0 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Read the other comments here, that map will be used for mob violence, too

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Nah, I can't think of anything negative happening based on a list of people, their beliefs, and addresses especially not in the 1930s

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Great way to beat fascism, just become fascist yourself!

I didn't ask a question, so there's that. Just a suggestion: maybe you should ask yourself how you will make sure that your map is not used for mob violence and how you can make sure that unvetted and outdated information doesn't hurt innocent people. Shitty ideas don't get better by good intentions.

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What's a good person

Not the person I'm replying to, that's for sure.

It's different if you control the whole supply chain obviously, that's one of the exceptions I talked about

pro-genocide Biden cultists

Go outside, take a breath, you need it

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Under Dutch law, pressuring a 12 year old into having sex repeatedly (3 times in 2 days) is fornication, not rape. Not making this up, that's actually their reasoning.

To be fair, of course Durch authorities did not ignore that he was in prison in the UK, so they did not say one month is enough, but 13 months.

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still taking Russian oil

That's a lie

Also: Germany's coal power production drops to lowest level in 60 years in 2023

Stop with that bullshit

The article is pretty well done and shows exactly why this discussion is moot. There's simply no merit to the accusation, plain and simple.

If an accusation comes from Russia and only from Russia, it's part of their misinformation warfare. That's not ad-hominem, that's paying some fucking attention.

Dude, you're the one not arguing in good faith. Take a step back.

That's wrong, he knew she was twelve before he went to the UK. Don't make shit up.

First of all, sorry this happened to you and thank you for your perspective on this.

There's a lot of possible middle ways between 13 months and life's over, though. I'm a strong believer in rehabilitation but there are some necessities, e.g. a sufficient level of remorse which he has not shown as far as I can tell, and basically zero chance of repetition, which to be fair seemingly is the case.

There are some things in my opinion that you should never be able to do as a convicted child rapist even after rehabilitation which includes being a primary care taker of children and representing your country at the Olympics.

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You're not being bullied, you're being ridiculed, big difference.

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For me, there's a difference between rehabilitation and letting someone represent your country at the olympics. Athletes don't have to be perfect but to a certain extent they are ambassadors of their country and role models.

This paired with him not staying in prison for long because the Dutch legal system is fucking abysmal is reason enough for me to celebrate that he's out.

Your pretentious pseudo-enlightened bullshit pisses me of. No, not everyone here is out for vengeance. But there's a middle ground between capital punishment and letting a child rapist go after only 13 months without them expressing remorse plus letting them represent their country at the Olympics. Travelling to another country to convince a 12 year old to have unprotected sex three times in two days, leading them to self-harm including an overdose is not "fornication", it's rape. This is not rehabilitation but a blatant failure of the Dutch justice system and society.

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AI, look at the Torso of the Harris directly behind Donald

Funny how your 3 week old account only posts about Harris, never about Trump or any other topic. You seem to have a very weird obsession with her

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“do you really want to ruin their life over this"

The problem with this statement here is that the responsibility is shifted to the victim. The victim didn't mess up the rapist's life, the rapist did. But this is not an issue of too harsh sentences of rapists but of awful training of police officers.

A child making dumb decisions is to be expected. as you are old enough to vote, you don't have that excuse.

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I mean, I like Elon

Honest question, why?

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Okay, then it's exactly what I thought. Thanks!

And this criticism of 'the greens only show up every 4 years' is in bad faith.

No, it's really not. The Mayor of Galesburg, IL, a town of 30.000 is the highest office any green politician holds in the US. This is fucking ridiculous.

By their own admission, only 130 Greens are currently in office in highly influential positions such as Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate or Cemetery Trust Fund Committee. This party is a fucking joke. And that's the party whose presidential candidate accepts an invitation from Putin.

A bar chart for this kind of data makes no sense to me as the bar doesn't really represent anything. A scatter plot is a good choice and adding a connection line for readability is imo not so bad. It should however be inverted going up to 1 and not down to 0.

He joked about finding 10-year-olds at this Olympics.

WTF? Seriously?

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I'm not American and I did vote for the green party in my country where it makes sense because our voting system is not as shitty as yours. It doesn't make sense in the US though especially with Project 2025 looming over everything.

I think you misunderstood democracy. You can vote for whoever you want, until Trump abolishes democracy that is, but you can still be ridiculed for your decision.

There are definitely use cases for battery-electric trains:

  • We have these in Germany usually in areas with low traffic. E.g. if a train line is only serviced a couple of times a day, it's more cost-effective to carry the batteries with you than to electrify the line.
  • Another use case are train ferries. They are the reason why Germany also had Diesel-powered high-speed trains for a while.
  • Another challenge in Europe is the lack of harmonization of power supplies of train lines between countries. In cross-border traffic, trains have to be adapted to work with different energy supplies. Battery-electric trains can add flexibility for these scenarios. E.g. Germany uses AC 15 kV 16.7Hz, the Netherlands DC 1.5 kV on low-speed and AC 25 kV 50Hz on high-speed lines. When a train goes from the Netherlands to Germany, it disconnects from the Dutch system and reconnects to the German system on the fly. For a moment in between, the train loses power. If the train lacks momentum or has to stop unexpectedly, the train is stranded and has to be pushed over the border by another train that is independent of the power supply.

They are all enabling drug cartels, so no, none of them are good. We can't go around and say companies if not by law are at least morally responsible for child labour and forced labour camps in their supply chain and at the same time ignore that every fucking dealer gets their shit from sources that do the very same thing. There might be exceptions for some drugs, I'm not that deep into it, but in general there is no moral way to sell illegal drugs.

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There is no proof that he is a pedophile.

Not entirely sure where you're going with this. He's not an irredeemable asshole because he might be a pedophile, he's an irredeemable asshole because he raped a child and that's indisputable.

But there's something very good about these articles: MAGAts like strength or what they think strength is and articles talking about humiliation are not helpful for Trump.

Not if your goal is to reach net zero emissions at some point

They're not?

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True, Breezy is just one example. But that's not the ones they were discussing with.

Is that remorse here in the room with us?

Just to make clear what I mean:

he said it's the biggest mistake of his life - I sure fucking hope so. This is an empty statement, of course it is.

and he has to bear the consequences - that's what grinds my gears. No, he doesn't bear the consequences, his victim does. I would like for him just once to acknowledge that there is an actual victim here and it's not him. He destroyed her life. Even that carefully crafted PR statement you posted here only ominously mentioned "those involved". He doesn't mention her, his organization doesn't mention her. He calls it a misstep and a mistake, he doesn't call it what it is, child rape.

If he were truly reformed, he would acknowledge what kind of pain his continuous presence in the public eye inflicts on his victim and others like her and would actually bear the consequences - step down on his own.

Real talk: constantly conflating child rapists with pedophiles is actually a problem. Pedophiles didn't choose their sexuality, however coming out would destroy their lifes because of how society sees them, so they don't. Which means they don't seek help which increases the risk of them acting on it at some point in their life. Even if you feel no sympathy towards them, which I get, them getting treatment is important to reduce cases of child abuse.

Hm.. let's see, we let in Hungary, there's a strong push against messenger encryption, and we kill a lot of people at our outer border. Yep, we're great.

How is that a better solution than using another messenger app?

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