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Joined 13 months ago

After blocking most of the meme subs, I find it a pretty nice place.

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No, I'm not a chatbot. I'm here to help with any questions or topics you'd like to discuss.

Probably pressured by the church of scientology

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That site is really bringing me back to my Myspace days

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If you identify as both white and Latino, yes. If you identify as white and Hispanic but not Latino, then no. [In the U.S.]*, Latino is considered a race as well as ethnic identity.

*Edit for clarification

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Yes. Supposedly it was Danny Masterson that recruited them. Some of them claim to no longer be involved with the church, but celebrities have been known to lie about that before, likely a church PR move to convince people they're totally not a cult and that people can leave any time.

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If you use Beta or Nightly, you can turn on dev tools and use a custom addon list from a collection in your user account.

Those are song lyrics. She Don't Use Jelly by The Flaming Lips

No, you're right. It would be valid for you to select Latino regardless of skin color. I'm just referring to how the US surveys are often defined. Latino is under race but there's a separate question asking whether you are Latino/Hispanic.

I have been typing my journals for over a decade. If you don't have a fondness for handwriting, then it will not make you feel any better. I find it frustrating to write by hand. It's significantly slower than my thoughts, it adds more clutter, it's less convenient, it cramps my hand, and you lose out on the ability to search your notes to help you remember events or check your progress. You don't have to use a fancy journaling app if you don't want to. I just use Google docs.

Yeah you really have to block the annoying communities. I did have to do that on Reddit too as well though. And subscribe to some nice stuff so you have a good home feed to look at when All isn't working for you.

This term has been around for decades and still, very few people know what it means. As someone who eats 0 animal products 90+% of the time, it's just easier to say "mostly vegan."

Some people will nitpick and say that I mean plant based instead of vegan but the general public knows what vegan means and do not think of plant based as synonymous with "vegan in diet only" so I'll continue to use what doesn't require a ton of explanation.

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The one thing I miss about living up north is that it actually cools down in the evenings. Texas stays around 100 degrees until about 9 pm.

My school taught it as "30 days hath September, April, June, and November. All the rest have 31, except the second month alone."

Apparently what would happen is a Republican would replace him, as of a law passed in 2021

Most of us here are diagnosed and on medication.

Yeah I've seen people recommend ChatGPT for meal planning and recipes, and it's mostly fine for common, simple recipes but it does super weird things when you ask it for something nonstandard, that has a lot of variations, or with dietary restrictions. Like it repeatedly gave me recipes with my allergens with a note to check package for said allergen and other weird things like claiming frozen vegetables take 10 minutes to roast in the oven. It's useful for certain things but it's not really intelligent.

I just wish you could do it while browsing all rather than clicking into the post.

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Is that a snoo fucking a pig

Yes, a flexitarian is a part-time veg but still sometimes eats animal products. A vegan does not consume or use any animal products for ethical reasons. If you consume a vegan diet but still buy animal products to wear, clean with, etc, then you consume a plant-based diet but are not technically vegan.

The problem with saying plant-based is that it implies "based on plants" with no rigid definition. Some people think it means "vegetarian but not vegan" or just "mostly plants." I have even seen products that contain animal products that I am allergic to marketed as "plant-based," so it's just not a good term for me.

Some people find it more comfortable than hanging fabric.

Use habit stacking to make it part of your routine. Just start doing it after you brush your teeth or whatever in the evening. You can also set a reminder with Google tasks or whatever your preferred app is.

Ooh thank you. It's on Humble Choice but I'm prone to microtransaction addictions so I think I'll skip this one.

GOP is all about stripping parents of choice. They want to brainwash kids with state-sponsored propaganda. Right now they're teaching "opposing views" of things like the Holocaust and evolution, but later they'll remove all dissenting viewpoints so all you learn is propaganda. Most schools in Texas don't even properly teach the Civil War. It's states' rights and northern aggression. Many parents have no idea when they move here, then later come to regret it.

Do they make vegan ones now or do they all still have eggs?

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Same for me. The list of drugs I tried for depression/anxiety before I got diagnosed with ADHD is very long. Treating the ADHD works better for me than any antidepressant. Most of my depressive episodes these days occur when I stop taking my ADHD meds.

I've done that a few times. I also quit smoking that way when I ran out of cigs, didn't buy more right away, then forgot to ever buy more. I started back up months later, switched to vaping, then forgot about that too when I moved the vape from it's designated spot to an area of the house I don't frequent.

I haven't played since they removed a bunch of content that I paid for. I played the hell out of Destiny and pre ordered Destiny 2 but Bungie is dead to me now.

There was a dev who said they were working on this but the app was still in early acces. I think the app was Nemmy

I do not see a way to hide them on mobile.

Ah, that's good to know. It seems their vegan products have "vegan" printed on the front label, so I'll have to keep an eye out in case they decide to carry them in the US.

How many users moved away from to another instance?

I thought that too. I bought a rocket book to make it super easy to scan and organize. But I never bothered to actually scan anything. It's just one of those things I will never get around to, so I just switched back to typing. Idk maybe ymmv if you don't have really bad ADHD like I do 🤷

I don't see that option?

Sexting minors (under 18) is illegal in most places, including California, even if they're above the age of consent.

Nah I started at 29.