's soul. In no particular order:

  • MMS (Drinkin' bleach)
  • Crystal healing (most sellers)
  • WitchTok kits (TikTok influencers selling expensive spices)
  • Brain pills
  • Any product peddled by a megachurch (see the Baker bucket for a great example)
  • Chiropractors

As more of these come to me, I'll try to expand the list.

Update: I can't believe I forgot chiros! They turned themselves into a religion at one point to try to dodge medical licensure laws.

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Honestly, not really. I experienced something traumatic on Christmas eve of 2017 and have never completely recovered. I'll probably never get back to where I was before that.

It really used to be my favorite day of the year but now it's just raw and awful and I have to keep up appearances so I'm not a miserable person to be around. I really don't want to be that way, I'm generally a pretty easygoing, easy to get along with kinda guy so I hate the shift that I make.

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Interesting development so far. Really, what you need to do is start thinking about your logistics though. If this campaign takes more than a few turns, how will you maintain supplies to the battlefield?

My vote is for supply convoy to E0. Directly behind the king so that he can help coordinate logistics deployments out to the field.

You may want to consider stationing an artillery company behind one of your knights in the next move or two. It should give you overall command and control of the board a lot more effectively than a direct engagement and exposes your forces to a lot less direct danger. Though you'll want to also be ready for some counterbattery fire, should black decide to deploy an artillery company as well.

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I wish I had something more significant to contribute, but... yeah. Mood.

Embrace what it really is.

Also I've never had a more relevant use for this meme until now.

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Imagine standing next to your router while it screams pain directly into your brain. 😆

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I've talked to some friends about it, but honestly it's probably ground I need to tread with a therapist. I thought I had a good handle on it but this year has been particularly tough for some reason.

Thank you, though, I appreciate the sentiment!

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In this industry, change is the only constant and your ability to learn, grow, and adapt is going to be more important than any singular technology you can learn.

I can promise you're not as stupid as you may feel you are. You've made it a year, and that means something.

I've been pushing myself hard to get some certifications to really deepen my skill set. You may find that's valuable to you, or you may not. I've found that it's improved my ability to take a step back and understand the systems I'm building from an architectural perspective. It's been helpful for me.

I've helped coach interns and new hires at my company before. I actually like when they ask me questions even if it's something I've answered before, because it shows me that they want to learn. And even better is when they ask "why do it that way?", because it forces me to check my own understanding of the problem set. It also means that I can really dig into the explanation and hopefully they walk away with at least one more tool in their toolbox.

When I hear "glue rocks to it", I feel the urge to post the steering wheel picture. Because that one lives in my head rent free.

It's only tangentially relevant, but still.

Good ol' halon systems!

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Sounds like a law office. That's the only place I've ever heard of six minute chunks.

In a similar vein, any time I get a small cut, I reach for the isopropyl alcohol. I skip over the hydrogen peroxide for the simple reason of "I like the way the alcohol stings"

That's a cool point actually. I doubt your senses would get quite that fine, but there's still a lot of data transmission you'd be able to feel.

I've talked to a therapist in the past - not about this, but about the rest of the abuse that was heaped on me during that time. It did help some.

You're right, and it's very similar advice my friends gave me. The hard part is finding the time and energy together to let me do it.

Good on you. That's some good responsibility!

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It's outside the strictest bounds established by the question, but this time of year is 100% worth a trip on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Anti-5g dongles? That's new for me, but I consume a lot of these grifts secondhand through a few podcasts I listen to. I might be behind.

Sounds like the bones of a good scam are there though, assuming the anti-5G conspiracy still gets traction and clicks.

Edit: Do you know if someone like bigclive got one? He takes those sorts of devices apart a lot to explain them and I'd love to see what's inside. I just don't want to pay the money for one to fund the grift.

I uh... Don't really have a lot to help you with your direct situation, but I do know that nair is designed to (mildly) chemically burn you. That's how it destroys the hair. Make sure you have it all off of you so it doesn't continue to work (it sounds like you did but it bears repeating). From there it should just be time until it stops feeling uncomfortable.

In the interim, you could take something OTC to manage the pain, if appropriate. Motrin/ibuprofen/paracetamol, whatever you've got on hand to deal with aches and pains. That should help you deal while it's actively hurting, and hopefully by the time the medicine wears off, it'll be back to feeling normal.

Edit: I'm not sure what Destin is - double check to make sure it doesn't interact with whatever pain medicine you take.

The Revolutions is also excellent

Same here. I called them out on the last one since it was just a screenshot. I've been replying to them more to amuse myself than anything.

This whole post and thread feels like a bad acid trip haha

I'm just getting into cycling and I'm super lucky to have gotten my dad's old tri bike for free. He had it all kitted out and it's pretty well perfect for me. It was in pristine shape until I wrecked it a couple times. One of them requiring 24 stitches.

So I guess that's the most expensive hobby I've had - not in terms of financial cost, but definitely in terms of blood drawn!

Protip if you're not used to race bikes: they can be a lot twitchier than you might be used to!

I got a manual for a few reasons, but the big one in my mind was fewer moving parts, and something that I can actually maintain myself. I've actually rebuilt a transmission before, and while it's not the easiest thing to do, I already have the tooling required to pull a transmission and disassemble it.

I'm not redlining my 2002 v6 pickup truck so it's not a performance thing. It's just something I like. I like the engagement even if it's a pain in the ass sometimes.

Allez cuisine!

One thing I'm curious about... Are you aware of a way to grab an entire channel worth of videos at once? I have a few educational channels I'd like to have mirrored locally just for my own consumption.

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I cannot imagine the shit fit that people would throw if we tried to implement a secure national identity number. Even the SSN got a lot of backlash for being "the mark of the beast", and that was introduced a little under a hundred years ago.

You could also get yourself a pack of bungee cords. Bungee the bag the same way you'd use one of those bands.

It's the kludgy option, but you'll probably get a bunch of spare bungee cords out of it and those are always useful.

And also to misuse a document marked "for official use only", for an exam taken four years ago, on a functionally meaningless aptitude test. It serves a purpose for the military and that's it. And only during intake. You probably wouldn't get in trouble for sharing this doc out in the grand scheme of things, but the US military is collectively a petty bitch and they can find ways to make life difficult.

I'm not sure why you choose to be so defensive about an Internet argument, OP, but learning to let go can lead you down a much more peaceful psychological road. The stakes were and are nil. The outcome of the argument changes nothing. Take a deep breath, calm down, and move on.

The remake is amazing.

The remake is so, so much better there.

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It isn't illegal. They're a private enterprise and can take payments in whatever form they choose. They can demand to be paid in roosters and it would still be legal.

I read through all of your comments in this thread. I'm going to ask you a few questions, more for my own curiosity than anything. Feel free to answer or not, but I've been studying conspiracism for the past few years and I think I may be one of the most open ears around. I would say at a minimum that I have some understanding of your worldview. Not a perfect one, but some.

Are you experiencing economic instability in your life? As in, finding it difficult to pay for things that you need?

Do you feel lost or disconnected from others? Is it hard to form connections with people because your worldview is so different?

Is there some other unmet need in your life? If so, can you articulate it or is it difficult to put into words?

I'm not asking these questions to be patronizing. I'm asking them because they're humanizing and help me get a better understanding of the person on the other side of the screen.

Worth noting is that the feeling of being or doing something "wrong" without much evidence to support it suggests a little bit of imposter syndrome. It's a very, very, very common feeling and is almost expected in any sort of a technical field. I have dealt with it personally and it sucks. The thing that helps me is the knowledge that if I was doing something that wasn't up to the standard or wrong, someone would intervene. Even if it was to just sit me down and tell me "Hey, this sucks and you need to do better".

It's a flex for when he returns to his own line. Maybe you'll intimidate him into retiring.

It is! I got it going and was able to download some of what I wanted, thank you for the recommendation!

I'm in the same boat. Though I try to be careful since I've had issues with alcohol use in the past. Not that the two are all that similar. But I don't feel the drive or desire to smoke like I did when I was drinking, and I only ever smoke when I'm in a decent mood.

ReactOS is one I haven't heard about in quite a few years. That one would be really cool to see get a lot more dev time.

You're right, but I was thinking of the buckets that are basically terrible quality slop that's borderline inedible.

I might still call it a grift because they're asking for payment as "donations" to skirt paying taxes on them. That, and like you said, it's not a great value for what you get. Maybe not pure snake oil, but there's definitely still enough dishonesty involved imo that I'd be comfortable calling it a grift.

SmartTube rules and I use it almost exclusively on my fire stick.