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My gut tells me they are not deleted but rather simply no longer publicly available. Can't have these pesky AI bots training for free.

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Why is it OK for an American company to headquarter in one state then cherry pick another in which to file a lawsuit? Surely a company should be governed by the laws of the state in which they are based. It seems weird to choose the set of laws you want to be judged by when the defendant cannot do the same.

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Wow, that's great!! So I guess all the chemicals coming out of the coal, oil and gas fired power plants will be stopped then.

CO2, NOx, particulates all are chemicals and are all intentionally released during combustion.

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On the religion side the last picture should be the same as the first.

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Donald Trump thanks you for your support.

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Reading the headline I was about to post how ridiculous it is that AI is taking over everything. Then I read that it is being used to give someone the chance to say their own words in their own voice.

This was not motivated out of using AI to replace an actress. It was motivated out of respecting the wishes and dignity of a dying person. It's there a better use of AI than this?

It is pretty simple. Respect your employees and they will respect you. Respect starts with valuing the employee's contributions by paying them a fair wage. It continues with treating them well. A way of treating them well might be a point ping table, but that comes on top of a fair wage, not instead of.

A good manager might recognise a hard working team needs a way to relax and gets a pool table or something. The employees are happy and tell their friends they've got a pool table at work, everyone is jealous. It seems like the pool table is the reason but it is just a symptom of them being generally treated well.

"Your trial subscription to module: 'breathing' will end in 30 days. If you'd like to continue your subscription please accept the new terms and conditions and link your payment method using the following link."

P.s. I know neuralink cannot do this... Yet

Upper mgmt "We need our employees back in the office." Lowrt mgmt "Did you see the numbers? Since our employees started working from home, we've been smashing targets." Upper mgmt "Yeah that's why we need them back. Just imagine how much better the numbers could have been if we were making sure they weren't slacking off."

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I'm sure the answer would be: "Yeah but they couldn't have foreseen how the modern world works 2000 years ago. We need to adapt to the ti... Hang on did you say we can have slaves again?"

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One of the most important things in a tool line this is long term stability. Unity just showed anyone intending to use their engine they are not a stable choice. I wanted to use unity for a recent project and found unreal engine terms more acceptable for my use case before these changes. Now there is no competition.

He's speaking from personal experience. He knows how many crimes he committed last year and is extrapolating to the wider population.

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They've also not been fine.

SUID Death rate for infants has decreased even since 1990. Baby monitor likely had a role in that.

FYI not supporting subscription for features a device has in hardware, just saying I'd rather have a monitor that never went off than no monitor and a dead child. There are plenty of alternative devices without subs that cost a lot less to begin with.

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Your point is what? That 100% of the people voted for them? Or that those who opposed them should silently fall in line?

Sorry, they absolutely should protest and they absolutely are entitled to.

Am elected government shouldn't have carte blanch to make changes designed to rig the system in their favour.

"Politics of me" beats "politics of we" once again.

Even then you can still have someone read the source and write a spec for a second programmer to write a library. The programmer never saw the source code but it was still useful. Still legal to do this. If someone dumped original source into the projector could be similarly checked for duplication without breaking the law.

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I happen to have seen a documentary that says having 100 is not only possible, it gives you superpowers

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It's not hate. It's fear. Fear of the confusing thoughts in their heads.

I did online dating for many years. I used match, eharmony, tinder, pof, okcupid.

I fully understand the 'soul destroying' comment. For me it was a lot of work for little return. I started off being selective. Messaging one person at a time so I didn't end up getting two responses and having to put someone off or turn one of them down. That was naive it turned out as I got very few replies. So I started messaging multiple people at once. I always tried to personalise things but my effort varied with how optimistic I was feeling about online dating.

Ultimately I think I got responses about 10% of the time. From them, 10% turned into a date, from those maybe 50% would get to a second date.

So overall it every hundred messages I'd write , 1 would end up in a date. I went on quite a lot of dates over the years, but I had to devote so much time to getting them it was, soul destroying.

I never thought i was unattractive, but online dating made me question if I really was. I never thought I was an ass, but online dating made me question if I really was. I would sometimes have very long conversations before meeting to find there was no chemistry in person. Sometimes I would like them when we meet and they would ghost me. Sometimes they liked me and I didn't like them, but I always tried to be honourable and tell them, not ghost them since I didn't like it happening to me.

I am male in case my experience doesn't make it obvious. I often spoke to some of the women I got on better with about how online dating was for them and their experience was pretty awful for different reasons. Generally they were bombarded by messages and a good number of them were obscene. Guys trying to hook up rather than date. To manage their inbox was a real challenge and they probably missed out on good matches because of the noise.

My overall impression of the whole thing is that it generally sucks regardless of whether you are the one doing most of the messaging or whether you are receiving messages. I also think it makes it more like shopping than dating, dehumanising people. Do I want the 8K 42 inch TV or the 4K inch TV? Actually, can I even afford it?

All that said in the end it worked for me. Over 6 years since I last logged in and I think it was a bit of an addiction, or perhaps desperation born of loneliness.i also have a daughter now and there were times I thought that was never going to happen.

So for me online dating was years of frustration, difficulty and upset, but in the end I'm glad I did it but it took a long time.

Agree that if an incident happens in a particular jurisdiction, the local court should handle it. That makes sense, no argument here. But here they get to choose the set of laws because there was no physical location? That just feels wrong somehow. Anyway there is a physical location and if anything, the incident was 'perpetrated' by a person who was physically located somewhere at the time. It should be handled by the court local to them at the time. In the case of organisations, I guess this would mean where the defendant company operates from. Or if we accept it is virtual and everywhere then, it should be governed by federal laws not state laws.

No, in a system that has been gerrymandered and uses the electoral college system to favour a party (Republicans) that wins power while losing the popular vote, voting outside the two parties favours that party.

Real fascism is what you'll likely get by allowing Trump back in.

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Isn't a big part of the problem how the police respond rather whether they decide to or not?

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You reap what you sow Desantis.

Consequences are a bitch.

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So basically upset that the press do their job??

IMO the main reason for the press to exist is to hold people in power accountable for their actions. It doesn't matter the lengths they go to to get the information or their motivation. There will always be press looking into politics on both sides of the spectrum and we as the public should be glad for it.

You should not excuse bad behaviour just because they are on your team. You should encourage the press to do their job as long as they don't go too far into harassment, distortion of the truth or digging up irrelevant personal details about someone that affect noone outside that someone.

I really like the line "democracy does in darkness" because it is so true. Political figures who dislike the press generally have something to hide.

I don't think you support him intentionally.

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Murderer put to death. Don't do eye for an eye. Hmm OK America.

If you are scared of being questioned by those with differing political beliefs you aren't cut out to be the leader of a country.

If you are scared of being questioned by a 15 year old, you aren't even fit to be leader of a high school.

I guess it's "I don't want to use fossil fuels but I don't have an alternative. Give me an alternative! Don't have one? Then I'll keep using fossil fuels"

In fairness though not using fossil fuels it's something of a luxury at present. EVs are more expensive that non EVs. Maybe this will change but slowly. Home solar is very expensive and still doesn't get you self sufficient in most cases. Power companies need to make the grid renewable to make it accessible to the average person for home power.

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That's the least of your worries - no more farting!!!

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No more rolling coal in TN

Can't argue, she is responsible for this.

Last reply because I sense you either don't see the threat, don't want to see it, or trust in the system to self correct.

If it were a truly equal system, you would be right. I completely agree that tactical voting should not be needed and I wish your ideological standpoint was effective in sending messages to these guys.

Fact is they do not care how many people vote outside the top two if they still win. You might be trying to send a message but they won't hear it. Unless you can convince 60 million people to follow you of course.

The Republicans particularly know that the protest votes are typically subtracted from the democrat tally.

PR is the only solution that provides the type of government you want but you don't have it yet and if you want it, what you plan to do is probably reducing the likelihood you'll ever get it .

It is a sad fact that a vote for anyone but the two biggest parties (in almost every country) is essentially wasted.

When you have PR vote your conscience all the way. With it you may even have more choice because there would be less pressure for candidates like to firm an alliance with a large party. Until then the very real threat to democracy is far more pressing. Donald Trump tried to take the white house by force 3 years ago. This proved he cares more about his own power than the will of the people. He expended a lot of energy trying to use the system against itself to overturn the results when the capitol riots failed. For decades, the Republicans have repeatedly gerrymandered and tried to prevent certain groups from voting, typically minorities. Lately some Republicans at CPAC called for the end of democracy.

I'm not saying the Democrats are saints that can do no wrong, but at least they are not openly trying to rig the system.

If Trump is legitimately elected this time, your protest vote may mean even less next time than it does this time, because democracy in the United States might look more like Russian "elections". 87% going one way. No politician is that popular. Side note , I'm surprised those guys don't choose more realistic numbers to make their "election" more credible, but their ego won't let them.

But, you do you, just don't complain about the outcome when one of those octogenarian politicians is in power. "I didn't vote for him" won't do you much good when it hurts your wallet, or worse your freedoms.

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Can we please turn xitter into a site that is exclusively for shitting on Elon? He'd either be so exhausted from moderating it all that he wouldn't have time to post himself or he might get a little perspective - but probably not.

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I'm sure not knowing if you'll eat today, not knowing if you'll stay dry at night is not at all stressful.

What is sad is that 10 other people were on that plane. Not a good idea to fly on a plane containing anyone outspoken against the kremlin.

While experience is clearly an important job qualification for a judge, at some point their experience is from a different era. At the beginning of her training the world was a very different place, but she now applies her experience from that era to cases today. I don't mean to say her experience is entirely irrelevant, just that the old have to give way to the young if progress is to be made. These guys should have age limits if not term limits. At the very least there should be a known point in time that they need to be replaced so that political games cannot be played with their appointments.

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Dear Ukraine ,

Our leaders are idiots. We the public are immensely grateful for the job you are doing for the whole western world. The price you have had to pay is horrific and we obviously all prefer a time line where Russia did not invade, but they did, and the bravery, passion and fierceness you have shown in response had been inspirational. We all more than understand you are fighting a war so we don't have to, not because you chose to but because you had no choice. The least we can do is provide arms. Gratitude should be coming from us not the other way around. Ben Wallace does not speak for the vast majority of us, neither do his colleagues in the rest of the party of "me".

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You can do this with PowerPoint. After recording it makes the video an object on your slide so you can position it anywhere. Different on each slide if needed.

First No elected official is allowed to take money or goods in excess of 50% of the median salary for all workers in the country in total for the entirety of their time in office from any organization or unrelated individual nor sit on the board of any company following office. Any payments to said official totalling over 50% median salary in the 5 years prior to their election and 20 years after leaving office from a single entity must be declared. The state will provide a generous pension to ensure future employment is not a financial necessity.

These measures are intended to allow elected officials to be free from influence.

Second Any change in leadership of a political party immediately triggers a general election. Change in leadership generally means a failure of the manifesto and/or a change in the policies which were presented to the public when the leadership was elected.

Third No advisory referendum shall be conducted without the intention to act upon the outcome and therefore any referenda should only be acted upon with a super majority of 66%. Prior to action following a referendum, the winning side must demonstrate how the result will be acted upon and where negotiation with outside interests is necessary, since the outcome cannot be known at the time of the first referendum the public should be offered a second referendum to decide whether to accept the outcome.

Fourth Politicians shall be held to account for any lies or dishonesty. Burden of proof lies with the politician accused of misconduct to provide evidence for their claims which are in dispute. Therefore evidence provision at the time of any claims is encouraged and can be published to a publicly accessible repository. Punishments can range from fines to removal from office depending on the severity and frequency of misinformation.

Fifth Proportional representation she'll be enacted to eliminate tactical voting. In addition any changes to the electoral district are subject to scrutiny by a randomly selected jury of 1000 residents in each of the affected areas. Voting by, and identity if the jurors shall be anonymous. The public may request redistricting at any time with a 2 year cool off via a petition meeting a minimum number of 100,000 signatures.