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Joined 1 years ago

Wow, seems like highly unethical collusion.

It's easy to understand when you realize that the system they benefit from (capitalism) relies on the fear of poverty / homelessness to keep people working long hour and low wage jobs, without time or financial stability to organize and make demands of their employer or government. People are far easier to exploit when they are desperate and living hand to mouth.

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I hope Missouri taxpayers like their state government spending their hard earned tax dollars on lawsuits for blatantly unconstitutional laws. Who needs infrastructure, or literally anything tangible when you can just spend more money on losing? Absolutely pathetic.

It's a completely valid question when the label "dangerous misinformation" is open to interpretation of whichever way political winds are blowing. There is no supreme arbiter of truth, and not every issue is black and white. I certainly would not enjoy a Donald Trump administration deciphering or filtering "truth" from "misinformation" for me.

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Same audience as the celebrities singing during the Coronavirus lockdowns maybe.
Does weird performative shit poll well with mainstream Democrats or something? Also bizarre how they re-used the footage "I never spoke to so many Presidents all at one time" at 0:00 and 3:38

Most brain dead take on this thread so far lmao

I'm sure the fact that Joe Biden started recently changing his tune on Israel had nothing to do with protestors, and is just because he's such a nice guy.

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I love this take on religion.
Parallels with the "stupid or evil" assessment I always have to do for conservatives in general

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You clearly have a misconception of what socialism is. Socialism does not mean sit around and collect benefits from the government. It means that workers (yes, people who WORK) own the means of production, rather than the do-nothing capitalist class which makes money parasitically from simply owning things.

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Nice try FBI

Fascinated to learn more about that, if you have any good resources. That's not the typical framing we get in our US high school level interpretation of events.

I think you mean liberals

Brilliant, love it. Anything to discourage housing hoarders will be a benefit to society.

Gonna need some clarification here... are you saying that seeking an arrest warrant for Netanyahu is "stupid antics" or the Biden administration's defense of him is?

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I don't find that argument compelling at all without more of a source. As if we haven't already gone above and beyond in supplying arms and funding to Israel's government. Why should a piece of paper compel the United States to continue to unconditionally fund a genocide?
Let's not forget, Biden has gone out of his way to bypass Congress to provide further weapons to Israel. And his administration has repeatedly vetoed any UN resolutions pertaining to the situation.

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